I want my Mark V!

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Shang Chi 66 said:
Boys, we,ve been conned, had, hoodwinked, mislead, lied to, decieved, bamboozled!

and Mesa rears its ugly head (again). you drop your cash in a bad economy and wait like a landmine. and on top of that, you'll be a guinea pig.

what's the huge rush? this ain't Jesus Christ, it's an amp very similar to the Triaxis...
rabies said:
and Mesa rears its ugly head (again). you drop your cash in a bad economy and wait like a landmine. and on top of that, you'll be a guinea pig.

what's the huge rush? this ain't Jesus Christ, it's an amp very similar to the Triaxis...

WHATEV.......................... :x
OK ... this might sound a dumb question ...... But how does the mark V differ greatly from the tweaking you can do on a Road king? (apart from the Road King having more choices on power tubes (4x6L6 and 2xEL34))

Nearly bought a Road King .... but am now torn between that and a Mark V ...

Help !
rabies said:
Shang Chi 66 said:
Boys, we,ve been conned, had, hoodwinked, mislead, lied to, decieved, bamboozled!

and Mesa rears its ugly head (again). you drop your cash in a bad economy and wait like a landmine. and on top of that, you'll be a guinea pig.

what's the huge rush? this ain't Jesus Christ, it's an amp very similar to the Triaxis...

It's hard to argue against this...except maybe the Triaxis part. The outcome will be interesting when / if it happens.
All of my posts, I,m trying to keep it tongue in cheek, ya know? It,s been somewhat amusing. However, it is getting harded to do. I called my dealer again today. He seems to be getting a little tired of me wanting updates of what,s going on...and that,s too bad, cause you know what? As long as they,re sitting on a 1000 of my dollars, I,m going to feel like I have a right to a thousand updates if I want em!

In any event, in spite of the latest talk here of up to 9-11 more weeks, I was assured that if should still be no longer than the end of this month or so.

When I told my dealer I had heard 9 to 11 weeks from now, he wanted to know where I got that info from...I told him Mesa themselves, and about the whole delayed circuit board parts deal, etc. He said his rep as of wed., had,nt said a thing about any of that.

Now, I realize that this may have been so that I would,nt cancel my order. Which is exactly what I told him I was ready to do had he verified that it would in fact be that much longer.

Bottom line for me is this...they have until end of this month, early next month to call me and tell me that they have something there waiting for me to come and pick up...and unless it,s Scarlett Johansson and a trip to the Bahama,s to tide me over until later, it had better be a white tolex Mark 5.

Cause fella,s, I,m going to say it more one time. Why, oh why all of this conflicting info of different weeks, months? Of, "they,ve been in production", "they just started production", "they,re not in production". Will someone verifiable please just step forward and tell all of us paying customers what,s the damn deal, for real?! None of us will have to keep wondering, asking each other, comparing answers, you can believe this, I,m going to believe that. Then everyone can simply decide for themselves if they choose to wait for however long, EASY RIGHT?...and I,ll shut the hell up about it...really I will. Somebody tell me, is this asking for too much, some absolute, factual clarity to be shed on all this, or is this simply not the way it,s done?
Shang Chi 66 said:
All of my posts, I,m trying to keep it tongue in cheek ya know? However, it is getting harded to do. I called my dealer again today. He seems to be getting a little tired of me wanting updates of what,s going on...and that,s too bad, cause you know what? As long as they,re sitting on a 1000 of my dollars, I,m going to feel like I have a right to a thousand updates if I want em!

In any event, in spite of the latest talk here of up to 9-11 more weeks, I was assured that if should still be no longer than the end of this month or so.

When I told my dealer I had heard 9 to 11 weeks from now, he wanted to know where I got that info from...I told him Mesa themselves, and about the whole delayed circuit board parts deal, etc. He said his rep as of wed., had,nt said a thing about any of that.

Now, I realize that this may have been so that I would,nt cancel my order. Which is exactly what I told him I was ready to do had he verified that it would in fact be that much longer.

Bottom line for me is this...they have until end of this month, early next month to call me and tell me that they have something there waiting for me to come and pick up...and unless it,s Scarlett Johansson and a trip to the Bahama,s to tide me over until later, it had better be a white tolex Mark 5.

Cause fella,s, I,m going to say it more one time. Why, oh why all of this conflicting info of different weeks, months? Of, "they,ve been in production", "they just started production", "they,re not in production". Will someone verifiable please just step forward and tell all of us paying customers what,s the damn deal, for real?! None of us will have to keep wondering, asking each other, comparing answers, you can believe this, I,m going to believe that. Then everyone can simply decide for themselves if they choose to wait for however long, EASY RIGHT?...and I,ll shut the hell up about it...really I will. Somebody tell me, is this asking for too much? Some absolute, factual clarity to be shed on all this, or is this simply not the way it,s done?
I hear y'all and they say good things happen to those who wait! I don't mind waiting for good things, but like others have pointed out Mesa should at least give us updates that make sense. I took a huge leap of faith in this economy and put down the full $2k on the Mk V head on Jan 8th. It's getting quite frustrating since I'm looking forward to this amp so much. At the same time, the pleasure/expectations of waiting for something which is supposedly so good wanes when I know that the $2k sitting in GC's hands without my seeing any results is the equivalent of 3 monthly car payments. From a very practical viewpoint it makes more sense for me to cancel my order and take extra good care of that which matters the most i.e. family. I might just do that. I waited 3 months to get my EBMM JP6 guitar back in 2005 but I was a student then with no additional responsibilities, and that guitar is still my #1 guitar. I want to wait as long as it takes to get the MkV but sadly I cannot be as independent as I used to be anymore. I would really hate to pull my cash back since it means losing out on an early serial #, but in the long run does that even matter? Especially if the first run of amps have issues in them that a v2 has to be released, but I digress.

I'm the proud owner of a Triaxis and if the MkV is very similar to a Tri, then I'll probably be happy with the Tri, and I can use something like the Boss GT-10 to even MIDI switch the chennels and be happy with my sound. Sad but true.

Sorry for the rant, guys but this wait is frustrating as hell!
Supreeth said:
I hear y'all and they say good things happen to those who wait! I don't mind waiting for good things, but like others have pointed out Mesa should at least give us updates that make sense. I took a huge leap of faith in this economy and put down the full $2k on the Mk V head on Jan 8th. It's getting quite frustrating since I'm looking forward to this amp so much. At the same time, the pleasure/expectations of waiting for something which is supposedly so good wanes when I know that the $2k sitting in GC's hands without my seeing any results is the equivalent of 3 monthly car payments. From a very practical viewpoint it makes more sense for me to cancel my order and take extra good care of that which matters the most i.e. family. I might just do that. I waited 3 months to get my EBMM JP6 guitar back in 2005 but I was a student then with no additional responsibilities, and that guitar is still my #1 guitar. I want to wait as long as it takes to get the MkV but sadly I cannot be as independent as I used to be anymore. I would really hate to pull my cash back since it means losing out on an early serial #, but in the long run does that even matter? Especially if the first run of amps have issues in them that a v2 has to be released, but I digress.

I'm the proud owner of a Triaxis and if the MkV is very similar to a Tri, then I'll probably be happy with the Tri, and I can use something like the Boss GT-10 to even MIDI switch the chennels and be happy with my sound. Sad but true.

Sorry for the rant, guys but this wait is frustrating as hell!

I too apologize for sounding off. But supreeth, I hear ya mon! I would think that most of us here are,nt so well off that they can afford to let a couple of grand just sit indefinately, Lord knows I can,t! The leap of faith part was fairly easy, since we can be rather sure that we,re waiting for quite probaly, the amp of the year. And I don,t think that any of us are trying to appear unreasonably impatient either. If I was that way, I would have cancelled weeks ago, when I was told mid feb to early march.

As I said, I,m willing to wait awhile longer, but it sure would be nice, and courteous for some official, concrete information on the first shipment amps that most here are waiting for. I mean, what would they be afraid of if they just said, " look folks, it,s actually going to be june-july first shipment", mass cancellations? Keep stringing this, "parts delayed, it,ll be an addition 6 to 8 weeks", stuff along though, and thats what it,ll be in aminute anyway!
Shang 66, I think your so frustrated because of all these different stories as to why Mesa's late. I think you (much like myself) are scared to accept the truth in that Mesa hasn't even started production-period! Whether it's circuit board problems, or whether Will Smith is making another movie and has asked everyone to stand by and watch his phenomanal acting, only Mesa knows.

Listening to your dealer is probably not going to help much. Hell, mesa's got a phone number and guess what, they actually return your call if you leave a message-why ask the salesman what he thinks-he's a freakin salesman.

Mesa, probably doesn't care much about this Boogie board either. Even if the 5 people that keep this thread going pull out, Randall is still going to sell his amps. I think Rabies (although slightly annoying) has finally got something right. I've been a fool before and I'll probably be one again, I don't care, I just want a f#cking wicked amp, and I don't want some rack mount pre that costs the same as a whole combo.

Sorry guys, I just hate to see people get worked up over word of mouth BS. Trust no one, go right to the source.

I might eat my words, but I don't think Mesa is planning a surprise delivery of Mark V's and secretly assembling amps in the cellar. And there is absolutely nothing stopping mesa from releasing this beast in 2010 or 2009 Q4 when the economy starts to heal again.

I will jump for joy and take my wife out for dinner the day I read the first post and see proof of a Mark V owner-it will be a great day!
iFreedom said:
Shang 66, I think your so frustrated because of all these different stories as to why Mesa's late. I think you (much like myself) are scared to accept the truth in that Mesa hasn't even started production-period! Whether it's circuit board problems, or whether Will Smith is making another movie and has asked everyone to stand by and watch his phenomanal acting, only Mesa knows.

Listening to your dealer is probably not going to help much. Hell, mesa's got a phone number and guess what, they actually return your call if you leave a message-why ask the salesman what he thinks-he's a freakin salesman.

Mesa, probably doesn't care much about this Boogie board either. Even if the 5 people that keep this thread going pull out, Randall is still going to sell his amps. I think Rabies (although slightly annoying) has finally got something right. I've been a fool before and I'll probably be one again, I don't care, I just want a f#cking wicked amp, and I don't want some rack mount pre that costs the same as a whole combo.

Sorry guys, I just hate to see people get worked up over word of mouth BS. Trust no one, go right to the source.

I might eat my words, but I don't think Mesa is planning a surprise delivery of Mark V's and secretly assembling amps in the cellar. And there is absolutely nothing stopping mesa from releasing this beast in 2010 or 2009 Q4 when the economy starts to heal again.

I will jump for joy and take my wife out for dinner the day I read the first post and see proof of a Mark V owner-it will be a great day!

Unfortunately man, you,re probaly right. Especially on the "five people here cancel" comment. Because lets face it, at the end of the day, weather we ALL cancel or no, weather it,s not released until 2010 or beyond or not, eventually Mesa is still more than likely, going to sell a ton of these things in due time.

Even calling the headquarters has not gotten us any definative answers. I quess the bottom line is fairly simple. Wait & wait,...however long that might be. Or go on about your business. Doesnt that kinda make ya feel sort of insignificant and unimportant? I know that the economys bad and all, but wow...whatever happened to treating paying folks/customers with a little courtesy? Oh well...even though they are 2 completely different amps tone & feature wise, from the beginning I was also considering the Randall Nuno model, and the Blackstar Series 100. Both of which, quess what? Have also not been released yet! Why are we being treated like Rodney Dangerfields here!?

By the way, if this holdup is because they,re standing around watching Will Smith "act", they,ve really lost me as a customer, HA!
fleeced said:
OK ... this might sound a dumb question ...... But how does the mark V differ greatly from the tweaking you can do on a Road king? (apart from the Road King having more choices on power tubes (4x6L6 and 2xEL34))

Nearly bought a Road King .... but am now torn between that and a Mark V ...

Help !
Mark II C setting!
I heard they were out of White Tolex and can't get any more ... ok, that was just plain mean. Sorry Shang Chi 66. :p

Maybe it's my mid-life crisis hitting, but I'm usually the one bitching about the wait and for some reason, this time, it isn't bothering me. Obviously there is a problem since the Electra-Dyne's hit the stores already. The one at my local store is just sitting there while I know there are at least 10 pre-orders for the V. Mesa isn't going to say what is going on until after they resolve the issue... if at all. The guy at my local store is pretty up front with me and he deals with a fairly high level guy at Mesa and he said nothing about the delay as far as problems, except that there is a delay.

I put in my order on May 18, 2008... yeah, as soon as they discontinued the Mark IV I put it in. They could not accept the order until January, but Mesa was well aware they had at least one pre-order for the day they announced the V. It is paid for in full and has been for a while. The fact that some guy (that I told about the Mark V last month) is getting a combo 2-3 weeks before I get my head should be killing me, but I'm not letting it.

In a year (hopefully we will be satiated by then with our V's) we won't remember this frustration. This post isn't preaching or judging one way or the other, just an observation on what is going on and how interesting it is. Maybe that's why I'm not royally p*ssed right now because you guys are taking care of that for me. Here's to waiting. Cheers!
Mark Fore said:
I heard they were out of White Tolex and can't get any more ... ok, that was just plain mean. Sorry Shang Chi 66. :p

Maybe it's my mid-life crisis hitting, but I'm usually the one bitching about the wait and for some reason, this time, it isn't bothering me. Obviously there is a problem since the Electra-Dyne's hit the stores already. The one at my local store is just sitting there while I know there are at least 10 pre-orders for the V. Mesa isn't going to say what is going on until after they resolve the issue... if at all. The guy at my local store is pretty up front with me and he deals with a fairly high level guy at Mesa and he said nothing about the delay as far as problems, except that there is a delay.

I put in my order on May 18, 2008... yeah, as soon as they discontinued the Mark IV I put it in. They could not accept the order until January, but Mesa was well aware they had at least one pre-order for the day they announced the V. It is paid for in full and has been for a while. The fact that some guy (that I told about the Mark V last month) is getting a combo 2-3 weeks before I get my head should be killing me, but I'm not letting it.

In a year (hopefully we will be satiated by then with our V's) we won't remember this frustration. This post isn't preaching or judging one way or the other, just an observation on what is going on and how interesting it is. Maybe that's why I'm not royally p*ssed right now because you guys are taking care of that for me. Here's to waiting. Cheers!

Wow man! You have been on the waiting list!

Yeah, the frustration levels on here vary from person to person. Mine had gotten to almost, "ready to take hostages" mode...and I really should,nt let it, cause, it is what it is. And at this point, that,s continue to wait, or take your marbles and go home. I admire your middle aged zen master approach! And eventually, if we hang in there just looonngg enough, we,ll be rewarded with what most likely will be a pretty kick ass amplifier!

As far as the, "out of white tolex" go,s...I,d take it in yellow and pink polka dots right now, as long as a working amp was inside! HA!

By the way, did ya have a go with the Electradyne, and if so, what was it like?
Ha ha ha... sorry about the white tolex comment. I just had to ;-). The pink polka dot comment pretty much summed it up... I'll take anything at this point.

It's funny, when I saw the Electra Dyne the other day it didn't interest me in the slightest to plug it in. I looked at it for about 20 seconds and then kept walking. I didn't try it out. I'm sure it's still there.

Some guy brought in a Mark IV (version A) in Bubinga with an EV and an anvil case and put it on consignment for $2,000. I made a comment that he was probably going to buy a Mark V with the proceeds. The sales guy said he was going to do exactly that. It made me wonder why one would spend that much for a Mark IV (even with the wood) if they could get a Mark V for the same price? That also told me that the Mark IV prices should be coming back to reality once the V's hit the streets. It's an interesting thing to watch. That small window for high Mark IV prices reminds me of the 2 year window of when PRS Singlecuts skyrocketed and they called them "Pre-Lawsuit Singlecuts". They came back down when they started making them again even though there were some changes made to the newer models.
Yeah, plugging into the Electradyne probaly would,nt have went too far in making ya feel any better about still having to wait for your amp. I mean, I,m sure it,s a nice amp and all, but it,s not going to aliviate any gas for the Mark 5, it being a different tone, feature set, etc.

Ya know, I was thinking since my last post. Probaly what,ll wind up happening is, our amps will hit sometime right in the middle of the latest and the earliest estimated ship times...and I for one, can live with that.

Have ya thought about the cats that may get their combos first, and guys waiting for a head (like me) will still be awaitin? Talk about extra agony! Cause that,s another thing that,s still not clear. Some dealers are saying combo,s first, heads 2-3 weeks later. My guy however, tells me their store, (and all independents), will be recieving one of each the first shipment. Ahhh...they could,nt have written this up in the hollywood drama, mystery dept any better!

I,d also like to take the time during our, "Great Mark 5 watch of 09", and wish everyone here a very Happy Easter holiday! So cool to know that I,m not alone here for the wait.

If this amp is able to accomplish half of what it does nicely, it,s so going to be worth it! Peace.
I couldn't resisite so I tried the electrodyne today. Nice cleans and great little low gain fun stuff. For giggles, I cranked the gain to 11 and it sounded almost exactly like the single rectifier I had just been playing on!? Why would they stick retco gain in such a cool amp? I don't know the deal behind the elctrodyne, but maybe that was the point, but doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. I sincerly hope the markV doesn't have a recto flavour to it, or else this well be a huge waste of time for me.

I've never owned a mesa amp, let alone a mark series so I don't know what to expect except what I've read. I can only hope for the best I guess.
Thanks for the mini review bud! Sounds like it has much potenial. I would,nt see the point in the recto flavor either, but oh well, I,m sure it,s a good fit for some folks. But I,m with you, I don,t recto tones anywhere near my sound. I don,t think we,ll have to worry about that however. I,m sure the 5 will be all Mark series tone gain wise. Tight, punchy, articulate rhythm tones, and of course, the liquid lead solo sounds should be there in spades.

A Ty Tabor type of rhythm tone, and A Petrucci neck pickup solo sound, with a Lonestar clean? Man, I may not eat or bathe for days! Ty isn,t actually known for Boogie tone, besides using a recto for Dogman. But, I,m sure that I,ll be able to get something really nice of my own out of this amp.

This will be my first Boogie as well after Randall MTS stuff, a VHT, etc. And I think thats part of the allure. Your first amp by a great company like Mesa,...we're just anxious man!

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