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The Boogie Board

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  1. P

    Floyd Rose wins, now a few ??

    I hate Kahlers. They eat your tone. I've been using original Floyds (old ones, from the early 80's), but I've also modified them quite a bit. Here's some fun stuff you can do: - The Big Block mod. You know the block that bolts under the Floyd that the strings attach to? You take it out and...
  2. P

    Guitar Neck profile question

    You can also profile you're own--that's what I do. The Warmoth necks are a great place to start--since it's not part of a finished guitar you don't feel so bad about cutting on it. I have smaller hands, so I like a thinner neck. I've experimented over the years with different shapes. I'll go...
  3. P

    ADA Microcab I / II

    Convincing? Hardly. I got a MUCH better sound with even a 57. And, with the digital eq available in multitrack software any more you can do crazy eq tricks that you could never do in analog (you'd get nasty phase shifts doing this stuff in analog), so the mic position isn't anywhere near as...
  4. P

    Hurray Custom Shop!

    Just cover it with duct tape, then it'll be a Real Musicians Pedal Board (tm)!
  5. P

    Holy crap! why is this smiul satelite going for so much?!

    This is why we don't drink when we eBay!
  6. P

    1x12 or 2x12?

    The only way the bass frequencies will be canceled out is if the cabinets are out of phase. By this logic, a 4x12 would have even LESS bass, and we all know that's not the case.
  7. P


    Wow. Who peed in your corn flakes?
  8. P

    Triaxis tube options and tones

    You might trying playing with some eq BEFORE the preamp as well. Try something like a Boss pedal eq between the guitar and preamp. Do the "frown sound" thing a little . . . dip the bass and treble ends so it looks like an unhappy face. I dip the bass, but leave the treble. Also play with...
  9. P

    Mesa Studio Preamp

    The Piranha can be brittle . . . I have a few settings that are pretty brittle on purpose. I kind of like the "sandpaper" sound sometimes. I have one or two presets that are just odd sounding things--like playing over the phone or coming over a cheap AM radio. It can be fun for trying to mix...
  10. P

    worse effects demo's I ever heard (link )

    Is there therapy for that?
  11. P


    If the Hush killed your tone, you have the threshold set too high. You need to set it to where it JUST closes when you stop playing. Set it too high, and it'll roll off your treble. If you're getting squeeling, that's your pickups feeding back at high frequencies. Either cut your gain (oh...
  12. P

    200th Post

    I didn't look.
  13. P

    importance of rackmount

    There are no small gigs . . . only small players. :D
  14. P

    Unknown switch on 20/20

    DON'T TOUCH IT! That's the self-destruct switch!
  15. P

    Mesa Studio Preamp

    The bottom is tighter, the definition is night-and-day better, and the variety of tones I can get with the eq AFTER the crunch--it's MUCH more versatile. I can have a lot of gain, but still hear all the notes in the chord. It took me awhile to dial in a good tone on the Piranha. It has a VERY...
  16. P

    Mesa Studio Preamp

    I played through a Studio for years and years, first through a 50/50 and then through a 395. It has very nice tone, but for that kind of hi-gain stuff you'll need to get creative. Right out of the box, I don't think it'll really give you the tone you're looking for. In order to get that tone...
  17. P

    Tube life?

    Yes, testing one batch of tubes proves it for all tubes on the planet. :roll: I wouldn't be surprised that the newer tubes tested out of spec--it's getting harder and harder to get quality tubes. Making the things is half art and half science. I change power tubes every six months, and I...
  18. P

    Rock Band.. thought this was crazy.

    I still vote "retard." If I hear this one more time I'm going to go homicidal: "You play guitar? Wow! You must REALLY like Guitar Hero, then!"
  19. P

    Guitar Hero

    Seek medical help. Immediately.
  20. P


    Multiple heads, switched into one cabinet, would be a problem. You CANNOT run a tube amp without a load. Very bad thing to do--you'll blow something up. The two heads that were switched "off" would need some kind of dummy load to keep them happy. This is quite a bit of work, and I'm not sure...