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  1. A

    Rockatron Prophecy

    Howdy Boogie Board. So today i went to GC and picked up a Rockatron Prophecy. When i tired it out i loved the metal presets it had and the cleans. Only problem was i had 700 bucks and no power amp to push it. so being the haggling genius i am i got it down from 1.4k to .7k and got some cables...
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    triaxis with ENGL as a power amp??

    yes and no. If you plug the triaxis into the fx return slot you'd be using the traixs as a pre amp and teh engl as a powe ramp. I've down this many of time with my JSX and gt-8. however i dont think you'd be able to use the engl's channel.
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    Gibsons and Mark IV

    THey sound great. im using my LP custom with it and it sounds really smooth. however my only problem with it is that gibson doesnt shield their pickups that well, so as long as you shield them you'll be good to go. good luck
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    What to go with a Mark IV head?

    you have to buy form company but i bought mine off ebay. I really liked it compared to the old stiletto cab i had
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    What to go with a Mark IV head?

    try a vader cab. they have a really nice tight bottom end that never goes mushy or muddy. Plus construction quality is super good on them. IMO beats marshall cabs and pars with mesa cabs.
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    Mesa or ENGL?

    +1. The mark iv is an oasis of tone. Each day i find a new settings better than the last. And when i think i got the best/perfect one i get a new one thats even better. nothing better than that feeling.
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    What 2x12 cab for Mark IV?

    a vader cab imo better than recto cab. Tight and very low end response but not flabby like soem recto cabs tend to be.
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    Ibanez RG 550XX 20th anniversary

    only 1987 made. Eh i'd prefer another prestige or the older rg570. much cheaper too.
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    What do you guys use for tubes in your Mark IV? (update)

    the el34's on the sides make it more "British" sounding.
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    Ibanez RG1570

    ^Sounds like a good match with the basswood which is a neutral sounding wood.
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    How many of you boost your Mark series amps for leads?

    i use a TS-9 to just tighten up the sound a bit more. gain at a little below 9 o clock, tone at about 1 o clock and level at a little less than 3 o clock.
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    Who is your favorite guitarist?

    Paul Gilbert Goncalo Pereira( Ron Thal Rusty Cooley Mario Parga Stephen Ross John Scofield Django Rhienhardt Brad Paisley(Time warp and make a mistake with me are such good songs by him) Yngwie Malmsteen Marty Friedman Jason Becker Joe SAtriani SRV Satch...
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    Pickup recommendations

    Seymour Duncan Custom Custom and Custom 5 will work. Great pups. Another choice is the infamous jazz and JB combo, but the JB seems to be a bit trebely , but the low end on the amp should take care of it
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    Pickup recommendations

    can you tell us what type of sound you want to achieve and your current amp?
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    JSX vs RECTO

    thats if you're into cleans :P if you use no cleans at all a stock 6505 is prefect for full out gain at a "cheap" price
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    Bought!:Mark IV B head(any size, medium pref)

    bought! thanks to Joey B
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    JSX vs RECTO

    well if you purchase a 6505 now, chances are your not out for cleans
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    what string gauge and tuning do you use?!

    .09 gauge for Rg1570, rg570, and 770- normal or just eb .10 gauge for Les Paul and V(and sometimes ltd ex-400), normal or drop db .11 for schecter(sometimes .12) drop c all are ddarrios
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    JSX vs RECTO

    mr randall used alot of thing to base his designs off. and yea a 6505 is brutal. I like it better than some rectos. Its my next amp purchase after a jcm 900.
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    Bought!:Mark IV B head(any size, medium pref)

    yea i saw that. unfortunately i dont get payed until Wednesday so that head on ebay it out of reach right now. But i think im getting something(98%%sure). Oh and enjoy your prestige Rg