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  1. C

    The Official DC Club

    PM sent, I love my "little" DC-3 ;)
  2. C

    forgive me

    Just posting to say that the DC-3 is a 35 watt amp, not a 22 watt. The DC-5 and DC-10 are 50 watts and 100/60 watts (switchable), respectively. Otherwise, a solid rundown :)
  3. C

    Played my DC5 on 6 and 7!!!

    Glad to hear it! I'm surprised you aren't deaf or anything :lol: I've turned up my DC-3 (the little brother, I suppose :wink:) to about 2 and 3 or 3 and 3 in my bedroom, and I almost had a heart attack. I mean, the floor was shaking like crazy :lol: Can't wait to gig somewhere where I can really...
  4. C

    Wow, how are these things so freaking loud?

    Sorry to bump in, but I have to say: OH MY GOD. Holy crap that is loud :shock:.
  5. C

    Pull two of the EL84s out of a DC-3 to halve its Wattage?

    Aye, you can just snip it and yer done. On mine, I just have the four mounting screws on the top, and 2 reverb wires on the bottom left. Not sure about yours as some have a center bolt through the back--that needs to go, too.
  6. C

    Pull two of the EL84s out of a DC-3 to halve its Wattage? Original: Basically, you know how the output knob works on the DC-3 currently: 1-2 requires superhuman hearing 2.00001 = Monstrous volume jump 3 = Max 3+ = ??? By...
  7. C

    we all missed it.

    It's a small world after all :P
  8. C

    if you had a choice, a .50+ caliber or a DC-5...?

    Apparently, the shared EQ's make the .50 hard to get a good clean tone with a good lead tone. The DC's separate channels solves that problem. That was my main reason in getting a DC.
  9. C

    50 caliber question

    Nice thread hijack :P All the DCs I've ever seen had the toggle switches. The difference lies in the back. Old ones had a rotary switch to toggle the EQ footswitching. The newer ones have a toggle. That's all I've really noticed, not too much of an expert ;)
  10. C

    Who here DOESN'T use the "Classic V" grapic EQ set

    I use more of a "W" shape. I started out using the "Classic V," but I was mainly screwing with the high gain metal sounds. After I had my fun with that, I found myself gradually decreasing the range of the V. Finally, I just put it in a slight W shape. This is what I use for a Gilbert/Vai/Satch...
  11. C

    Rebuilt my iic+

    Ugh, the before pictures both appalled and saddened me. The afters though...that's a clean beast :)
  12. C

    New DC-3 Owner Here & New Forum Member..UPDATE!

    Here's the link to the original: Here's the link to a recent discussion. There's some pictures in there that show the resistor in the newer DC-3s
  13. C

    DC-3 Question (probably bad tube; need confirmation)

    Sigh, people just don't take good care of other people's stuff. Thanks for the advice, though. :) Those were the only switches I wouldn't let her flip ;) Edit: I opened her back up and swapped the weird looking EL84 with the one beside it. Now it's fixed. Or perhaps ya just can't really tell...
  14. C

    DC-3 Question (probably bad tube; need confirmation)

    Alright, I'm pretty pissed about this, but here goes. Two nights ago, a girl from our old high school came over. She got drunk, and kept coming in my room. I was trying to take a quiz, but y'know, I just let her stay for a bit. Then my drunk roommate comes in and complicates things. I just...
  15. C

    Smothing DC-5 and an output master problem

    Just remove the 4 mounting screws on the top of your amp and the chassis will slide out. Be sure to deal with the wires, though. And if your metal bar is still on the back of the amp, take it off (obviously). Turn your amp off with your standby up and be sure to unplug it. It's not that...
  16. C

    Smothing DC-5 and an output master problem

    Jeeze. I've been meaning to do this ever since I got my DC-3. I've never messed with the guts of tube amps before so I was a little nervous before. I was bored today and have been following this thread for a couple days. I finally broke out the tools (screwdriver and scissors! Hah!) and did it...
  17. C

    noisy 50 caliber +

    When I got my amp (it traveled almost 3,000 miles), it was making a weird clicking noise. Long story short, it turned out one of the EL84s got a little unseated during shipping. Just check for any loose tubes, wiggle them a little bit to get them into their sockets. Mine clicked when it went...
  18. C

    Last year for the DC5 ??

    I called Mesa some time ago, and if I remember correctly, the DC series was made from 1994 to 1999.
  19. C

    Everyone post your Boogies!!

    Just got her last Tuesday.
  20. C

    Clicking noise

    I found the culprit. I woke up this morning and wiggled the power tubes. One of them move a wee bit, and I nudged it back into its socket. Bye bye clicking! Thanks for the help guys *distributes pats on backs* I'm such a tube newb :P