Clicking noise

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Jul 7, 2007
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I just got my DC-3 today. It's in excellent condition, but a minute or two after I turn it on, it makes a clicking noise at varying tempos for 5-10 minutes, then stops. Any idea what this is? It's in the same room as my computer, but that wouldn't explain why it stops after a while. There aren't any electronics around it. Any idea what this is and how to resolve it? Any help would be appreciated.
I had the same problem with my DC-3.

I ended up replacing the Power Tube Sockets. They were old and crappy. I had cleaned & re-tensioned them about 5 times before I finally got mad enough to crack it open and do the job right.

One of the Filament legs on one of the Power Tube Sockets was physically broken.

A week goes by, no noise. I am patting myself on the back.

All of the sudden, at band practice, the noise comes back.

I found that V4 was microphonic. I swapped it out, it was a brand new TAD, and the noise has been gone ever since.

Here is how you can troubleshoot it:

1. Check to see if any of your power tubes are leaning or not seated properly. Careful, THESE BUGGERS ARE HOT!!!!!!!

2. Change V4. Even if the noise happens in both channels. V4 is the 2nd & 3rd gain stage of the Clean channel.

3. Change each Preamp Tube 1 at a time with at least 1 known to be good tube. Like I said, the tube that I replaced was brand new and sounded great for a few days.

If none of this helps, you might have to take it in for a checkup.
Thanks for the help guys, I'll check with the current tubes first. It was shipped from the northwest corner of the US to almost the southeast corner. I could understand if a few tubes got knocked loose. I'll poke around. I'm a little afraid of removing the chassis (never worked with a tube amp before). Could you give me a rundown of what I should do? Thanks :)
I wouldn't remove the chassis.

Take the metal bar and the wooden piece off of the back.

Flip the amp upside down.

You should be able to see inside the tube sockets that way and easily change them out 1 at a time.

Be careful not to let the amp get knocked over.

Also, the tubes will get hot. I use an old T-shirt to help remove the old ones if they are hot.
I found the culprit. I woke up this morning and wiggled the power tubes. One of them move a wee bit, and I nudged it back into its socket. Bye bye clicking! Thanks for the help guys *distributes pats on backs* I'm such a tube newb :p

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