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  1. S

    is noise normal when using reverb at moderate levels?

    ... that would be because they don't have reverb at all
  2. S

    2 channel Rev F vs 3 channel

    so I guess turning one volume knob right down and flicking the pickup switch back and forth is the 'hillbilly killswitch'. :D
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    2 channel Rev F vs 3 channel

    +1 In a nutshell, versatility. I guess I could get the pushed cleans and buttery solos from a boost and/or overdrive, but I just don't want to go down the tap dancing route. Cheers
  4. S

    Sexy Trem-O-Verb

    Totally see what you mean, it creates a nice contrast that stands out. Cheers.
  5. S

    Sexy Trem-O-Verb

    Nice :D I'm usually a black cloth kinda guy but that looks great!
  6. S

    Roadster Clips!

    Very nice, totally rocking the Tremonti vibe there :) I'd kill for tone like that :twisted:
  7. S

    Dual Rec TONE HELP

    Good stuff :D
  8. S

    Dual Rec TONE HELP

    I took from his post that he was happy with the amp and that a 6505 sound was what he was trying to dial in at the moment, not necessarily what he bought the amp for. Anyway +1 to blazers advice. Cheers.
  9. S

    Got me a Trem-o-verb and would like some settings

    Sorry, should have said I completely re-tubed recently. Problem occurred before and after. Cheers.
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    Grainy pictures of my wall o' Mesas

    Holy F*#&ing S*#t :!: are you sure you didn't put up the pics from your local boutique dealer by accident? Very nice :D
  11. S

    Got me a Trem-o-verb and would like some settings

    Yeah I have the same issue with my Tremoverb. I dial in a nice full thick chunky sound on the red channel and after a while it goes sort of boxy and flat sounding. If I turn the amp off with it setup nice and sounding great it can sound completely different when I turn it back on next. I'm...
  12. S

    NAD! Mesa Tremoverb w/ Mesa 2x12!!

    Very nice :D I wouldn't be without my Tremoverb, versitile and still plenty of grunt. Nice cleans too! Enjoy :wink:
  13. S

    Wampler Triple Wreck: does it come close?

    Holy F :!: those demos sound good! In fact I listened to demos of a bunch of Wampler pedals and have to say I'm pretty **** impressed with them all. Cheers.
  14. S

    I'd like to thank Mesa for the Roadster!

    Nice, I always said if I had the money I'd buy a Roadster (alas it's never been the case). Instead I 'settled' for a used Tremoverb combo but I have to say my only complaint with it is it hasn't got 4 channels :D Cheers.
  15. S

    rectifier trouble update. (fixed)

    Can't add much to this except to say my tremoverb had the same issue; after an hour or so of moderate volume playing the tone thins out and volume drops. Replaced 3 and 4 with chinese tubes and good to go. A shame though, because the chinese tubes do the same thing, thin out the tone :? Cheers.
  16. S

    Can I max all the dials on my DR?

    +more rofl I would love to see/hear that video :lol:
  17. S

    Dual recifier tone - too treble-y

    I think before the Uberschall came into the picture he would run the bass full on the triple rec. Cheers.
  18. S

    Trem-o-verb clip for you guys

    Awesome, thanks :D going to try that out as soon as I get home from work Cheers.