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May 28, 2010
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Hey I just picked up a dual rec a few days ago (the 2010 model) and the tone is great and all. But what i'm really trying to get out of now is a 6505 tight "metal core" sound, devildriver, as I lay dying, I also love the killswitch engage tone. (i know there are people who really hate this so please save the effort of flaming it) I have a ts9 for boost, and yes I know this is not the best choice for boost but its all I have. So if anyone hes some serious help it would be very much appreciated. Also if its any help my guitars that I use mainly have EMG HZH4 and HZH4A's in them. Thanks

on a side note i'm even thinking about changing to a 6505 as much as I don't want to but if I can't get the tone i'm after I have to. So if you guys can help with this I will be the happiest man alive :)
If you really want 6505 sounds you should pick one up, no sense trying to make one amp sound like another. There are quite a few threads about tightening up rectos. It sounds like you already have a boost pedal. Turn the gain down and the output up to boost your signal. Other than that I would say run full power, diode rectifier, modern mode. Watch your bass, people tend to want to put the bass to high and get a really flubby tone. Also running el34's might get you a more focused tone. This should get a little closer.
So you bought a Dual Rectifier to try and achieve the tone of a 6505? Wtf?

Sell your Recto, buy a 6505, and use the remaining cash to buy an OD808.
^Agreeing with the other two posts...no point to try to make an amp sound like another...just buy the other one :wink:
Ya, why buy an amp if you want to sound like another amp? Haha, speaking of which, I'd have an ElectraDyne head right now if I had cash to swap my Dual.
Hmm, I thought Killswitch Engage did use rectos (And 100 other amps) and they CAN do a tight tone with the bass down, boost, etc etc. What is the guitar you are using? Have you thought about your playing technique? That can really REALLY influence tone too. I know plenty of guys that find the Dual tight enough for metal.

Still, if you play another amp and you are trying VERY hard to wipe the stupid grin off of your face, get that amp instead! You shouldn't HAVE to like a certain amp just because everyone else does.
I took from his post that he was happy with the amp and that a 6505 sound was what he was trying to dial in at the moment, not necessarily what he bought the amp for. Anyway +1 to blazers advice.

I just spend the last 6 hours trying a dual, triple and, 6505 out all of them and the 6505 gave me the stupid grin that i just cant drop :) so its what ive got now thanks for the advice. The new triples if anyone has not has the pleasure of playing one its an amazing amp :)
mgdmp5 said:
I just spend the last 6 hours trying a dual, triple and, 6505 out all of them and the 6505 gave me the stupid grin that i just cant drop :) so its what ive got now thanks for the advice. The new triples if anyone has not has the pleasure of playing one its an amazing amp :)

Good stuff :D
Man that was a fast turn around. I didn't han have an opportunity to ask what type of cab he was using. The Recto over sized are little boomy. A smaller cab like the Stiletto cab or like size should help tighten the amp when combined with EL34's and an OD out front.

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