Can I max all the dials on my DR?

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Well-known member
Oct 6, 2007
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How loud can I crank my rig (3 ch DR + 4 x 12 Recto cab) without causing any damage to the amp or speakers? Can you crank all the knobs to 10 and suffer no problems (except for the bit in the manual where it says don't crank the gain and treble controls simultaneously).
Lets see...your in Australia? Yeah go ahead, we might hear it a little over here in America though.
Cheers. Apart from a Spinal Tap inspired desire to explore some childish stupidity, I was wondering if I could damage my rig through excessive volume. Seems that I can't :D
Be careful of stability problems, especially with the gain, treble, presence, master and output level all cranked at the same time. If you get whistling noises or sustained feedback (not from the guitar), or weird mushy loss of volume, turn down - the amp is self-oscillating (outside the audio range if you can't actually hear the feedback) and that can sometimes cause damage.
Good luck. If you do this, it will just squeal as all the tubes go microphonic. The sound will be identical to cranking the volume on a P.A. and holding a live mike in front of the speaker. A picnic short of a sandwich, ain't we? :lol:
This reminds me of back to the future :lol: Might I recommend some earplugs while you're at it. I can respect a players desire to give the amp a run on 11 just because.
That would be an awful sound. I cranked my Recto at the half way point once and it was so fuzzy and broken up sounding I cringed.
Perhalps a good power attenuator would keep you from damaging anything. However, dropping $250 on a decent one of those for this purpose doesn't make much sense either. :idea:
I guess a more sensible (but less fun) question would be "What are the higest combination of master and gain settings you have used?"
I've tried all the preamp knobs (G/T/M/B/P) up full on my Tremoverb, and it works fine as long as you don't have the master above about 3 o'clock, when it becomes unstable. But that's with the loop on and the Loop Active Master quite low... I haven't tried it at higher output volume yet. The tone with the preamp maxed like that is quite interesting, in a sort of overblown Neil Young way :).

No harm in trying it - just listen out for odd noises and turn the Master and Output Level up last (in that order) and it will be OK.

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