Wampler Triple Wreck: does it come close?

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I just got one today. I've only gotten about 30 minutes playing time, and unfortunately it was at low volume. But my first impressions are that it's really convincing, much better than anything else I've tried. It has thick, solid bottom end, sizzle than can be dialed in or out, and lots of gain. I'm planning to use it as a pseudo-fourth channel with my Mark V.

In the past, I'd tried an R3FX Dual Resistafier and a Blackstar DistX in attempts to get a "Boogie in a Box". The Dual Resistafier was too weak in the bottom end. The DistX was really good, but when I got my Mark V, I tried it through the clean channels and found that it sounded weak compared to the amp's distortion. This pedal, however, on my first impression seems really to be a Dual Rectifier sound in a box.

I'll report back in a few weeks when I've had more time with it.
Holy F :!: those demos sound good! In fact I listened to demos of a bunch of Wampler pedals and have to say I'm pretty **** impressed with them all.

Those of you that have gotten a Triple Wreck lately, how is it sounding after the honeymoon is over?

There are still many many YouTubes of this thing and most all of them quite favorable. Seems like this product may actually be as good as the hype.....
I use mine on the clean ch. of my recto pre, really helps tighten it up. Of course, as with most distortion pedals, an eq in front of it helps a great deal. (both sides even better) It allows you to get that super low, deep, gutteral grind without flubbing as the recto seems prone to do at times. (esp. when tuning in C Standard) Overall I'd say it does it's job really well and if you're looking for the recto tone without buying a recto this would be the ticket. There some other boutique offerings out there that appear to have potential as well.
Heritage Softail said:
Those of you that have gotten a Triple Wreck lately, how is it sounding after the honeymoon is over?

I still think it sounds really good, but I don't end up using it that much. Once in a while I crave a recto tone, and then I plug it in, but otherwise I leave it off the board.
Still loving mine. It's on my board now. Works well in a band setting. My 10-band eq makes it much better!

It's good but it like one reviewer said, you won't throw out your other high gainers.

I use it more than my F-30's contour channel nowadays because of teh good tone I can get at low volumes.
I just traded mine away. It sounded good, but I wasn't using it. I'm getting an ADA MP1 in trade. Pretty cool!
Anomaly said:
They're asking too much for $$ for this pedal isn't? anyone tried Tech 21 US Steel and AMT R1?

nope! it's worth every money i spent. i love it so much on my f-30!

Here it is in a band setting. I'm not using my f-30 amp here though - just a Marshall MG100 in the studio.

Anomaly said:
They're asking too much for $$ for this pedal isn't? anyone tried Tech 21 US Steel and AMT R1?
Depends on your view of it...if you look at it as just another pedal...perhaps. But if becomes a central part of your overall sound then it's a relative bargin. I stand behind mine 100%.
shredmaestrobri said:
Anomaly said:
They're asking too much for $$ for this pedal isn't? anyone tried Tech 21 US Steel and AMT R1?

nope! it's worth every money i spent. i love it so much on my f-30!

Here it is in a band setting. I'm not using my f-30 amp here though - just a Marshall MG100 in the studio.


time to sell my Dual, get one of these . . . AND An Electra Dyne!

Just kidding, I have a Dual might as well keep it but man, that pedal sounds good. I generally hate stomp boxes but that thing is legit!
I interchange running it into the clean channel of my Studio or my Recto Pre's with a huge amount of success. Though settings change dramatically between the two set-ups.
YellowJacket said:
shredmaestrobri said:
Anomaly said:
They're asking too much for $$ for this pedal isn't? anyone tried Tech 21 US Steel and AMT R1?

nope! it's worth every money i spent. i love it so much on my f-30!

Here it is in a band setting. I'm not using my f-30 amp here though - just a Marshall MG100 in the studio.


time to sell my Dual, get one of these . . . AND An Electra Dyne!

Just kidding, I have a Dual might as well keep it but man, that pedal sounds good. I generally hate stomp boxes but that thing is legit!

yeah don't sell the DR! But do get this. It's a fun pedal. Been getting great comments on this. I've been experiencing this phenomenon of people watching us then after playing will go near my board and look where it's coming from. Even a none guitarist did this. It sounds amp-like to the point it's rude! lol!

But yeah, it's not the real thing. It helps though to have this for practices or small gigs.

Another one, this time with my 7:

Lately have been contemplating shelving the Recto Pre and just using the Studio Pre w/ the Triple Wreck when I need that tone. Being that my power comes from 50/50's it's somewhat of a wash anyway in relation to the Recto tone. Don't get me wrong, I've always really liked the Recto but it waould be less to deal with for a bit...an experiment perhaps.
Two songs from my band Il Nomine Patris (www.facebook.com/INPMetal)

Hate Zenith- http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=600104064566

Will You Accept Me - http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=600104084526

Used Triple Wreck for both with some mids from the 10Band EQ and on my Mesa F-30.

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