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  1. H

    Looking for the best overall tube?

    If money is not an issue, go with NOS like the previous poster said. But if you're considering new production tubes, I've tried the new production Tung-Sols, "Groove tubes", Sovteks, Svetlanas, Mullards, Chinese 9th gens, and JJs and can give you my opinions. Out of those, I actually prefer...
  2. H

    always disappointing

    One thing to try, in terms of opening up the lead sound, is to turn down the Drive knob. Running the lead gain at 8 pulled and the drive at 8 sounds awesome for single note leads IMO, but adds a TON of compression. Too much compression can be counter productive for low frequency crunch, like...
  3. H

    AMP TESTS (Roadster Combo)

    In my experience, I've found that A/Bing amps at guitar center can be a bit of a crap shoot. Usually, they are connected to different cabinets, and speakers play a big role. But equally important is the volume issue. Usually, its tough to really crank it at GC. And even if you do, you can't...
  4. H

    It seems like I'm looking for a recent Mark IV

    +1 on the used head option. The 1x12 combo has 2 problems: - its heavy (minor) - the 12" EV speaker may be loud enough for use in a band, but I end up using a cab because the single 12" just doesn't sound very good at high volume. Yeah, its rated to 200W or something so it won't "fail" but...
  5. H

    Bright mark iv.

    I have a mkiv revA combo with a EV speaker, and in general I find it to be a slightly dark amp, especially on the lead channel with no GEQ. But I have found that if the room its in has wood or tile flooring and brick /masonry walls, it can sound a bit bright, which I usually resolve by lowering...
  6. H

    Mark IV has way too much treble

    I'd recommend fixing the amp - it may just be that the three pots are bad. OR, it could be a complicated set of problems that has taken those tone controls out of the circuit. If this is the case, the problem could be seriously affecting the tone. Replacing those pots is a pretty simple repair...
  7. H

    What amp suites me? (Poll)

    It really depends on whether you are considering lead tone or rhythm. The bands you listed tend to have an open/loose/saggy rhythm tone that is typical of Dual Recs (and their descendants - RK, etc). However, the tight lead sound of some of the bands you listed will be better matched by a mkiv.
  8. H

    Who else feels that their mesa is very heavy? (weight)

    The short mkiv 1x12 combo is deceptively heavy. Its a small package, so sometimes I think I can carry it in one hand, a pedal board bag on my shoulder, and a guitar in the other hand. Then about halfway up the inevitable staircase I realize just how heavy the mark is.
  9. H

    Triple rectifier tone problems

    mrd - killer tone, man. What tubes are you running in your class A sockets? Volume 9.5 and master 8 is definitely uncharted territory for me. I've never heard R2 sound so good! I usually associate that kind of tightness and swirl with the Lead channel. To the original poster - my opinion is...
  10. H

    Mark IV clean channel is dirty

    +1 on getting the caps replaced. I've been told that this should be done about every ten years or so. I've had a similar experience to Axis39 - swapping preamp tubes can really help, and they're pretty cheap. Buy one or two new 12AX7s (or NOS if you've got the $$$) and experiment. Tweaking a...
  11. H

    Mark IV vs. vht pitbull 50 CL

    Being a mkiv owner, I'm somewhat biased. They are great amps and very versatile. And I think for the kind of music you listed, the mkiv will work well, mainly because it can sound more "vintage" than a vht. You will hear a distinctive "early-90's" sound with a mkiv that can easily be morphed...
  12. H

    6L6? 6L6 & EL34?

    As far as my mark iv is concerned, I prefer EL34s in class A, but the simul-class option is pretty cool for a "richer" tone. I have tried the following 6L6s in the simul-class sockets: JJ, Mesa STR-440, Groove Tubes branded, and SED winged C. Of those, I prefer the Mesa STR-440s for...
  13. H

    Mark IV, new Tubes - Mark II agression! :)

    +1 for the SED winged C EL34s. In my other amps, I've been using the winged C 6L6s for years, and I just happened on a pair of EL34s. The winged C 6L6s have quite a good reputation (and well deserved), but nobody talks much about their EL34s. I find them to sound significantly different than...
  14. H

    Mark Iv Question

    If you decide to go with a Mark IV, my advice is to buy a head, not a combo. I have a mkiv 1X12 short combo that I will probably end up buying a head shell for because it is SO heavy. And, honestly, I'm not a huge fan of the single 12" EV black shadow sound. Every cabinet I've tried with it...
  15. H

    KT-77s in a Mark IV?

    As to your last question, I tried JJs in V1-V3 in my Mark IVa and was disappointed by the tone. I would call their tone "dark", but not in a good way. I associate that tone with single 12AX7 tube distortion pedals. For new production 12AX7s, I've had good results with Tung-Sols. I'm currently...
  16. H

    Tube Question!

    I use a mark iv, so it may be slightly different than the mark iii you are considering, but anyway I'm a huge fan of the MOP album. The power tube combination that (to my ears) sounds most like the MOP tone is 4 6L6s in simulclass (with the class A's in triode mode). Now, in full power, this...
  17. H

    eurotubes high gain

    In my mark iv, I've tried lots of different new production preamp tubes. I found the JJs have a unique tone that I do not care for, and do seem to darken the sound substantially. To my ear, the JJs seem to have less gain than the C9s (which I am currently running in V1). Tung Sols (which I use...
  18. H

    good thourough tech in ventura area?

    If you don't feel like going all the way down to Hollywood, there's a place called the Tone Garage in Oxnard ran by a guy named Jay Collison. I had him do some work on my Mark IV. He fixed a problem with the channel switching system that involved fairly major work, including replacing lots of...
  19. H

    Marks and Gibson Burst Bucker Pick ups OK?

    I have a '97 LP standard in which I installed a Burstbucker ("Alnico V") in the neck position, replacing the 490R. For clean tones, I think it sounds amazing with my mark iv. However, I find the tonal complexity of the Burstbucker in the neck position to be a bit over-the-top for a saturated...
  20. H

    for all you fans of EARLY mark IV's...

    Here's MKIV #234...amazing what you can find in a college town for $700.