Who else feels that their mesa is very heavy? (weight)

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The short mkiv 1x12 combo is deceptively heavy. Its a small package, so sometimes I think I can carry it in one hand, a pedal board bag on my shoulder, and a guitar in the other hand. Then about halfway up the inevitable staircase I realize just how heavy the mark is.
at my bands last rehersal space, we practiced in a studio that had basically nothing in the engineering room.

There was a back door that was chained and locked, and we had no key.

we had to lug all our gear up 2 flights of stairs, through an office-building type setup all the way to the other end of the building, then back down 2 flights of stairs. that was real fun. :lol:
I own a DC5, and it has NEVER convinced me (or anone else carrying it)that it's anything *other* than a heavy amp. :)

Mesa's are heavy amps because they're what real men play. Hmph.
Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 11:23 am Post subject:


I think my 2C+ Coli head weighs 60 plus pounds..will have to get the scale out
-I am a full figured guy, so no biggy
-I remember the old days of loading out my marshall 4x12-had to bear hug that sucker and go up and down steps at the various apt. complexes I lived in..any of you cats have to do that..?neighbors just stare..of course, those were the greenback days...no way I am doing that with the ev loaded halfback 4x12..noooooo
-gotta love the thieles!

Ya i am not full figured as i am thin teenager so both the head and cab is hell. Thankfully i have my studio on the bottom floor so that makes an easy move to the car but lifting it into the car sucks.
AustinK said:
Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 11:23 am Post subject:


Ya i am not full figured as i am thin teenager so both the head and cab is hell. Thankfully i have my studio on the bottom floor so that makes an easy move to the car but lifting it into the car sucks.

Alternate arms for carrying gear . Stretch first . Endurance workouts will benefit your head and your playing . Balance ..... :D
Koprofag said:
Whenever I move any of my stuff I fear my back will snap. I'm only 27 but don't have much juice left. Simply lifting two bags out of the car, maybe 15 kg each, may give me back pains for weeks. And we're talking the LOWER back here which disables me completely from walking or even getting out of bed. :cry:

I get this maybe once a year. I'm pretty strong, the kind of guy that pushes 80 kg (180lbs) in bench press without training. But my back problems are a combination of being overweight and 6'4 tall I guess, because it's hard to "lift with your legs" in a society made for people around 5'7. Hell, I can't even chop onion at average kitchen height without getting a tired back! :roll:

But it's not all about weight. Anyone can lug around a 25 kg (55lbs) travel bag without serious problems because the weight is spread out and you can put it down without bending. A 27 kg (60lbs) amp, on the other hand, is bulky and need to be lifted. And the weight is more focused making it much heavier than it really is.

But hey, at least I'm not a Hammond organist. :lol:
I feel you. I'm 25 and for the past 7 or 8 years I've been experiencing back pains.

I also get pains from stupid everyday activities like washing the dishes or trying to work on something while slightly bent over.

and...it ALWAYS seems that the day of a show is the day I wake up with extra pain. :?
No joke, this is relevant for the musician who has to haul his gear from place to place, especially from trunks of cars: work out. Really. I'm not talking about heavy iron or triathalon workout, but the so-called "core strength" workouts are essential, especially as you age ...yeah, I'm, oh, oldish :)

FWIW, I have had to lug my gear for many years ...weighty Boogies while pals had those lightweight Peavys, Crates, or SS Fenders. I've learned four essential things:
- hurt backs take forever to heal
- avoid pain by being accutely aware of "how" you lift
- if someone offers help take it, even if you are 25 and feeling invincible.
- strengthening your back, abs, and shoulders go a looonnng way in affording you longevity. Sorry if this is unsolicited advice ...feel free to ignore me (I'm used to it, I have kids).

edward said:
feel free to ignore me (I'm used to it, I have kids).


Now thats funny. :lol:

I have a 19 year old 6' 4" Son that can only hear if I'm standing over him with a baseball bat.
Girls here ...and I have to threaten phone priv to get the eldest one's attention (not quite a bat, but same net effect :D )
Parenting isn't for cowards :)

AustinK said:
feel free to ignore me (I'm used to it, I have kids

No man i am not like most other teens that don't care about anything else but themselves. Thanks for the advise.

Hey, I was just being flippant ...I certainly didn't direct that comment to you or to teens ...more a comment on my teen. I could, however, see how it could be interpreted as such, and so my most sincere apologies.

But do consider about my advice regarding working out, even mildly. I have peers my age who regret not keeping their bods in tune ...neglect or damage is cumulative. Then you get to be my age and it "can" get to be too late. I am also very serious about accepting help when offered. You're young and body is in great shape, but the back is a very strange thing and easily put out of whack by the strangest things sometimes ...like lifting 67lb amp out of a low trunk. Take care, bro!

Dont recall if I mentioned it in this thread or not but I am opting to change the speaker in my Mark III Combo for tonal as well as weight concerns.

I'm taking the EV out (close to 20 lbs) and replacing it with an Eminence Legend V128 which is 8 lbs. It should make a considerable difference in what picking up the amp feels like.

I also tried a Jensen Neo in it and if I hadnt liked the Legend better would have put it in there. Its even lighter and sounded pretty darn good.

The Legend is rated at 120 watts which shouldnt be a problem and the Neo is 100 watts I believe. As long as I'm not just diming my amp (which I wont be) I shouldnt have any power exceeding problems.
you know...i knocked on wood last time I posted in this thread.

guess what happened to me last night?

back went out. or...a pinched nerve.

getting out of bed this am was just about impossible. I can barely get around.

wont be making practice tonight. :?
Good luck with your back. Played in my last band for over 5 years with my Mark III full size head, and a Marshall half stack with 3 EVL speakers (top speaker double wired), and no casters. There were gigs where I had a hard time just managing to push my half stack into the back of my Tacoma. Haven't played a live show in the last 8 years, but for some reason I just added casters. Oh well.

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