Mark IV has way too much treble

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Well-known member
Mar 3, 2008
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Saylorsburg, PA
is it just my amp, or does anyone else experience this?

Im a tone freak....always tweaking it. I currently stopped running my BBE because, while clearing up the tone, it adds WAY too much high end.
I cant use my independant lead eq, something is wrong there. so Im stuck with only the 5-band, which works fine, but ...i knock the high end down a lot and i just cant seem to dial in a smooth enough tone lately.
If i understand correctly.............are you saying the Treble Mid and Bass controls for the lead channel don't work???

If that's the case I believe you are looking in the wrong place to fix the problem. The Mark IV, IMO, tends to be dark compared to, say, a Marshall or Fender but the amp can be made bright after some EQ adjustments. What I recommend is to get the amp working 100% if something isn't right.

yeah... if anything my Mark IV is too dark sometimes and I have to brighten it up. I run it dark now since I have my C+ for bright tones but I'd look into fixing your amp.
yep. the Lead channels separate eq knobs dont work at all.

Is this something I should just take to a local tech or send to Boogie?

I have to repair a backup amp before I go sending my baby off.
bryan_kilco said:
yep. the Lead channels separate eq knobs dont work at all.

Is this something I should just take to a local tech or send to Boogie?

I have to repair a backup amp before I go sending my baby off.

Only take it to someone you know/trust or that comes highly recommend from other players in your area. If you can't find anyone then the best answer would be to send it out to Mesa and have them do the repairs for you.

Give Mesa a call and see if they can help diagnose the problem over the phone with you.

I would definitely take it to a Mesa dealer unless you know a really good tech. The Mark IV is really complex to work with from what I hear
JimAnsell said:
post your settings.
ahh lets think...
this only pretains to my lead channel.

Gain/Drive - 7-8
Pull Fat

Presence - normally 6-7, lately 3-5

GEQ - semi "V", mostly flat.

Lead Volume - 3

Master Out - 2
I'd recommend fixing the amp - it may just be that the three pots are bad. OR, it could be a complicated set of problems that has taken those tone controls out of the circuit. If this is the case, the problem could be seriously affecting the tone.

Replacing those pots is a pretty simple repair. If you wanted to go the cheap route, you could have a local tech simply replace those for you (or do it yourself) and see if the problem is fixed. The parts should be less than $15, labor less than $50.

If this does not fix the problem, send it to Mesa for sure.

(EDIT: After looking at the schematics, it seems very unlikely that all 3 pots went bad. I would just send it to Mesa - you may have a short in the preamp circuitry, or some other nasty problem that requires serious expertise.)
It seems as though you deffinitely have a hardware issue there, however I run a mk iv combo on top of a thiele and my sound tends to be bright also. I will use my lead channel settings.

treble 6.5
Bass 2
Mid 5.5
Gain 8 pulled
Drive 7
Presence .5 not pulled
no eq

I have always thought this amp was bright. Its surprising to me that people think its dark....
wads3 said:
It seems as though you deffinitely have a hardware issue there, however I run a mk iv combo on top of a thiele and my sound tends to be bright also. I will use my lead channel settings.

treble 6.5
Bass 2
Mid 5.5
Gain 8 pulled
Drive 7
Presence .5 not pulled
no eq

I have always thought this amp was bright. Its surprising to me that people think its dark....
it could be the (difference in) tubes that everyone uses. It could also just be my finiky ear. I always thought it sounded great, then I started getting crazy and trying to achieve the best sound that will hit the audience....and I realized my tone was way too bright and fizzy. I can make up for the lack of lead indepedant eq with the 5-band, but its just not the same.

I run SimulClass and Mid-Gain, forget if Pentode or Triode.

Tweek it some more. You should not be having this problem. I think it may be something in your chain that's adding to the unwanted frequencies.
fpoon said:

Tweek it some more. You should not be having this problem. I think it may be something in your chain that's adding to the unwanted frequencies.
well, I run 4 rack units in FX loop. Tuner, BBE, Furmn, and 31-band eq.
I never use the 31 band, I now barely use the BBE cause it takes away vital mids and adds too much high.

I really cant hear the tone from the audiences perspective.....but when I kneel down to ear-level with cab, and im about 5-6 feet away, its very trebel-y.
Turn down the presence, the 6600 slider, or the treble. If the treble takes away some of the gain then just dial in more Drive. Full power also, imo, gives it a much more "full-er" tone. If it's still too treble, which it really shouldn't, then add some bass frequencies which is the 80hz. Remember that scooping the 750 slider too much can also make it sound too thin with alot of high frequencies. Pickups can also contribute to this problem you're having.
well I know how to eq and tweak the amp. it just seems too bright and buzzy. maybe its just the Mesa raunch...I dont know, ive owned this amp for about 2 years and am starting to have second thoughts.

last night at practice, i turned treble down some more, presence almost 0, and dropped some gain and drive. it seemed a bit better in the mix.
Let me see if I understand this.......
your EQ knobs are defective, and your amp is too trebly? Come on, man - get it fixed. Thats the only solution. If you want half-baked solutions, try putting some carpet or a piece of curtain in front of the speaker to muffle the treble a bit.
stoz said:
Let me see if I understand this.......
your EQ knobs are defective, and your amp is too trebly? Come on, man - get it fixed. Thats the only solution. If you want half-baked solutions, try putting some carpet or a piece of curtain in front of the speaker to muffle the treble a bit.
i KNOW i have to get it fixed!! :lol: I cannot afford it right now. I honestly dont know why I even made this thread....I know enough about the amp to tweak it...I just thought I'd get some outsider opinions.
Or...should I say "insider"? :lol:
stoz said:
Let me see if I understand this.......
your EQ knobs are defective, and your amp is too trebly? Come on, man - get it fixed. Thats the only solution. If you want half-baked solutions, try putting some carpet or a piece of curtain in front of the speaker to muffle the treble a bit.

I was wondering if anybody was gonna catch that part :roll:

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