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Jun 15, 2008
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I just called the guitar center in towson,md where i ordered my mark 5 from. They said that Mesa has halted production on all Mark 5 heads and he has no idea when it will resume. I'm very pissed, and even more so because i hear this amp is not good for metal like the mark IV is and that is the only reason i am buying it, and i will be even more pissed if that is true when i finally get it in 2011!!! :twisted:
That sucks (assuming they have it right regarding Mark V production) but I can't imagine anybody who likes the Mark IV not finding this to be a good amp for metal.
Not sure about the halting of production...but as far as metal goes...look here:


I don't think the MK V will have any trouble playing metal
I,m not going to jump the gun until I get more info about this latest delay.

But if this is in fact true (and applies to first pre-orders), those folks (Mesa) won,t be getting any money from me. I verify this, I will be cancelling my order immediately!

I was one of the first people to order this amp, and like others, have been beyond patient & understanding to this point...but there does come a time for anybody, that enough is enough.
WretchedESP88 said:
I'm very pissed, and even more so because i hear this amp is not good for metal like the mark IV is and that is the only reason i am buying it, and i will be even more pissed if that is true when i finally get it in 2011!!! :twisted:

Why would you be interested in buying an amp that you assume is not good for the type of music you play? You should be excited that the Mark IV's that everyone creams over are popping up all over craigslist at very good prices. I'm not a metal player - but I'm pretty sure the Mark V amp can stick the metal up yer *** just the way most people who play metal like it. :wink:
Try getting a combo? I am waiting for fractal audio to refund my money so i can pick up my combo from the store here in va.
Until I hear this from multiple sources, I am calling shenanigans.

My local store talks with Mesa several times a week and they haven't mentioned any further delays or changes to the Mark V Combo's or Heads arriving end of the month for them.
My rep called me on Monday and they were trying to overnight my Mark V to me, so I don't believe the hype about stopping production. Unless something happened this week.
They build amps in 2 week 'swings' so to speak so maybe that's what he was saying? Meaning they are building Roadsters for the next two weeks or something? I highly doubt they are halting production altogether...
im just telling you guys exactly what he told me today, i have no reason to make stupid **** up. And for the guy who questions why i am buying this amp when i recently heard they r not great for metal is because i have a mark iv and i love it and i thought this would be the mark iv only better, and i ordered it back in january before i heard all this **** about it not being the greatest for metal. And shenanigans, i have no reason to make **** up, im just relaying a message that may be true.
WretchedESP88 said:
im just telling you guys exactly what he told me today, i have no reason to make stupid sh!t up. And for the guy who questions why i am buying this amp when i recently heard they r not great for metal is because i have a mark iv and i love it and i thought this would be the mark iv only better, and i ordered it back in january before i heard all this sh!t about it not being the greatest for metal. And shenanigans, i have no reason to make sh!t up, im just relaying a message that may be true.

I don't think you are making anything up. I think your source is mistaken is all. I hope you get your amp very soon!
Brownhog72 said:
My rep called me on Monday and they were trying to overnight my Mark V to me, so I don't believe the hype about stopping production. Unless something happened this week.

If you don,t mind saying, what state do you live in? And you,re waiting for the head right?

I,m in Mi., and I was told sometime next week for mine!
Shang Chi 66 said:
I,m not going to jump the gun until I get more info about this latest delay.

But if this is in fact true (and applies to first pre-orders), those folks (Mesa) won,t be getting any money from me. I verify this, I will be cancelling my order immediately!

I was one of the first people to order this amp, and like others, have been beyond patient & understanding to this point...but there does come a time for anybody, that enough is enough.

Honestly and I'm not saying this to start anything, but Mesa has been as consistant and true to their customers as any amp builder out there. So i dont see the point in making a big stink about a delay on one of the first few runs of the initial release of their newest amp. Trust me, in any production environment the manufacturer likes delays even less than you do... that costs them money and holds up everything else behind it. Even if the delay is true, I'd bet my Roadster that its to getting everything perfect so as to live up to their highly regarded QA dept.
WretchedESP88 said:
im just telling you guys exactly what he told me today, i have no reason to make stupid sh!t up. And for the guy who questions why i am buying this amp when i recently heard they r not great for metal is because i have a mark iv and i love it and i thought this would be the mark iv only better, and i ordered it back in january before i heard all this sh!t about it not being the greatest for metal. And shenanigans, i have no reason to make sh!t up, im just relaying a message that may be true.

Dont believe everything you read and hear by word of mouth... trust your ear and decide for yourself if it can/can't do metal. I myself have played the head through a Mesa Recto cab and know it can do metal as well and in my opinion better than the mark iv... and thats not a shot at the mark iv, I just find the Mark V more diverse with the different voicing options. Also I had a very special person show me around the amp... and this guy knows tone and metal.
MusicManJP6 said:
I don't think you are making anything up. I think your source is mistaken is all.

I have watched employees and coworkers of mine flat out lie to customers about products they are sick of talking about for a laugh. A shenanigan if you will.
jdurso said:
Shang Chi 66 said:
I,m not going to jump the gun until I get more info about this latest delay.

But if this is in fact true (and applies to first pre-orders), those folks (Mesa) won,t be getting any money from me. I verify this, I will be cancelling my order immediately!

I was one of the first people to order this amp, and like others, have been beyond patient & understanding to this point...but there does come a time for anybody, that enough is enough.

Honestly and I'm not saying this to start anything, but Mesa has been as consistant and true to their customers as any amp builder out there. So i dont see the point in making a big stink about a delay on one of the first few runs of the initial release of their newest amp. Trust me, in any production environment the manufacturer likes delays even less than you do... that costs them money and holds up everything else behind it. Even if the delay is true, I'd bet my Roadster that its to getting everything perfect so as to live up to their highly regarded QA dept.

Some good points well taken. Thank you. And this is probaly a moot issue anyway. Like I said, I was,nt going to take issue with this, unless I confirmed it to be true with my dealer. At which time, if I deemed this alleged and, latest delay to be unreasonable, I would cancel my order.

Of course, you,re absolutely correct about them wanting everything "perfect" before they,re shipped. No one wants dozens of defective or suspect amps out there, everyone loses with that.

However, one does get to the point of "how long is this going to go on"?

Yes, take the time to get it right by all means. But...get it together, and ship these amps to folks who have put money down...and have been waiting, being patient for weeks not past the due date, but the due, dates , for months now.

Again, hopefully this whole thread will be for naught, with Christmas in may for some folks in the next week or so. :D
They build amps in production runs. It's likely they just finished the first batch of V heads. I don't know how many amps that entails.

I'll call my rep on Monday and see if I can get us some answers :)
So what does this say about eveyrone who has gotten combo's already? Theyre defective?
WretchedESP88 said:
im just telling you guys exactly what he told me today, i have no reason to make stupid sh!t up. And for the guy who questions why i am buying this amp when i recently heard they r not great for metal is because i have a mark iv and i love it and i thought this would be the mark iv only better, and i ordered it back in january before i heard all this sh!t about it not being the greatest for metal. And shenanigans, i have no reason to make sh!t up, im just relaying a message that may be true.

I also "hear" that if you wear your hat on backwards it means you like to hump water buffalo. A lot of people "hear" a lot of **** but they don't go running to the internet and makes stupid news about it.