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  1. 4

    Ver nasty problem with Quad

    The problem occurs only on Lead 1 There's this 'nasty' sound under my tone, it's like a constant wish wash of white noise. It sounds pretty disgusting. And then whenever Lead Drive or Treble is dialed up beyond 6 or 7, there is a shitload of squealing and peeping going on, the ugly sound I...
  2. 4

    rocktron chameleon and mesa 20 / 20

    Not everyone has the need for a full blown poweramp.
  3. 4

    Mesa/Boogie Tri-Axis clips : website.......................

    As in the real Billy? :) Cool. Some nice clips on there!
  4. 4

    Mark IV question

    Hooking up a cab will be possible. Though I find it's A LOT easier to haul a head + cab(on wheels) around than it is to haul around a 2x12 combo (which will break you friggin' back)...
  5. 4

    v30 compared to c90 or c80

    Which is why a guy like Hetfield, for instance prefers v30's as well. His big v-scoops work very well with the added midrange of the v30's, they round each other off and make for a nice sound.
  6. 4

    Quick tone test vid of my MarkIV

    Is the same petejt from the metclub boards? Anyways, it must've been the camera and the chorus, because that didn't really sound good.
  7. 4

    Allan's Resolve -- features the Boogie Mark IIb 60 watt head

    Definitly not true! I was on a break. Listened to it, and apart from being a REALLY great song, the tones were nothing less of amazing. The greenback seemed to fit this extremely well. I could listen to this music all day or all week for that matter. You're a great player. I was definitly...
  8. 4

    Video: How the Studio preamp compares to Randall XTC & M

    The Studio sounded much fuller and beefier than the rest and more articulate. The bass response is still unrivaled in Mark series to my ears.
  9. 4

    IIC+ Coliseum GUT SHOTS!!!

    Hmmm, four 6l6's (outer slots, 1 & 2 and 5 & 6) and two el34's (inner slots: 3 & 4), normally.
  10. 4

    UH OH, I May be Changing Amps...

    I'm sure you'll love the sound, Ryan!
  11. 4

    How does petrucci get that.......

    The rhythms are Mk IV and the leads are a boosted IIC+, the leads sound nasally (in a good way), give away.
  12. 4

    anyone have any mark I clips?

    Thanks so much for sharing! really appreciate it, I saved those settings. :) Yeah V30's will get an MK I, especially with the browner sounding Orange cabs, they've got a great response.
  13. 4

    anyone have any mark I clips?

    WOW! I LOVE your heavy rhythm tone on rapid eye movement and on tango. Exactly the dirty bluesy kind of thing I've been looking for. Care to share some settings?
  14. 4

    Mark III and IV videos..

    You f'in betcha! 1 Week left 'till the axe gets here! And then it's jamming time bro. :) 8)
  15. 4

    Mark III and IV videos..

    Groovy clips! Seriously cool. :)
  16. 4

    Harvester of sorrow Studio.22+ clip!

    Yup. I can get a Hetfield tone out of a crate, since I spent so many years emulating him to a T, even the way his pinky moved while galloping and whatnot. It's taken me years to grow some proper technique now, but I can still go back to the "hetfield" picking when the mood takes me.
  17. 4

    Harvester of sorrow Studio.22+ clip!

    Too much gain going on. So many people try to get the Metallica IIC+ sound but can't seem to get it. The main reason lies in the playing style, most people play it too reserved. Hetfield had a very strong attack.
  18. 4

    How does petrucci get that.......

    If you want that classic JP chug-a-chug... JP said he'd dial it into what his tone was going to be and then always DEcreased the gain a little bit. He played with the minimal amount of distortion he could get away with, to keep the rhythm tight and reactive. His explanation was that it had to...
  19. 4

    Studio Pre into Mark III Power Section???

    The Studio is indeed almost exactly like the IIC+, power output section aside. Check out Schnarf's much enlightening post about his call to Mike B.
  20. 4

    IIC+ mod to Quad?

    Could you make some clips? Especially from the effects out / normal out A/B? You've got a 20/20, right? (this is Mhgny_JP from JP forums btw)