IIC+ Coliseum GUT SHOTS!!!

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Well-known member
Jul 31, 2006
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Ok, I got some gut shots of a IIC+ Coliseum... not mine. Just thought you might like to see them. By the way, what's up with the third jack underneath the chassis?




Why does it have six preamptubes. My markIII coliseum only has five. Or am I seeing something there isn't
yes..but must thank you for posting those pics...joey was able to decipher that the carpet in your posted pics matched those in the auction..so we knew that was the amp-no one bid and I live 70 miles away-took a chance,but those pics helped solidify my thoughts on it-he told me he was sorry he did not post better pics...I said "NO!you did GREAT..best auction I had ever seen!!"there is one more of these in the Birmingham,Al area-the guy wanted to buy this one and use BOTH in his rig....ouch
Glad I was able to help. :D

Yeah, Joey actually contacted me about those pics, and I confirmed the + mark and Mike B.'s initials as well as the serial number. (I asked the seller a few weeks ago about some additional pics)

Congrats, man! :D
thanks_I was getting ready to do battle for the head on ebay right now,and this was sort of a last minute deal-I certainy thought it was going to go for more than I could afford,so I turned my attention to the other one-when Joey and gts informed me about this one,and Phyrexia told he he had seen it,I figured why not?thanks,my Board brothers!!
the extra preamp tube has to do with the driver/phase inverter circuit they used in the older coliseums. The mark 2 coliseums used a 6FQ7 aka 6CG7 as the phase inverter and there is an extra 12AT7 (mine has a 12AX7) as a buffer tube before it. I think this was supposed to provide more drive for the power tubes for more clean power. The mark 3 coliseums have a typical single tube phase inverter driver set up so one less tube. Here is a pretty good write up of it http://homepage.mac.com/mesaboogie/IIBHead.html

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