UH OH, I May be Changing Amps...

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Well-known member
Jun 5, 2005
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...To either a Studio Pre & 50/50 set-up or a Mark IV.

I just bought a Studio Pre that I have been running through the power section of my Mark III+ and low and behold it sounds better to my ears than the preamp in my III. Very similar but the Studio has a more clear and open feeling lead tone and one of the most beautiful cleans I have ever heard. I am very impressed so I have a 50/50 coming to pair it up with to see if this is the magical combination.

On the other hand I am a huge Mark IV fan so I thought I might pick one of these up at the same time and test it out along side the Studio-50/50 and III+ and the winner will have a permanant home in my guitar room.

Now if I could only get my hands on a fully loaded IIC+ at the same time I would have the ultimate tone test going on!!!
I've owned two different Studio Pre's and they are the sh!t. I just hate rack set-ups. I know, it's silly but I'd rather just have a head.
scottcrud said:
I've owned two different Studio Pre's and they are the sh!t. I just hate rack set-ups. I know, it's silly but I'd rather just have a head.

Funny, I'm starting to get back in to racks these days so its not such a bother for me. I have a rack effects system so it would be nice to consolidate with a rack amp set-up.

There is this notion out there that a head will sound better than a rack set-up but the Studio Pre has got me hooked.
scottcrud said:
So when is that 50/50 coming in? I know my Studio Pre sounded Crushing with my old 2:90.

Got off ebay so not until later next week at best. I will post some clips of the Studio-50/50 against the Mark IIIC+ when I got it all in house.
reo73 said:
Funny, I'm starting to get back in to racks these days so its not such a bother for me. I have a rack effects system so it would be nice to consolidate with a rack amp set-up. There is this notion out there that a head will sound better than a rack set-up but the Studio Pre has got me hooked.
My current setup is a combination rack & head W/D/W setup. I use a Mk IV shorthead with a six space rack. I plug into the Mk IV which feeds either 4-10" or 2-12"cab (depending on volume needs) for the center dry signal, the slave out of the Mk IV then feeds the efx which feed the 50/50 power amp which drives a pair of Boogie 1-12" Thiele's (EVM-12L). It sounds excellent.
I used a 50/50 with a Studio pre ages ago, and thought it rawked until I did the Studio with a 395. The 50/50 was GONE that same day. If you can find a 395, you will NEVER get rid of it.
I recently bought a 295 Simulclass to go with my Studio Pre and it is a very nice pairing. A couple of good things about the 295 is the output section is supposed to be close to a iic+ and they can be found for relatively low cost. I paid $325 for mine. My 295 has the 562003 output transformers which I believe is the same spec as the iic+. The downside of the 295 is the size and weight. BTW I do have a fully loaded iic+ and I am smarter than to get into which is better the iic+ or the Studio Pre/295 set up. I will say I like them both and I am keeping both.
phaboo said:
I used a 50/50 with a Studio pre ages ago, and thought it rawked until I did the Studio with a 395. The 50/50 was GONE that same day. If you can find a 395, you will NEVER get rid of it.

This is my exact setup--Studio into 395 into Roadready 4x12 loaded with V30s. It rules.
I was a 15 year Studio Pre user. I sold the rack 2 years ago to simplify my setup and went to a MKIV combo.

Both rigs are fantastic. I don't think you'll be dissapointed by either.

i also got a stdio pre a few months and modded it to IIc+ specs.

compairing it my mark iv, the pre has more fenderish cleans, looser feel in the lead channel but really searing gain.very smooth. Mark iv has very tight lead channel.im running the pre thru my 92 dualr rec power section.
bunyok23 said:
i also got a stdio pre a few months and modded it to IIc+ specs.

compairing it my mark iv, the pre has more fenderish cleans, looser feel in the lead channel but really searing gain.very smooth. Mark iv has very tight lead channel.im running the pre thru my 92 dualr rec power section.

Do you have a schematic showing the changes to the pre to bring it to iic+ specs. I would be interested in this. Also what are your impressions of the before and after your mods. Any help on this is appreciated.


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