Allan's Resolve -- features the Boogie Mark IIb 60 watt head

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Well-known member
May 29, 2007
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Allan's Resolve

a melodic rock instrumental...

Features the custom cream strat with bill lawrence pickups, and a Mesa Boogie Mark IIb 60 watt head, head, into a roland closed back 1x12 cab with a celestion greenback. miced with a combination of sm57's and ADK hamburg mics.

the bass, is an ibanez srx500 thru a sansamp bass di, into a A Designs Audio MP-1 mic preamp, into a dbx compressor, thru a digital convertor, to the recorder.

Drums are by Brent Dacus.
Very, very nice! It's got class, taste, great tone, it's original and very well produced. What more could we ask for!
thanks for listening....
glad you liked it!


the mark 2b is particularly different sounding, to my ears, than any of the other boogies...

i had the chance to play thru an original mark I, back in the day, and i always thought if i could have just a bit more of this and that, with channel switch, it'd be perfect for me... then the mark2b came out, and there it was.

i played the 2c+, but it was just not the same thing... didn't like it as much...

then i really dug the mark 4 series, and almost sold the 2b to fund the 4 purchase, but decided i liked the more vintage-y vibe from the mark2b more than the more modern sound of the mark4-
tho, i'd love to have one for all the other tones i love.

i've never taken to the rectifier sounds, but i do like the lonestar clean, and the el34 stilletto gain sound........
i think that'd be the next boogie i'd buy!

thanks for listening!
i get the impression, that folks here are not wanting to comment on tones made by 'vintage' boogie gear...

is this true?
Definitly not true! I was on a break.

Listened to it, and apart from being a REALLY great song, the tones were nothing less of amazing. The greenback seemed to fit this extremely well.

I could listen to this music all day or all week for that matter. You're a great player. I was definitly hearing some Timmons in there. Hope you don't mind, but I'm stealing some licks. :p

It's depressing at times, when I just think to myself how no new amp can get this good a tone. Your IIb was singing man, it was singing. Perfect break-up, perfect sustain, perfect cleans, perfect leads. This was 100% my kind of tone, just perfect! Lush, thick, creamy, beefy, articulate and singing. The harmonics just seem to be flying off it, it's truly awesome.

Key word here is: PERFECT! :)


Seems like there was a lot of production, but you can hear the amp shine through. Would you mind sharing your settings? I'm going to note 'em down and emulate them on my quad, I want that lead sound!

cool man, i was hoping at least a few more folk would get to check it out, before it fell off the map.

i so dig modern tones, but if i had to pick only one signature tone, i'm drawn to the vintage sound more.....i mean, hell, people are still building 18 watt marshall clones!!!

how vintage is that!

but, i like the boogie sound for sure.....that's why i've held onto this amp for so long, while others have come and gone....

i DO like the greenbacks, with the boogie.
the boogie is so smooth, and the greenback offers some crunch back into the formula.

andy timmons, you know, i never knew him during my learning period...... and didn't really come to hear him til well after danger danger....
but what i HAVE heard of him, he's a killer player for sure.

as far as MY licks, steal as many as you like! they're just a mixture of everything else i ever stole from!LOL

the IIb, i think, is highly underrated. that's why i like to let people know what it is, when they listen, and have turned many many players onto it over the years, some of whom went out and found their own.....
some haven't liked it tho, and that's why it's a good thing mesa's got so many good flavors.

i'm pulling this one soon, to put something newer up..
last bumpage
Sweet tone, great playing. You really didn't use a boost anywhere??
Could you please post your settings
hey PMB

thanks for reviving the thread!


i honestly don't know at this moment..
i change my settings for almost every single track i do....
strictly on the fly, of the moment, i have no 'stock' settings..

best as i could say, on this one, it'd be lead channel, no eq, vol 1 on 7, treble (pull) at 7.5, mid at 4, bass at 0, master just below 2, lead drive at about 7, lead master (pull) just below 2.

on the solo (melody) track, i had a Barber Direct Drive SS pedal, set for a little above unity, and just about neutral on the tone setting, and a bit of drive to push the signal a bit hotter....
so yes, there is a boost of sorts, on the lead tracks...

i had a DG Stomp effects pedal in the FX loop, and set for a bit of 'tape' delay.
might have added a bit of ambient reverb on mixdown, but not sure about that....

thanks for inquiring.
by the way, nothing about this song was an attempt to sound or play LIKE allan.....

it was simply my song ABOUT allan!

he was simply the inspiration of the song.

when my left hand fingers grow about 4" longer each, THEN i'll be ready to tackle ole A.H.


serious about the fingers thing, tho, i met allan, in '97 or so, and had a beer with him at the bar after the gig, and when i shook his hand, it was like shaking hands with an orangutan.
no *****!
I hope you leave this up for a while, I'd like to listen to it more. (You could maybe even send a sound file via P.M.)

I like the more vintage style sound you got with the Mark II a lot too. A lot more of a range in expression IMO than a typical blazing metal sound, though that can be fun too. I hope you continue deeper into a prog vein, at least from time to time. That's a synonym for "real art" and imagination (to me anyways).

thanks for listening.....
if you'd like the mp3 via something like 'yousendit', i'd be happy to..

the vintage sound.....IIB..... yeah.... it is.....vintage.

and it's not as forgiving as a more modern high gain thing....

it allows for a lot of expressiveness...

i find when i play rectifiers, i can only really dig in..... and can't pull off nuanced licks.
i LIKE the rectifier sound, for that specific thing....
but if i had to pick....... well, i already have!

prog stuff......
well, for several years, it's ALL i did... i've got reams of cassettes from the tascam days, of all weird time sig stuff, odd tones, cool riffs, and the ONLY PEOPLE who ever wanted to hear it, were other guitarists!!
go figure.........................

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