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  1. B

    Anyone damaged a C90 speaker?

    I doubt Mesa would install a factory speaker that couldnt handle what the amp could put out. it would be stupid to put a 5year transferable warrantee on something like that. :)
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    Avatar 4x12 vs Mesa 4x12

    egggcelent point!! ...........oh I get it ........trolling hahahahah...
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    2x12 extension cabs ... any differences.

    the recto cabs will have V30's in them instead of C90'ss all three cabinets will sound different because of the open back, 3\4 back and closed back. bass response gets bigger and tighter as you move from open to closed back. a closed back is also more focused. and an open back is...
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    Avatar 4x12 vs Mesa 4x12

    I personally am in the market for a 2x12 and I have been reading and searching and researching for the right deal. there is something to be said about all three of the cabs mentioned. the boogie and the avatar cabs are made very well, and use simular materials, I have seen marshall cabs made of...
  5. B

    MXR 10 band EQ.

    man I am glad the secret is out!! I almost felt guilty putting an eq in my loop but there are some inherant boogie mid frequencies that need a little tweaking to my ears. I use my GE7 very subtley in the loop. of course i didnt go to the eq until I had spent tons of time tweaking the amp towards...
  6. B

    LSC w\EL34's last night, WOW!

    oh no, my boogie sounded better, he was so jealouse of the clean tone he swore that next time he was bringing his Mark III out. I am using a strat, jb mini humbucker in the bridge and singles in middle and neck. guitar straight in. I do use a boss GE7 eq in the loop. I pull the mid down just a...
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    LSC w\EL34's last night, WOW!

    I played out with the EL34's in my LSC lastnight and wow it sounded fantastic!! the other guitar player in my band was drooling!! we both loved the clean and the dirty channel. he plays a marshall dsl 50 and we play classic hard rock. it was a perfect pairing the two guitars sounded better than...
  8. B

    LSC or LSS?

    I thought ALL boogies have fixed bias, unless you mod them.
  9. B

    LSC or LSS?

    the Yellow jackets actually turn class a\b amps into class A amps. here is a link, check it out its pretty cool.
  10. B

    WTB Black Lonestar single 12" cabinet

    how about a 410? with Jensens?
  11. B

    Yellow Jacket-'Triode' even less power than regular YJs!

    thanks man! its amazing how versital the LSC is. I love it! and now we can turn it into an LSS. all those ppl out there with the LSC\LSS delima should just get the LSC and they can turn it into what ever they want. I love it! I am running EL34's in mine at the moment and it kills!!!
  12. B

    LSC or LSS?

    I have recently learned about the THD yellow jackets witch allow you to put EL84's in the LSC. so this means you can put 6L6's for fender\boogie tones, you can use EL34's for Marshallish tones, you can use 6V6's for \fender delux tones and you can use EL84's for Vox\LSS tones. with that being...
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    LSC or LSS for backline

    those amps sound very different, if you are used to getting "your" sound out of the LSS then you should stick with it to remain in your comfort zone. but if you want a bigger fuller sound go with the LSC if it doesnt scare you to go live with a different beast. I guess if you get the luxury of a...
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    ElectroVoice EVM-12L for LSC?

    cool thanks, I think the c90's tend to be darker then a v30 or I guess as you have said the EV. the LSC I fell in love with in the first place had a v30 in the cab and it had that nice sizzle on the top end that made me lose my worries about ch 2 having enough gain and crunch. I wonder if...
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    LSC-EV EVM 12-L YES!!!

    so how does it sound on channel 2. how does it sound with distortion?
  16. B

    ElectroVoice EVM-12L for LSC?

    so the EV sounds great on cleans, how about distortion. how does it handle channel 2?
  17. B

    Differences between 5:50 and LSC?

    yeah the LSC can truely rock, where people have a hard time is turning the bass knob wayyyyyy down and the treble wayyyy up. for those of us that grew up with independant tone arrays as opposed to the stacked interactive tone arrays of the more expensive boogies, we are used to cranking the bass...
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    I love my LSC!!.... and I have some tone suggestions for ya.

    boy did I luck out. I got a great deal from a good fella on craigslist. he had a 50/100w LSC head for 850.00! a great deal on its own, when I asked him if he would ship he said sure, do you want it in the head cabinet or the 1x12 taurus black combo cab. I asked what he would charge to ship them...
  19. B

    Great SRV & Mick Taylor tones using LSC channel 2

    I dont think its keith on the long lead outro of can you hear me knocking, tell me if I am wrong but it sounds way to refined to be him. about the gain on channel two, I think the advertisements for the LSC are miss leading, when I got mine I was worried about channel 2 cutting the mustard...
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    Tweed mode on Lonestar's problem (panic now)

    you can tell the difference also my looking at the power light, the jeweled red light on the front grows dim when tweed in engaged. .....I thought it was interresting. :lol: