Yellow Jacket-'Triode' even less power than regular YJs!

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Charles Reeder

Well-known member
Feb 21, 2008
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This posting is is an 'offshoot' of several recent ones about using Yellow Jackets (or similar devices) and EL84s in a Lone Star 'Classic' (using 6L6s/EL34s) to get a little less output and/or get that 'squishy' EL84 sound.

'rustyvandewege' posted about his great results with the 'Yellow Jackets' in his LSC. Several of us 'chimed in' with our stories. 'Rusty' told about getting his at 'Tonetronix' because everyone else was back ordered. I checked them out and they offer a much wider selection (or at least they bother to feature it) than any other suppliers.

Anyway...I noticed something VERY interesting. They may have been offered for quite some time (and I just didn't know it) but that's beside the point. What is of interest is that they offer several Yellow Jackets that 'run' the EL84s in 'TRIODE'-Mode...rather than the 'PENTODE'-Mode I was familiar with.

What does this mean to us? Well for even less power (but with tone) we can buy a pair of these 'Triode'-Yellow Jackets and put them in the outside 2 tube sockets of our Lone Star 'Classic'. On the 50-watt setting we would then get about 8 to 10-Watts total output rather than the 15 to 20 Watts we get with the regular Yellow Jackets!

This might 'ease the envy' some of us who own the 'early version' of the LSC feel towards the newer LS with the 10-watt option. It 'WILL NOT' give us the 'single-ended' sound that the actual LSC with 10-watt option does (as it will be running in 'push/pull' mode) but it will certainly get us close (volume-wise)!

This is certainly another great example of the versatility and great options we LSC owners enjoy. I HAVE NOT tried this yet...I just became aware of the 'Triode-Yellow Jacket'; but you can be sure I will try them fairly soon!

If any one else 'beats me to the punch' (or has already tried these) please post your impressions.

To every one; be VERY CAREFUL to order the proper Yellow Jacket-Triode Adapters which are specifically set up for use with 6L6, 6V6, EL34 tubes etc. I 'think' the JYSD Triode set is the one we need to order...but I advise 'double-checking' with the supplier before ordering.

Cheers: Charles
thanks man!
its amazing how versital the LSC is. I love it! and now we can turn it into an LSS. all those ppl out there with the LSC\LSS delima should just get the LSC and they can turn it into what ever they want. I love it!
I am running EL34's in mine at the moment and it kills!!!

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