The right PRS for a Recto...

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wastoid said:
jdurso said:
it has to do with the way my hand lays when palm muting those chugga chugga riffs. the bridge on my ESP allows me to mute alot easier since its the tonepros stoptail... that extra length of string between the bridge and the tail piece is not existant on a trem which makes it a little awkward for me (but i could adjust my playing to it). also the trem brdige sits so **** close to the guitar whereas on my esp the stoptail is elevated slightly which again lends itself to comfort for my playing. so it has nothing to do with staying in tune and its not something the tremol-no can fix
The extra length at the back doesn't matter; it doesn't affect where position where the strings slide over the bridge. The scale length is going to determine where you're palm muting, regardless of the bridge type. So maybe what you were experiencing when you tried and disliked a trem was just a difference in scale length? As someone else pointed out earlier in the thread, most PRS are 25" scale length with a few exceptions (one of which is the 513 actually) so it may feel a bit farther back to you regardless of whether or not you get one with a tremolo or a fixed bridge.

As for it sitting close to the guitar, that's just a setup issue. You have some leeway to raise the knife edges so it will float higher if you like.

i think what it comes down to is being used to one and not the other. all i've ever known is the tonepros stoptail so my palm muting was developed on that setup. going to something like a trem is like night and day (at least for me) and would take some time to get used to, but thats not such a bad thing. as for the extra string not making difference i'll have to disagree based on playing guitars with the tonepros and ones with the trem.... that area with the extra string plays a big difference in the way it feels when i play palm mutes. again it just comes down to what feels comfortable to me.
jdurso said:
as for the extra string not making difference i'll have to disagree based on playing guitars with the tonepros and ones with the trem.... that area with the extra string plays a big difference in the way it feels when i play palm mutes. again it just comes down to what feels comfortable to me.
well I'm not going to deny that the feel is different. Every bridge feels different. I actually can't stand the PRS fixed bridges because the string seats spike into my palm more than I'm used to from Gibson style tune-o-matics.

I was just saying that in no way does the extra bit of string somehow push the bridge forward nor does the absence of it push the bridge backwards, which is what it sounded like you were saying. But I do still think that you can get really close to the feel of a fixed bridge if you used the tremol-no (thanks for reminding me what it was called) and get the guitar setup how you like.

I'd say just get the Custom 24 and get used to it, but I'm biased since I have beein gasing for one myself. :) Be sure to post pics if you get one!
wastoid said:
jdurso said:
as for the extra string not making difference i'll have to disagree based on playing guitars with the tonepros and ones with the trem.... that area with the extra string plays a big difference in the way it feels when i play palm mutes. again it just comes down to what feels comfortable to me.
well I'm not going to deny that the feel is different. Every bridge feels different. I actually can't stand the PRS fixed bridges because the string seats spike into my palm more than I'm used to from Gibson style tune-o-matics.

I was just saying that in no way does the extra bit of string somehow push the bridge forward nor does the absence of it push the bridge backwards, which is what it sounded like you were saying. But I do still think that you can get really close to the feel of a fixed bridge if you used the tremol-no (thanks for reminding me what it was called) and get the guitar setup how you like.

I'd say just get the Custom 24 and get used to it, but I'm biased since I have beein gasing for one myself. :) Be sure to post pics if you get one!

i'm also a big fan of the tune-o-matic too. its just feels like home playing a guitar with one. i actually was thinking of taking the emgs out of my ec-1000 and throwing in a hfs/vb setup and then in a few months just get a mira for a more vintagy sounding guitar. i'm definitely not in a rush and i've learned if your patient you usually end up with something great.
ok so a little update :D .... so i found not only "the" PRS but "THE" guitar i've been looking for. I just played a McCarty Rosewood (solid Indian Rosewood neck) and OMFG. I played it through an Express 5:50 (awesome amp with unbelievable cleans), a roadster, and something this GC just got in, a RKII combo in the Red Croc (one of the best looking amps ever).

anyway i played a bunch of PRSi including a regular McCarty Limited Brazilian, Custom 24, Custom 22, CE24 and finally the last one was the McCarty Rosewood which i almost missed because it was high up on the wall. I thought it would sound the same as the regular McCarty with the brazilian fingerboard but boy was i wrong.

First off the feel of the neck is what i always wanted... fast, smooth, and the neck profile fits my hand like a glove. i never knew what a difference rosewood would make in terms of tone. going from the custom 24 to the ce24 had some differences between the maple and mohagony neck but that was more about the note attack and treble IMO... the rosewood on the other hand was chock full of tone which rich overtones and this very balanced tone with the right amount of shimmering high end.

now i know i was after a 24 fretter but after playing that guitar i dont care anymore because it was the most comfortible, best sounding guitar i've ever played. now the only issue is that GC wants 3300 for it and even after that tonal bliss i experienced thats still a lot of dime. so if you see a mccarty rosewood floating around any of the other forums or craigslist or ebay let me know. it doesnt have to be the mccarty rosewoods with the brazilian fingerboard but it has to have the indian rosewood oil finished neck. also color is not a big deal but that a darker burst of some-sort or that matteo blue would be killer.
Go on birds and moons forum and see what people have got up for grabs. They may have one.
those IRW necks are stunning, a custom 22 or 24 with one is on my radar big time. The roadster/prs partnership sounds completely stunning imo. Hope you get sorted.
scruffydoo said:
those IRW necks are stunning, a custom 22 or 24 with one is on my radar big time. The roadster/prs partnership sounds completely stunning imo. Hope you get sorted.

yeah the prs voicing seems to go really well with most of the mesas i played them through. i was floored playing the mccarty IRW through the clean on the express. i couldnt help but smile ear to ear just listening to all the overtones ringing out and the shear beauty of the balanced tone i was getting. then when i moved over to the roadster i knew i had found THE guitar. it worked with every channel. it could do heavy sounds, fat sounds, clean strumming, clean picking, heavy picking all in one guitar and one amp. but what a difference between a mccarty with a mohagony neck and a mccarty with a IRW neck. it was like night and day. the mohagony neck was a little darker, more LP like. with the IRW neck it was like nothing ive ever heard before. you could truly feel the tone in your fingers with the IRW neck and it felt like it could sustain forever. it was the first time i played a guitar outside of a few vintage LPs that i actually experienced and felt all the jargon thrown around when talking about tone

BTW... why is the reverb on the express so much better than the roadsters? arent they both tube driven verb or is there a difference? if there is a difference has anyone inquired into whether or not its feasible to mod the reverb in a roadster to work/sound liek that on an express?
jdurso said:
scruffydoo said:
those IRW necks are stunning, a custom 22 or 24 with one is on my radar big time. The roadster/prs partnership sounds completely stunning imo. Hope you get sorted.

yeah the prs voicing seems to go really well with most of the mesas i played them through. i was floored playing the mccarty IRW through the clean on the express. i couldnt help but smile ear to ear just listening to all the overtones ringing out and the shear beauty of the balanced tone i was getting. then when i moved over to the roadster i knew i had found THE guitar. it worked with every channel. it could do heavy sounds, fat sounds, clean strumming, clean picking, heavy picking all in one guitar and one amp. but what a difference between a mccarty with a mohagony neck and a mccarty with a IRW neck. it was like night and day. the mohagony neck was a little darker, more LP like. with the IRW neck it was like nothing ive ever heard before. you could truly feel the tone in your fingers with the IRW neck and it felt like it could sustain forever. it was the first time i played a guitar outside of a few vintage LPs that i actually experienced and felt all the jargon thrown around when talking about tone

BTW... why is the reverb on the express so much better than the roadsters? arent they both tube driven verb or is there a difference? if there is a difference has anyone inquired into whether or not its feasible to mod the reverb in a roadster to work/sound liek that on an express?

D-man, you're giving me GAS for expensive guitars, bro. Not good! haha. I'm getting my RS back from my amp tech day after tomorrow, can't wait to wail on my new Custom through it with the Time Factor.

I love rosewood necks too...the clean sound is very piano-like and I think it almost has a natural reverb to it sometimes. But, with that said I wish ebony was an option on PRSes for fingerboards...

Reverb: I have no idea...and I'm curious too. I like the roadster reverb but I do think it could be better...especially for the Tweed setting!
Kaz said:
jdurso said:
scruffydoo said:
those IRW necks are stunning, a custom 22 or 24 with one is on my radar big time. The roadster/prs partnership sounds completely stunning imo. Hope you get sorted.

yeah the prs voicing seems to go really well with most of the mesas i played them through. i was floored playing the mccarty IRW through the clean on the express. i couldnt help but smile ear to ear just listening to all the overtones ringing out and the shear beauty of the balanced tone i was getting. then when i moved over to the roadster i knew i had found THE guitar. it worked with every channel. it could do heavy sounds, fat sounds, clean strumming, clean picking, heavy picking all in one guitar and one amp. but what a difference between a mccarty with a mohagony neck and a mccarty with a IRW neck. it was like night and day. the mohagony neck was a little darker, more LP like. with the IRW neck it was like nothing ive ever heard before. you could truly feel the tone in your fingers with the IRW neck and it felt like it could sustain forever. it was the first time i played a guitar outside of a few vintage LPs that i actually experienced and felt all the jargon thrown around when talking about tone

BTW... why is the reverb on the express so much better than the roadsters? arent they both tube driven verb or is there a difference? if there is a difference has anyone inquired into whether or not its feasible to mod the reverb in a roadster to work/sound liek that on an express?

D-man, you're giving me GAS for expensive guitars, bro. Not good! haha. I'm getting my RS back from my amp tech day after tomorrow, can't wait to wail on my new Custom through it with the Time Factor.

I love rosewood necks too...the clean sound is very piano-like and I think it almost has a natural reverb to it sometimes. But, with that said I wish ebony was an option on PRSes for fingerboards...

Reverb: I have no idea...and I'm curious too. I like the roadster reverb but I do think it could be better...especially for the Tweed setting!

yeah the tweed has almost none when compared to the clean or fat settings. of all the features on the roadster the one thing i would love to see in a version 2 if they ever have a version 2 would be a better reverb.

also i 100% agree with your description of the rosewood necks. they definitely have very strong resonant characterictics which lends itself to a very natural reverb like sustain.
I would buy 2305982305 PRSs if they had some with ebony fretboards.

</3 rosewood
theaero said:
I would buy 2305982305 PRSs if they had some with ebony fretboards.

</3 rosewood

They did, in very limited quantities. My friend has a 1993 PRS CE Alder with an ebony board (and kanji inlays), but it wasn't stock, obviously. However, 2008 Artist Packages (before they stopped making AP April 1st), had ebony fretboards with the new birds.

Kind of a shame that they don't offer ebony. I'd really like an ebony custom with BRW neck mwahahahaha.

Durso: Hopefully they WILL have a "Roadster Series II" with that and us 'series I' can get the upgrade (probably for a good chunk of $$ but that'd be worth it, for me...)
Elpelotero said:
Get a rosewood of both worlds for you! They sell them now.

true but i really fell in love with the mccarty's tone and right now i might be picking up a mccarty rosewood for $2000 which is definitely more my price range. one day i'll also get a custom 24 and if they offer rosewood now then thats even better.

also i need some opinions. ive been playing a lot of different guitars lately and i think ive grown tired of the emgs in my esp ec1000. i love the comfort and feel of the guitar but i'm definitely growing out of emgs. so what i'm thinking is a pearly gate in the neck and something like a prs hfs in the neck. i want a neck pickup that can be as aggressive as the emg81 but does better cleans and has more character. i've already through the sd jb out of the window because they're not my thing.... so something super hot with character and cleans up well.
jdurso said:
Elpelotero said:
Get a rosewood of both worlds for you! They sell them now.

also i need some opinions. ive been playing a lot of different guitars lately and i think ive grown tired of the emgs in my esp ec1000. i love the comfort and feel of the guitar but i'm definitely growing out of emgs. so what i'm thinking is a pearly gate in the neck and something like a prs hfs in the neck. i want a neck pickup that can be as aggressive as the emg81 but does better cleans and has more character. i've already through the sd jb out of the window because they're not my thing.... so something super hot with character and cleans up well.

I'm thinking of the same exact thing for my EC-1000...Someone suggested a Dimarzio Super Distortion in the bridge and a PAF in the neck... I'm still thinking about it.

Edit: btw I've really been thinking seriously of investing in a custom Eclipse neck through sometime...oh how sweet that would be.
ok kaz need your opinion.... is this guitar worth 2300.... '99 mccarty brazilian rosewood neck and fingerboard, ten top in cherry burst with birds and one of 250 made? now there is some wear on the back from normal play, a slight blemish on the back and a small nick near the input jack? if i had the chance to sit with the guitar first i could tell first hand based on its tone whether or not i would throw down 2300 but thats not the situation as its in memphis and im in nj. i will say one think that the guitar is priced to go and normally would run near 3500, so my first instict is to pull the trigger especially with a 30 return policy. im just asking to make sure im not crazy.
jdurso said:
ok kaz need your opinion.... is this guitar worth 2300.... '99 mccarty brazilian rosewood neck and fingerboard, ten top in cherry burst with birds and one of 250 made? now there is some wear on the back from normal play, a slight blemish on the back and a small nick near the input jack? if i had the chance to sit with the guitar first i could tell first hand based on its tone whether or not i would throw down 2300 but thats not the situation as its in memphis and im in nj. i will say one think that the guitar is priced to go and normally would run near 3500, so my first instict is to pull the trigger especially with a 30 return policy. im just asking to make sure im not crazy.

No, I don't think you're crazy. :) \

The wear on it seems to be just regular mojo-wear, if I'm reading it right (I'd have to see pics to say more about that). I'm leaning towards 'worth it' considering that PRS will no longer ship guitars with BRW necks/fingerboard, so I'm surprised the asking price isn't higher. Especially with a 10 top (if it's a NICE 10 I've seen some 10 tops that were of questionable quality before). Also, cherry bursts tend to fetch a little more on the secondhand market I noticed. I'd say 2300 is reasonable, considering I got my Custom 24 standard top NEW (after some discounts) for 2200...

Is this ebay or what? If you've got a firm, in-writing return policy I think it's a green light, if the guitar appeals to you. :D It definitely seems to me like a good bet and you should probably take it before someone else steals your quarry.

Good hunting!
Kaz said:
jdurso said:
ok kaz need your opinion.... is this guitar worth 2300.... '99 mccarty brazilian rosewood neck and fingerboard, ten top in cherry burst with birds and one of 250 made? now there is some wear on the back from normal play, a slight blemish on the back and a small nick near the input jack? if i had the chance to sit with the guitar first i could tell first hand based on its tone whether or not i would throw down 2300 but thats not the situation as its in memphis and im in nj. i will say one think that the guitar is priced to go and normally would run near 3500, so my first instict is to pull the trigger especially with a 30 return policy. im just asking to make sure im not crazy.

No, I don't think you're crazy. :) \

The wear on it seems to be just regular mojo-wear, if I'm reading it right (I'd have to see pics to say more about that). I'm leaning towards 'worth it' considering that PRS will no longer ship guitars with BRW necks/fingerboard, so I'm surprised the asking price isn't higher. Especially with a 10 top (if it's a NICE 10 I've seen some 10 tops that were of questionable quality before). Also, cherry bursts tend to fetch a little more on the secondhand market I noticed. I'd say 2300 is reasonable, considering I got my Custom 24 standard top NEW (after some discounts) for 2200...

Is this ebay or what? If you've got a firm, in-writing return policy I think it's a green light, if the guitar appeals to you. :D It definitely seems to me like a good bet and you should probably take it before someone else steals your quarry.

Good hunting!

i dont want to give too much information away so no one snatches it up before my CC payment clears but lets say its a very big music chain thats trying to move some inventory :wink: ...

ok all kidding aside its from GC and one of their stores is trying to move this piece to make room for a few more prsi and this one has been in the store for a while... from what i hear if they dont move it in one store for more than 8 months they either try to sell ir or move it to another store or they drop the pric down to bottom line to encourage a sale... i sware if some snatches that up before me there will be hell to pay :evil:

i'll pm you with pics when the store sends them to me
btw for those that didnt understand my issue with the trem bridge watch this vid.... i guess i'm not the only one and it kinda makes sense since i learned by figuring out metallica songs
I see I see.... I'm eagerly awaiting said pics. Should be good stuff.

Oh and I'm uploading a video featuring some PRSes (my own included)...Guitar Pr0n for the win! I'll PM you with that link. :)
so the search is over... i just nabbed a 99 prs mccarty with a braz board and sometype of rosewood neck (either Indian rosewood or brazilian... that debate has yet to come to its finale). by far i think for an all around great tone the mcarty rosewoods fit the bill. the cleans are to die for and lets just say when i got to turn up through a triple rec at GC it was pure heaven. i compared it to just about every other prs and it blew them all away (even the modern eagle). the funny part (at least to me) was the mira was putting to shame some much more expensive guitars. so if anyone digs prsi, loves the recto brutality and wants a tone machine find yourself a mccarty rosewood... you will not be disappointed.

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