The right PRS for a Recto...

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Well-known member
Mar 19, 2007
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Middletown, NJ
Just wondering what everyone's thoughts were on the "right" PRS for a recto. Now i know "right" is subjective, but i want a new guitar and i'm leaning towards a PRS because i've always wanted one and to me feel the most comfotable to play.

now it comes down to which one and here's where for me its getting tough because they dont actually make a stock guitar with everything i want. what i want is basically a standard 24 with the hardtail bridge, 3 way switch and a coil tap switch (like the mira). Now i know thats basically a McCarty without going into too much detail but the McCarty's are all 22 frets. also to make matters more complicated is i just played a Mira and loved its tone but i'm not sure how those mira pups will sound on a roadster since i played it through an express (which BTW is an awesome amp). also the mira is a light weight which is fine but i'm not so used to that and at this point not sure if its in my head that it "feels" cheap... :?

i know the mira pups are lower output than the mccarty pups which are lower than the hfs which is the only prs pups ive played through a recto. so here's where i need some experience and help: do i go for a customized standard 24 with a hardtail bridge, a stock mccarty, or a stock mira? So looks aside which option would be best for playing super clean stuff (think clean opeth passages), bluesy type stuff (gilmore), to heavy tight rhythm stuff (metallica/heavier opeth passages) to super heavy chunk (killswitch engage). Again it has to sound good with a recto and retain a tight button end with the super high gain. I know thats a lot of ground to cover but my esp ec1000 is really only covering the heavy stuff right now and every PRS ive played has nailed the clean i'm after.

sorry for the long post but there was no easier way to put it without explaining what im after. any opinions, even for non-prs guitars is welcome but nothign with emgs because my ec1000 already has them and i'm looking for a new flavor not to replace it.
Again subjective, but I would pick the McCarty BECAUSE it's 22 frets. A 24-fret neck changes the location of the neck p'up closer to the bridge, so if you use the neck position a lot, you may not like the tone.

Then again I like Gibsons and other thick slabs of mahogany...If I were going to buy a PRS it would be a McCarty or a Singlecut. I don't own one, but have played a few. They are very nice guitars, but like anything else you need to find the one that suits you.
Just get a Mira and swap out the pickups, IMO.

As for the 22 vs. 24 neck thing, remember that a PRS is a 25 inch scale, which is longer than a Gibson. This changes a lot...
I am using a Standard 22 mohagany with dragon II p/ to say with my DR it's a match made in heaven...but again, that is all subjective to the player's liking....
For the tonal flexibility you describe, I think you should check out a 513, but I dont know if they have a hardtail. Outside of this, I would go custom 22.....I prefer the wide fat neck carve to the wide thin....

my .02

I'd just go for one of the 24 fretters with the HFS/VB combo. the VB sounds good clean for vintagy type stuff, and the HFS is very articulate, but backs off pretty well with the volume control for a high gain pickup. My choice for high gain stuff is my old '92 alder bodied CE, the alder and bolt on add just a little snap and clarity that is nice with high gain. PRS reissued the alder body CE's recently, although I'm not sure they've shown up in stores yet.
I own a 2004 McCarty that I got over a Custom because of the pickup switch. If I found a Dave Navarro signature I probably would've went with that. The pickup switch is so much more convenient as a little flick than those disgusting knob switches. I've thought about putting an HFS in the bridge Dorso, think about that. Do it actually, then tell me about it haha so I can figure out if I should or not
I know it's only available in a trem version, but I use a Custom 24 with my RKII & formerly a DR & find it capable of the tones you're looking for. It is even more capable now, after a pickup change to a WB Firewater bridge & Heaven neck. I also use the 5-way switch, but get clear, glassy cleans & crunchy, but articulate highs.
Just my$.02...
One of my students just bought a Mira. His is a mahogany with the trans burgundy finish. I played it through my Roadster for about 15 minutes (he showed up early to show it off) and it sounded and felt so **** sweet that I had a hard time handing it back over to him. It was extremely comfortable and light. The craftsmanship on this guitar is what you expect from PRS:meticulous. The factory setup was perfect, with the action comfortably low enough to play light and fast. I personally loved the pickups as I am into the medium output vintage PAF vibe and these do it very well with excellent clarity response and definition. This guitar is versatile enough to handle any style with ease.
I have a Rectoverb, Stiletto Ace, PRS CE24, McCarty Rosewood, Custom 24 & Music Man Axis. The brightest guitars go better with the recto.
That would be the CE24 & Axis.
The smoother McCarty & Custom 24 work best with the ACE.

Good Luck,
CE24 or Custom 24. You CAN get them in hardtail. It'll be a wait, but you can find them, and with the 3 way to boot. Worth waiting for, imho. Those two are the most versatile PRSes around.
im gonna second the axis, but you want a prs. dont worry too much about the pickups or the toggle switch because they can be swapped out and youre not gonna NEED hot pickups with all the gain the recs have (of course you still might want it) and you can compensate with the eq. the only things you cant change is the # of frets and the bridge. ive seen really old cu24s with fixed bridges. one of the best guitars ever but you wont really find one for sale. the problem about the new fixed bridges is they are stupid. no individual saddle adjustments...i dont even know what to say about that. just get a standard 24 or ce 24 (my favorite large heel prs) and block the trem
good stuff guys... most of the responses are pretty much in line with what i've been thinking about, i guess i just wanted some more opinions because sometimes what goes through my head doesnt always fit what i need... nayway i have to shoot over to GC tomorrow and ill do a sound test and see what model i like the best comfortwise and then figure out what pups i like soundwise... and to answer someones question i'd rather 24 frets more for comfort level... all ive ever played is 24 fret guitars and the 22 fretters have always felt weird to me (especially where the 12th fret sits relative to the body of the guitar)

for the money the mira makes the most sense but in terms of total sound and comfort i guess tomorrow will tell me more... also my friend recommended the ernie balls so i'll give those a whirl too
513 in blue mateo for regular models otherwise find a used dragon id like to say check out private stock thats where the really nice ones are :lol:
If you get a 24 fret PRS, I would stay away from the fixed bridge and get a trem model, there is more of them out there. If you don't use the trem, stick a tremol-no in there.
nitrous2400 said:
513 in blue mateo for regular models otherwise find a used dragon id like to say check out private stock thats where the really nice ones are :lol:

yeah i gotta go to the bank first to rob it and then we'll talk private stock :) i wish they had a mira with a more mccarty/custom 22/24 body. i dont need a 10 top or birds (although i dig the bird inlays). something like the standard 24 satin guitars is right up my alley... simple, great feel and sound. dont gte me wrong if i had the $$$ i'd love to have all the bells but right now is not the time
count_chocolat said:
If you get a 24 fret PRS, I would stay away from the fixed bridge and get a trem model, there is more of them out there. If you don't use the trem, stick a tremol-no in there.

the reason i dont like the trem bridge is because its a ***** to palm mute with. now i fully realize it maybe my technique but all i know are the tone-pros stop tail bridge which to me is prime for palm mutes. is there a reason you would stay away from a fixed bridge on a 24 fret guitar? and whats this tremolo-no you speak of?
4Eyes said:
jdurso said:
is there a reason you would stay away from a fixed bridge on a 24 fret guitar?
no 8)


You can't intonate the PRS fixed depending on what string gauge you use that may be more or less of an issue for you. After market fixed bridges(never tried one) are an option but according to some folks the height and feel is not the same.

Check out if you wanna lock up a floating bridge.

Aside from that there is no other reason.

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