Royal Atlantic has docked

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Mojo to Nate, Don. Glad he's going to be ok.
Plenty of time for videos....they'll happen when they happen.
HaggertysMusic said:
Guys, just to let you know, the man responsible for all our videography (Nate Haggerty) was in a motorcycle accident this morning. Someone pulled right out in front of him. Thankfully he is alive and does not appear to have suffered any brain or spinal injuries.

He's got some broken bones, and his face will have to be reconstructed, so he's got a long road ahead of him still, but he's alive and we are all so grateful for that.

Needless to say, I am uncertain as to the status of our videos for the immediate future.

I don't think I'm alone in saying he'll be in my prayers. Motorcycle accidents are bad juju. I'm sure there will be someone local who will step up to fill the need. I would volunteer, but Sacramento is a pretty long drive for pro bono work. :)
He's in my prayers Don.

If there is any sort of donations needed to help him, let us know. Perhaps, we could pool together some resources to help.
First and foremost is I`m very sorry to hear of the accident Don. My wife`s niece lost her Fiancee to a motorcycle accident in March. A school bus pulled right out in front of him on the highway. I will pray for Nate and wish him a full ,speedy recovery! Your videos are the best. I always pay close attention and enjoy! I have an RA from another store which will go back tommorrow. It`s just not me. Jeffp
Thank you to everyone for the kind concern for our friend Nate. I will be sure to pass along your sentiments to his family!
jeffp said:
I have an RA from another store which will go back tommorrow. It`s just not me. Jeffp

What are you looking for exactly? Do you have an amp you were trying to replace with the RA?
I am also truly sorry to hear of Nate's accident and my thoughts and prayers are with him, family and friends. :|

I've had a few very close calls while riding motorcycles in the past.....and as much as I enjoyed riding them......I realized that unfortunately, other motorists just don't see them well enough.

Anyway, I do look forward to your RA videos when they are available (no hurry at all), but most importantly I wish Nate well for a quick and complete recovery from this unfortunate accident!

Here is my thread about the new RA I received.
jeffp said:
i`m really curious about mid at high volume......mine unleashes mid to upper mids out of this world. And harsh mids at medium to high volume. on 50 watts....i think the same on 100 switch too.This is one of the problems. #2-Gain seems to have to be at 12;30-3PM or can`t mix the bass mid, and treble to satisfy.The gain is mooth. I like it, but amp seems to want it all or nothing.Still have it though. Waiting to hear from Haggerty music video! jeffp

I just spent about 3 hours auditioning an RA head that just arrived at GC. I tried it through 3 cabs and 3 different guitars (LP, Tele, Strat).

This was my impression of the amp:

Cab / speaker choice is critical to getting the sound you may like. I first tried it through a Marshall 4x12 loaded with G12-75s. I didn't quite like the clean tones through this cab....but the blue and red channels sounded amazing using the 3 guitars. Great Great Crunch through this cab and amazing lead tone.

This amp sounds very reminiscent of a Bogner XTC Classic I used to own. The Blue channels are nearly identical, except that the RA has more gain. The Red channel in the RA smokes the XTC I had. Through the Marshall cab the clean channel about the same as I remember my XTC - not exceptionally inspiring. The sound was a bit in your face and very dry sounding.

Next I ran it through a 2x12 Recto cab. I must say that I personally hated every mode through this cab. Boom, Boom, Boom + Bright Bright Bright...and no Mids to speak of. Needless to say I didn't like this cab (in fact I've never liked this cab for my sounds).

Next I tried it through an Egnater Oversized 2x12 cab. Here I hit nirvanna...all three modes smoked. The cleans sounded glorious and lush,...not so much in your face (still a bit dry) but very reminiscent of the clean tone of a Bad Cat Hot Cat I used to own.

I have to say that the Blue Channel on this amp IS the "star of the show." It is absolutley the blue channel from my XTC.

I am definitley getting this amp, in a head version...cause that beast is heavy, and while I tend to prefer combos, I can only imagine what the combo weighs. And givewn the amount of sound pressure generated from this amp, the combo is going to rattle -- no matter what.

And regarding the mids in this amp, IMO they are very similar to those in the Bogner XTC amps....more low mids than high mids. THICK

In short, this amp is a must have[/quote]
More and more interesting! I think you`re right about the different cabs...What kind of speakers are in the Egnater 2 x 12 oversize cab? Strange I`m looking at an RA(going back to the dealer) 12' away in the box and my sons Bogner XTC classic 10' over in a box. It`s for sale.jeffp
jeffp said:
More and more interesting! I think you`re right about the different cabs...What kind of speakers are in the Egnater 2 x 12 oversize cab? Strange I`m looking at an RA(going back to the dealer) 12' away in the box and my sons Bogner XTC classic 10' over in a box. It`s for sale.jeffp

I believe the Egnater has Celestion Elite 80s in them....some sort of variant of the classic lead 80.
This amp intrigues me, based on the clips it has a very "Rockverb meets Bogner meets Mesa" vibe which sounds like a powerful trifecta of tone to me. I like the higher pitched/tighter low end, my only question is how well does it retain note definition when you really dig into a chord? My band recently track out newest EP and I used a Fryette Pittbull running a line out into a cab sim in logic and it had a kind of "Mesa meets Marshall" sound and it retained great note definition. The predominant mids don't bother me as long as it has plently of head room and is not "buzzy" like my Dyne's mids can get with the volume pushed. I'm waiting for my local guitar center to get one so I can bring my Dyne in and A/B the two. Also the Haggerty's video will help provide a distinction. I agree the Electra Dyne is more organic but I imagine the sound I am trying to achieve is very different from most on this forum, I'm more in the progressive/hard rock territory versus more classic rock, so the more aggressive clips are what I'm after.
DWAKO said:
This amp intrigues me, based on the clips it has a very "Rockverb meets Bogner meets Mesa" vibe which sounds like a powerful trifecta of tone to me. I like the higher pitched/tighter low end, my only question is how well does it retain note definition when you really dig into a chord? My band recently track out newest EP and I used a Fryette Pittbull running a line out into a cab sim in logic and it had a kind of "Mesa meets Marshall" sound and it retained great note definition. The predominant mids don't bother me as long as it has plently of head room and is not "buzzy" like my Dyne's mids can get with the volume pushed. I'm waiting for my local guitar center to get one so I can bring my Dyne in and A/B the two. Also the Haggerty's video will help provide a distinction. I agree the Electra Dyne is more organic but I imagine the sound I am trying to achieve is very different from most on this forum, I'm more in the progressive/hard rock territory versus more classic rock, so the more aggressive clips are what I'm after.

Dude, I am into more ambient progressive stuff, so I know where you are coming from. Dynamics are important to me as well, hence why most of my amps on my short list were EL84 based boutiques. I need something with enough clean chime to cut, and enough gain to sound crisp and harmonically rich. What is great about the RA is that the blue channel is all of these things, and in a mix, I think it is plenty hard enough for most hard rock. The red channel though really seals the deal in that it gives you more sustain and gain if you want even more of a compressed gain sound.

I'd say check it out, and focus on setting your cleans and your blue channel up accordingly. Be sure to not use a Recto cab and try to find something that is ported or somewhat of an open-back style cab. The mix of C90s and V30s is also nice. If you like the Dyne and find the gain on that amp to be organic and more on par with what you are looking for, I think you'll be pleased with what you get out of the RA. For me, the RA is a bit like Divided By 13 FTR 31, but with more balls and a more hybrid EL34/84 crunch to it (blue channel).
Dude, I am into more ambient progressive stuff, so I know where you are coming from. Dynamics are important to me as well, hence why most of my amps on my short list were EL84 based boutiques. I need something with enough clean chime to cut, and enough gain to sound crisp and harmonically rich. What is great about the RA is that the blue channel is all of these things, and in a mix, I think it is plenty hard enough for most hard rock. The red channel though really seals the deal in that it gives you more sustain and gain if you want even more of a compressed gain sound.

I'd say check it out, and focus on setting your cleans and your blue channel up accordingly. Be sure to not use a Recto cab and try to find something that is ported or somewhat of an open-back style cab. The mix of C90s and V30s is also nice. If you like the Dyne and find the gain on that amp to be organic and more on par with what you are looking for, I think you'll be pleased with what you get out of the RA. For me, the RA is a bit like Divided By 13 FTR 31, but with more balls and a more hybrid EL34/84 crunch to it (blue channel).

Very cool, having that immediate attack and "chug" effect on the lower strings is very important to be, I found this to be one area the ED lacks a little. I have a Road King 2x12 cab which obviously comes with the V30/C90 and an open back on the C90 side, that cab may sound great with the RA. I also have a Rectifier 4x12 with 2 V30 and 2 G75 in the X-shape. I plan to switch out the G75s with C90s sometime in the future, but I just haven't acted on it yet. Honestly the 2x12 is what cuts through when they are combined, the 4x12 just beefs up the low end. It doesn't bother me that the cleans are not as warm and fender like as the ED, I expect that out of an EL-34 based amp. They still sound darn good to me based on what I've heard, plus they may even cut through the mix easier than the ED, and I consider that a plus. The Blue channel seems to be where it's at, I'll definitely be checking out an RA ASAP.
Hello people :)
I signed up because I am planning on buying the Royal Atlantic soon. I am a previous Stiletto Ace owner but found it too trebley and noisey.
I am curious as to what cabinet I should get with the RA. I saw this video: and I greatly prefer the tighter and smoother sound of the Stiletto cab over the Rectifier cab; I will also be buying a 2x12, not a 4x12.
I am hoping someone can chime in? Would the Stiletto cab be a good pairing with the RA?

Also, HaggertysMusic, will you be including a shootout of the RA with the Rectifier cab and Stiletto cab as you did in the video posted?

Thanks :mrgreen:
Just to let everyone know I spent a good 3 hours trying to "hoax" an RA type tone out of my ED. I found it to be pretty difficult... running a Tube Screamer in front along with a Sonic Stomp also in front which surprisingly really helped with attack and dialing back in those punch you in the gut lows. (I had to wipe the dust off that pedal, it hasn't seen use in years) I got pretty close, but it still didn't sound extremely authentic... It's looking like I'm going to end up with an RA-100, which I'm excited about... But I'm not excited about dishing out the extra cash. Maybe if I'm patient I'll find someone who has an RA and finds out it's not their cup of tea, then trade them for my Electra Dyne? That may be wishful thinking... But if you find someone, send 'em my way! :wink:
DWAKO -- I couldn't imagine ever getting the Dyne to sound like the RA. They are both totally different circuits, with the only similarities being that they have channels that comprise stacked tone pots for adding more gain as players footswitch to gainier modes. It is great that you tried to achieve this though.

Besides, the ED is wicked with its low end, which helps give that amp some nice clean tones, along with its subtle and chimey top end. The RA is just a complete crunch machine, being entirely focused and not very loose sounding. Some may complain that it is too focused or too upper midrangey. What is great about the RA is that it doesn't have a harsh top end IMO. That amp is purely crunch based through and through. The name of the game with the RA is to give players more ability to have preamp AND power tube clip at manageable volumes. This is what makes the channel assignable soak feature so interesting. Players can retain a standard Mesa high gain, preamp driven distortion with the red channel, while using the blue channel as their power tube/preamp clip section.
So this morning I called around to the various Guitar Centers in my area and the location where my friend is the Platinum room manager let me know they had a Royal Atlantic Head in stock, so I drove 30-40 minutes to go check it out. I was nervous walking in because I had built up so much anticipation trying this amp out I was afraid I had built it up too much. So I brought my trusty Michael Kelly Patriot Black with an EMG 85X in the Bridge and 60X in the neck with me (I got a ton of compliments of how my guitar sounded specifically through the RA, many liked it better than the pricey Les Pauls and other single cut PRSs we tried) So I would know how it would sound in comparison to my ED. Needless to say I sat there for the next 2 and a half to 3 hours in amazement playing this thing. It was ridiculous, it felt like Mesa crafted an amp just for my needs. For the style of music I play (Hard Rock/progressive) it was about as close to the perfect head you can get IMO. The blue channel was extremely dynamic and if I wanted to get a REALLY aggressive crunch out of it the red mode was perfect. I even liked how uncompressed and how quick the response on the clean mode was. It sounded so good I think I actually prefer it over the ED cleans! The ED and RA are completely different beasts, one is not better than the other it's a matter of preference and style. I just happen to really like the RA, I even really liked the mid range. It was powerful and would cut the mix like a knife, but never gets nasally. It was hooked up to a 2x12 Rectifier cab which I was worried about, but it sounded great to my ears! I didn't want to change cabs considering how good it sounded. It has no harshness what so ever, extreme clarity, articulation and immediate response. My friend let me crank it... loud, actually REAL loud, and it still never became shrill or harsh (unlike the Stiletto), I could not believe it! We even took it one step further and compared it to a Bogner Shiva 20th Anniversary, Bogner Uberschall (which I have also previously owned), Bogner X-tacy, and Orange Rockverb Mk II. Surprisingly it shared qualities with all of the said amplifiers and I honestly preferred the RA out of the bunch, it still retained that Mesa mojo that was not present in the others. Needless to say it was an incredible amp and is definitely a must have in my eyes. I agree 100% with everything Don from Haggerty's music has said, it's the real deal and my favorite Mesa/overall amp that is currently on the market. Keep in mind that the RA was ideal for my style, it is a CRUNCH machine, it can pull off other styles well, but the high gain is where it shines. So take my experience for what it's worth, if you are not playing more aggressive modern rock, chances are the ED is better for you. I was thinking of selling my ED, but my friend convinced me to keep it, save for the RA and run the 2 in stereo, I'll have to be patient but I think it will be worth the wait.

Also a side note, the one I played had a black grill, it looks MUCH better than the gray/silver

I'm sold, 100%.

This is a quick photo I snapped of it.
Thumbs up!I`m certainly glad you found something that seems fitted for you and your type of playing music. I agree with the crunch machine. and also the mids. The mids i found were too overwhelming.The Blue channell is nothing short of amazing.The gain was smooth.I had one in my possesion for about a week.I sent it back . In short,It wasn`t for me. I have an ED headed my way.I`m looking for a Classic rock amp/not a modern agressive hard rock amp.. I have followed your comments and i know you love your ED. Can you tell me how the ed should fit with classic rock?Thanks,Jeffp