New Mesa amp rumor!!

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RR said:
Here IT IS!

which input jack do you use? :?
Just to fuel the fire,

I would like a 30 watt LSS version 2 with a Tremoverb Lead channel.

That would be sick.


The LSS the way it is, with a footswitchable gain stage that could take it into T-Verb territory.

That's all I need. :lol:
well how about a 5 band eq and fully integrated midi switching

seriously- I will have a Roadster head available if this is what the fuss is about.
I will also add to the fray that the Mesa rep was in town recently (Montana), and dropped the hint that "Mesa is up to something very cool." Both the pro shop guys I deal with own RKII rigs, and are very curious as to what the hype is, although they had no more information than the quote above.

Gimme a Lonestar with one more channel of Mark IV level drive, and I'd be a happy camper. :)
Turumbar82 said:
I don't think it's going to be a Mark V or a reissue of the IIC+.

I think it's going to be some sort of new rack preamp, similar to a triaxis but not as pricey.

And I base this on absolutely nothing.

I'm just guessing but if I'm right then everyone will be like, "woah Turumbar was right"

Rack preamps aren't exactly popular right now and haven't been for almost 20 years, and I say that as someone who owns 3 of them. Beyond the Triaxis, can you name one popular non-boutique tube preamp on the market right now? The only other current production units I can think of are the Engl E530 (~$500) and E670 (~$2000), and I wouldn't call those popular by a long shot. I guess there's also the Rocktron stuff like the Ganiac 2. When there isn't a market for something, it makes no sense to introduce a product for that market.

On the other hand, a more logically laid out Mark would be great. I love my Mark IV, but it's really obnoxiously complex to dial in compared to other amps. It does sound great, but that complexity has turned off many a tube amp owner.

If fickle Mark IV owners start selling theirs off to buy a Mark V, I'll be picking up at least one more Mark IV. 8)
How about a 3 channel Stiletto?

Then all of us pre-500 2 channel Stiletto owners can go on Ebay and charge an assload of cash for our rigs.

Dude I would have a laundry list of Amps they could build.

Mark IIC+ reissue

Mark III reissue

DC-5 reissue

Mark V

Stiletto Ace with revised Lead Channel (Classic Boogie Lead sound)
Right now I'm saying that gullable is on the ceiling. I'll believe that the Mark IV is discontinued when I officially hear it. Anyway...bring on the Mark V! Haha.

On another note, I'd hate to see the Mark IV's climb up in price like the IIC+'s have. Screw that. Haha.
mystidream said:
On another note, I'd hate to see the Mark IV's climb up in price like the IIC+'s have. Screw that. Haha.

Yeah, 'cause, an amp that was produced for 17 years is obviously going to be as rare as one that was produced for 1.5 years :roll:

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