New Mesa amp rumor!!

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simonich said:
newfinator said:
I said that if I get my Mark IV and the the Mark V comes out a couple of months later than I would be pissed. I expressed that I wasn't concerned about the expense or the delay but would be extremely dissatisfied to be screwed by an advertising strategy. I'm not really concerned about when they announce it as much as when it would be available. If it's at least 6 months away from shipping then fine, send me my Mark IV.

Hi, I don't understand why you would be pissed actually. A couple things to consider...

The Mark IV is a proven pro amp while the Mark V would be an unproven product. Given Mesa's recent history the chances are better than "low" they'd have to issue a "-2" anyway.

There really isn't an "advertising strategy" at play. Rarely do companies pre-announce product. To do so just stalls existing sales, which clearly is a bad business move. So them not saying anything IF they have something new on tap is just par for the course. It's expected.

I sort of get that it would be nice to have another option (amp) to test prior to making a purchase, but in the end, if you're happy with a Mark IV you're happy with a Mark IV right?

Simonich is on the right track . Like most Mesa amps there will be updates after the introduction of a new model . Probably 12-18 months down the road . All the bugs will get worked out . The mark IV will always have its fan base regardless of how many versions of the Mark ends up as . The mark amps have gained alot of reinterest in recent times . Keep your eye on the mark .
I'll bet that a few Mesa folks probably read threads like this and get a good laugh at all of the punditry.

Mesa employees, I salute you.
I don't think it's going to be a Mark V or a reissue of the IIC+.

I think it's going to be some sort of new rack preamp, similar to a triaxis but not as pricey.

And I base this on absolutely nothing.

I'm just guessing but if I'm right then everyone will be like, "woah Turumbar was right"
Awesome indeed. :D

Of course the thread does have "rumor" in the title... which clearly means there is no facts. But then what would everyone speculate on?
hmm a modern version of the Triaxis with it's clean channels based on the Lonestar and Stilletto, and the gain channels based on Rectifiers and Stilettos, plus all originals from the Triaxis.

If they aren't making something like this...maybe they should think about it!
simonich said:
newfinator said:
I said that if I get my Mark IV and the the Mark V comes out a couple of months later than I would be pissed. I expressed that I wasn't concerned about the expense or the delay but would be extremely dissatisfied to be screwed by an advertising strategy. I'm not really concerned about when they announce it as much as when it would be available. If it's at least 6 months away from shipping then fine, send me my Mark IV.

Hi, I don't understand why you would be pissed actually. A couple things to consider...

The Mark IV is a proven pro amp while the Mark V would be an unproven product. Given Mesa's recent history the chances are better than "low" they'd have to issue a "-2" anyway.

There really isn't an "advertising strategy" at play. Rarely do companies pre-announce product. To do so just stalls existing sales, which clearly is a bad business move. So them not saying anything IF they have something new on tap is just par for the course. It's expected.

I sort of get that it would be nice to have another option (amp) to test prior to making a purchase, but in the end, if you're happy with a Mark IV you're happy with a Mark IV right?

I have to admit, even if there is to be a Mark V some day there's no assurance that it would be dramatically better, or even as good for that matter, as a Mark IV but that's not really my point.

If they are holding back for a grand introduction that's fine and rather common in every industry. If that were the case I'd prefer a "We're not at liberty to discuss future designs and releases" response as opposed to "I don't know of anything.". While both give no info the second implies that the answer is a simple "no".

It's not that I'd be dissatisfied with a Mark IV. I would be unhappy about the disinformation, especially when I asked to not process my order if that were the case.
Obviously if and when they were ready to make an announcement about releasing a new model they want to be the one to announce it and follow the usual protocal on how they promote it . By telling you over the phone , thats hardly the way to let people know something new is being introduced . At that point the cats out of the bag . Im not making any less light of your situation but to think they are going to let people know like that is a bit assuming . I wouldnt buy the first ones personally . I bet a dollar to a dime any new model will receive updates, or a stage II , or version 2 , etc.. . In light of that you are probably talking 18 months down the road anyhow to get all the bugs worked out or what works best, etc...
IMHO of course . This is all assuming we will see a new Mark amp of course . If they produce one we will all know in due course .
newfinator said:
I have to admit, even if there is to be a Mark V some day there's no assurance that it would be dramatically better, or even as good for that matter, as a Mark IV but that's not really my point.

If they are holding back for a grand introduction that's fine and rather common in every industry. If that were the case I'd prefer a "We're not at liberty to discuss future designs and releases" response as opposed to "I don't know of anything.". While both give no info the second implies that the answer is a simple "no".

It's not that I'd be dissatisfied with a Mark IV. I would be unhappy about the disinformation, especially when I asked to not process my order if that were the case.

Yea, I understand that point. I think it's better for companies to always answer in a consistent manner. For example, "we have no comment on unannounced products" was my former companies response every time a question was asked.

But, that was through the official PR channel. If the question was asked of different departments the answer varied. :evil:
I must be in the minority about a new product.

new product, Wow, => Vista

Bugs, registration problems, software developers nightmare ... etc ... :x

Stay with XP for now. :eek:

Mark Fore:

Can you elaborate what MESA representative store and which salesperson of that store you talked with. I know all the MESA representative stores in Central Calif from Monterey to San Francisco.

I'm asking just in case you are putting is on. :?
RR said:
I must be in the minority about a new product.

new product, Wow, => Vista

Bugs, registration problems, software developers nightmare ... etc ... :x

Stay with XP for now. :eek:

Mark Fore:

Can you elaborate what MESA representative store and which salesperson of that store you talked with. I know all the MESA representative stores in Central Calif from Monterey to San Francisco.

I'm asking just in case you are putting is on. :?

I have a feeling the OP won't tell you who he spoke to as I think we're being put on.
I believe that a new Mark amp is on the work .
Who knows maybe its already in final phase.
Maybe when the Mark IV sales is getting slow,then we will hear the new one.
But i would really love to see a completely new high gain amp from Mesa.
Didn't they just discontinue the Mark I Reissue.

Hmm a Mark IIc+ reissue might be in the works as a replacement for those that want "the"a classic Mesa
Hi Rudee. I'm not putting you guys on. I didn't claim anything outlandish other than what I heard. Calling the store in question would get you the same answer. However, you could probably figure it out. What you might want to do is call Mesa and ask for yourself. From what I've heard, they aren't keeping this a secret (other than the entire thing being a secret of course aside from the teaser nugget).

It's interesting that there have been different reactions to this. My reaction was that I would order one sight unseen. Others have compared it to Vista so take it for what it's worth.

When a good friend of the Mesa rep confirmed the teaser with no details he then offered to sell me his Mark IIC+. Not sure if that was a coincidence, but IF he knew the new amp would be a Mark IIC+ reissue and he was holding on to his original for investment purposes, maybe he would dump it. Who knows?? In all fairness, he did offer to sell it to me a few months back so I don't know if there is any correlation.

If this is p*ssing people off, I didn't mean to aggravate anyone. I just thought you would be excited to hear the rumor. I was pretty stoked when I heard it. If anything, that picture that someone posted of the hybrid triaxis, stiletto, recto, loooong head was worth it alone. Peace man.
This whole thread has reminds me of " The X Files "............

The Mesa factory is now area 51 and Randall Smith is Sauron from Lord of the Rings.

I hope Mesa releases the Biz-Markie IV amplifier series. I comes with footswitchable bling and an overweight black man who sings out of tune.
My guess is a 3 channel IIC+ Reissue. One clean channel, one vintage C+ channel,and a modern C++ mode channel. :D I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!
I heard from a local source that Mesa would be discontinuing the Rectifier series in its entirety and launching a new series of acoustic amps.

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