New Mesa amp rumor!!

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RR said:
Here IT IS!

Only if they could make it in a short head................

Mark Fore said:
(Randal Smith said) ... "I have moved on. I wish everyone else would move on too".

:idea: ... hmmmmm ... Well there are a lot of other juicy circuits out there
Platypus said:
Guitar Adjuster said:
"I have moved on. I wish everyone else would move on too".

Maybe if Randall Smith listened to his customers.............don't get me started! :twisted:


They do listen to their customers . Thats what happens alot when you see an update on an amp . In particular the Stiletto stage II . Just because they dont actually say they did it because people were asking for more gain, revoiced fluid drive, etc.. doesnt mean that doesnt go into the thought process . I assure they have their ears open .
Keep your eyes on the Mark series :wink:
Barry said:
Keep your eye on the Mark

I agree,

I went to the Mesa Store in Hollywood recently and was trying out the triaxis for its LD2 Yellow and wasnt impressed with it. At the time i didnt have my IIC+ Simul-Class yet and was talking with them about getting one and if it was worth it. After much discussion I was told "Take this however you would like but if you are in the market for a IIC+ then hold out for a bit"
rabies said:
I'd like to know when the mesa hollywood guys made that comment about "you should wait, etc." I know those guys, JohnT and Jimbo, been there a few times...

This was maybe 2 months ago at the most.
So what this tells me is that they are trying to get the word out that they are coming out with something by planting vague seeds with their dealers. If they come up empty and release another Fathom then the people that waited might be upset enough to buy something else. You would think they would see the backfire potential here. Right??
This is exactly the same as the hype before the winter namm, some dealer told some **** to a customer and suddenly everybody gets excited.

Then everyone strats throwing around specs and models with no source to justify the claim, it's just what people want,not what mesa si doing.

I'll wait and see.
I ordered a Mark IV about five weeks ago and had to call about something yesterday.

While on the call I asked about the Mark V and got the expected response of "We are not aware of anything". I knew that even if they had a stack of them done in preproduction he wouldn't be able to say anything. I told them that if they plan on releasing within the next few months, whether they care to announce it or not, then to hold off on fulfilling my order because I would want a Mark V.

I said that if I get my Mark IV and the the Mark V comes out a couple of months later than I would be pissed. I expressed that I wasn't concerned about the expense or the delay but would be extremely dissatisfied to be screwed by an advertising strategy. I'm not really concerned about when they announce it as much as when it would be available. If it's at least 6 months away from shipping then fine, send me my Mark IV.

In the end he said not to worry and that even if they were releasing a Mark V it would be many months before market. I guess we'll see.
I can't see any reason they wouldn't reissue the Mark IIC+. The Randy Smith comment about "I've moved on..." just doesn't seem right.

It contradicts two things from the 1998-2000 era catalogs and the current amp lineup: (1) There is a Mark I reissue and (2) they still produced the Mark III while the Mark IV as WELL into production. They even stated about the Mark III "We would have reissued it, but its fans wouldn't let it die!" Or something along those lines.

Logically, if they have a Mark I reissue, and back in late 90s/early 2000 they said they WOULD have reissued the Mark III, I think it is completely possible a Mark IIC+ reissue could be in the works.
I agree, a Mark I reissue so sometime probably a Mark IIC+ reissue. Wonder what the retail would be. $1999 is my guess. How much is the Mark I reissue?
newfinator said:
I said that if I get my Mark IV and the the Mark V comes out a couple of months later than I would be pissed. I expressed that I wasn't concerned about the expense or the delay but would be extremely dissatisfied to be screwed by an advertising strategy. I'm not really concerned about when they announce it as much as when it would be available. If it's at least 6 months away from shipping then fine, send me my Mark IV.

Hi, I don't understand why you would be pissed actually. A couple things to consider...

The Mark IV is a proven pro amp while the Mark V would be an unproven product. Given Mesa's recent history the chances are better than "low" they'd have to issue a "-2" anyway.

There really isn't an "advertising strategy" at play. Rarely do companies pre-announce product. To do so just stalls existing sales, which clearly is a bad business move. So them not saying anything IF they have something new on tap is just par for the course. It's expected.

I sort of get that it would be nice to have another option (amp) to test prior to making a purchase, but in the end, if you're happy with a Mark IV you're happy with a Mark IV right?
mk5 said:
I can't see any reason they wouldn't reissue the Mark IIC+.

A big reason they would not reissue a IIC+ is they can't find a business case for it (that yields sufficient return to fund the development). Obviously I don't know if that's the case, but this is a business remember.

mk5 said:
The Randy Smith comment about "I've moved on..." just doesn't seem right. It contradicts two things from the 1998-2000 era catalogs and the current amp lineup: (1) There is a Mark I reissue and (2) they still produced the Mark III while the Mark IV as WELL into production. They even stated about the Mark III "We would have reissued it, but its fans wouldn't let it die!" Or something along those lines.

Ok, now I smell a troll. Your argument for why the "I've moved on..." isn't right is data from 10 years ago? :D

On (1), the Mark I reissue is no longer in production. They are just unloading the existing stock at this point, and only in the US.

mk5 said:
Logically, if they have a Mark I reissue, and back in late 90s/early 2000 they said they WOULD have reissued the Mark III, I think it is completely possible a Mark IIC+ reissue could be in the works.

That logic doesn't hold at all. But a IIC+ could be in the works I suppose. Though i highly doubt it. Every time a rumor of a new amp comes up the IIC+ and V advocates speak up.

The other way to look at this is Mesa has done nothing to the Mark line since the Mark IV in the early 90s. That's a LONG time ago. Which is certainly consistent with the "I've moved on..." comment. If anything, I think it can be argued there is no way we'll see a new Mark anything. Ever. Not advocating that, just wouldn't surprise me.
simonich said:
Ok, now I smell a troll. Your argument for why the "I've moved on..." isn't right is data from 10 years ago? :D

Smell what you will. I don't keep tabs on everything Mesa, but I ain't no rookie with them, either! :)

Actually, I was implying that since they have reissued amps before (Mark I), and they have said--in print--that they would have reissued a Mark III (of course the time frame is/was ambiguous), it's possible they could reissue another amp, and why not the IIC+? If they took a poll of their customer base, I'll bet that would be the popular vote by far, reissue-wise.

simonich said:
That logic doesn't hold at all. But a IIC+ could be in the works I suppose. Though i highly doubt it. Every time a rumor of a new amp comes up the IIC+ and V advocates speak up.

The other way to look at this is Mesa has done nothing to the Mark line since the Mark IV in the early 90s. That's a LONG time ago. Which is certainly consistent with the "I've moved on..." comment. If anything, I think it can be argued there is no way we'll see a new Mark anything. Ever. Not advocating that, just wouldn't surprise me.

Time will tell, I guess.

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