MK II C+ FX loop ?

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Mar 3, 2006
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Can anyone comment on their experiences using the effects loop on the MK II C+. I've tried running a simple Ibanez eq pedal thru it (once when i bought it a few years ago, and again yesterday) and it just doesn't produce a good sound. Seems more bassy and to make the amp rattle a bit? Could this be a tech. problem or is that just the way it goes with that amp? Seems hard to believe that the latter would be the case. thnx.
I don't believe its the GE-7. It seems to sound fine in front of the amp. Due to the # of pedals i use i wanted to try moving some to the loop (and maybe find a better tone). Also, i forgot to mention that i can hear a 'pop' noise when i engage the eq pedal when its run thru the fx loop? Its not super load but its audible. is that normal. pre-amp tubes maybe the culprit?
hmmm. thanks for the info. yeah, i would think it would sound at least as good thru the loop, if not better than in front--but it doesn't. Could this be a pre-amp tube related problem? anyone have a similarly frustration experience like this with yr. Fx loop on a MK II C (+)?

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