biglionfan111 said:
OK, first post and question for the experts. I'm looking hard at the mini. I'm thinking of a standard Mesa 2x12 for the cab rather than the mini 1x12 or a Mesa 4x12. Out of the Mesa series, which one do you guys think would be the best. Obviously the rectifier series 2x12 comes to mind, but what about the others?? I have another amp that I could also run to it.
Thanks in advance!
By all means I would recommend the 2x12 Rectifier. Its probablly the best all around cabinet for this amp. On our YouTube channel we do have a couple of 2x12 comparisons (rectifier vs road king and rectifier vs Electra dyne) so you can check those out to hear the differences, which are quite substantial.
The stiletto and roadster 2x12's sound nearly the same, and they would give you a bit more mids and a smoother top end when compared to the 2x12 rec.
Pair the Mini with a 2x12 rec and it's aggressive, tight, punchy, clear, and in your face. If you can't try all the available combinations, I think the 2x12 Rec is a cant miss choice, and it will sound excellent with whatever amp you pair it with in the future.
Regarding the Mini 1x12's... Im not totally sold on these guys yet. Don't get me wrong, they do sound good and look awesome, but for less money you can have the 2x12 rectifier which IMHO is a better sounding rig. For 1x12s I believe I would prefer the wide body theile, but I haven't A/Bed them. I actually think the mini 1x12 will work best with the transatlantic, but again, I haven't tested this! Too much gear and not enough time!
Another thing I want to try is two Mini heads on a 4x12 and have each amp feed one side of the cabinet, dialing in the amps differently... Like vintage through one side and modern through the other. I would think they could share the same foot switch via a Y cable.
EvilEmuOfDoom said:
Mine just arrived! Sadly, I'm still at work so it's just sitting here on my desk taunting me...
It's funny, although I knew how small it would be (I had a TA-15 briefly) it still caught me off guard. The knobs are so tiny!

5 more hours... I might suddenly contract some sort of fast-acting illness. It could happen...
Ok, you should have had your amp long enough to give us a review! ... Or have you been too busy playing?!?!
BTW, the size freaked me out at first too... It's SMALLER than the TA-15!
Also, we are working very hard on the video. The audio is done and our video editor has it and is working on it tonight, after hours. I should have a draft by morning, and hopefully have the video on YouTube tomorrow, Friday at the latest!