Well-known member

This thing is really good.
I picked it up from a dude last week and gave it a bit of TLC such as cleaning out all the pots and sockets due to crackling and general background hiss I couldn't really live with, and also changed out 3/5 preamp tubes for ones I know to be good. It wasn't ******, it was just neglected. That instantly made the amp clearer, louder, more present and with a noticeable reduction in any noise. It's a really quiet amp now.
I made the faceplate for it yesterday... as much as I understand the grille plate stuff is part of the recto legend, it's not my thing. The metal grille is attached to the chassis via some (very strong) double sided tape and, with enough persuasion, it pops off. I used a long flat screwdriver and pried it off, then used it as a template for the replacement, which looks like this:

Then stained it black, sanded it back, then stained it purple before finishing it in 3 coats of gloss clear.

I have a Mesa Tremoverb too. That means I'm in a good place to A/B compare the mini and full size dual. The Mini is close, similar character, but it is definitely it's own amp and I think it's rather unfair to expect it be the same as another amp with way bigger transformers, power tubes, tube rectifiers etc. The mini is a lot more versatile, more barky/snarly in the upper mids, not as huge sounding or as thick in the lows yet the EQ does a whole lot more on the mini than on the TOV. It's nice having a presence control that actually does something on Vintage mode and, taken on its own merits, the Mini Rec is an astounding achievement considering they pack all these options, sounds, versatility into a lightweight package you can easily carry in one hand.
Nice work, Mesa.