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The Boogie Board

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  1. B

    After a week my Mesa Mark IV is scaring me

    how old is the amp? my mark iv from the early ninties sounded really flabby until I replaced the caps.
  2. B

    Taking a Mark IV to Europe

    Hi all, I'll be moving to Denmark from California this summer, and I wanted to bring along my mark iv. I remember there were several posts on how to transport tube amps on a plane, but are there any customs issues I should be worried about? Anybody had any experience taking a heavy tube amp to...
  3. B

    Rackmount Kit for IV

    If you're going to build a rackmount for yourself, why don't you make several and sell them on ebay? I might be interested in buying one...
  4. B

    The Tube Store tube ratings

    Hi all, I have a mark iv, which I got retubed with 6l6 SEDs when I first got it. I bought the tubes from the Tube Store. They sent me tubes rated at "22". It sounded fantastic. I recently bought a pair of EL34s from them, again SEDs. They sent me a pair rated at "31". Since then, I've had...
  5. B

    Mark IV noise issues

    Yes, it hums even without anything plugged in. I have an extra pair of power tubes, so I tried repacing them in all combinations, but the hum is ever present.
  6. B

    Mark IV noise issues

    I know this topic has been discussed a lot, but I just cant figure it out. My Mark makes a humming sound on every channel, with rhy 1 being the softest and the lead channel being the loudest. It is a recent development; I've been carting the amp to school to record in their studios. It was super...
  7. B

    Does anybody have a Mark IV A manual?

    Whoa Dave, you saved me from selling this amp. I could never get a great sound out of R2, and was seriously thinking about making a swap. I looked though the old manual and tried out the factory settings in it and MAN!!! they are incredible. Thank you very very much!!!!
  8. B

    Mark III help

    yup, reverb tank. the leads connect to the bottom of your amp chassis.
  9. B

    Mark IV Clips

    Man, these clips are really REALLY great! Any settings from these clips?
  10. B

    Home-made mods on the MK III

    thanks vca... so if you can move the pot controlling the R2 volume to the hole where the direct out used to go, can you put another pot controlling the r2 gain in the other hole? I remember reading that you can either get a R2 gain or volume control mod in place of the direct out...can you have...
  11. B

    Home-made mods on the MK III

    Hi everybody, just wondering how many people have tried doing the R2 volume mod to their MK III at home. The process seems pretty simple: just replace R130 with a audio pot, right? If it is so simple, can I do it myself and save the $200 plus shipping it would cost to send it to Mesa? Also...
  12. B

    Slave out - Tuner?

    How about for the Mark III amps? I don't want to situate my boss tu-12 in line...I think it sucks tone. So, are there any other ideas about quiet tuning?
  13. B

    Slave out - Tuner?

    That sounds like a good idea...but how would you mute the guitar while tuning?
  14. B

    Question for those who use JJ High-Gain Preamp Kit in MKIV

    I bought a used mark III that had been a bit tubes changes for over 7 years! Well, I ordered a set of JJ preamp tubes and a couple Svetlana 6L6's and put them in my amp. Oh my god. This is my first tube amp so I might be easy to impress but geez! Anything I play sounds incredible...
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    Who is TINA?

    Thank you. wow, that is some obscure knowledge. I am throughly impressed!
  16. B

    Who is TINA?

    Hey everybody, I just opened up my mark iii to give it a clean and found the word TINA written inside the chassis. It is written in two places: by the heat sink and the transformer. There is also a KDW written behind the input jack socket. What does it all mean???!!?!? Was there a mod done to...
  17. B

    Question for those who use JJ High-Gain Preamp Kit in MKIV

    Hey, If you do a search on this board for "eurotubes", there are plenty of people testifying how much better their boogies sounded after the jj replacements. I think I'll pick up a set for myself!
  18. B

    Mark III simul-class and nonsimulclass

    hey BWK, thanks for the reply. so, the simulclass and the non-simul class do have different tones then right? How exactly do they differ? Is the 60 watt powerful enough to drive a 4x12 cab? By the way, your website is awesome.
  19. B

    Mark III simul-class and nonsimulclass

    Hey everybody, Great board! I didn't realize there was this much good information on the net about the mark 3s. I just got ahold of a red stripe for $440, with reverb and eq. I am a very happy individual! :lol: The thing is, my amp uses only one pair of power tubes, and is not simul class. I...