Mark III simul-class and nonsimulclass

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Oct 12, 2005
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Hey everybody,

Great board! I didn't realize there was this much good information on the net about the mark 3s. I just got ahold of a red stripe for $440, with reverb and eq. I am a very happy individual! :lol: The thing is, my amp uses only one pair of power tubes, and is not simul class. I was wondering, are there great tonal differences between the simul and nonsimul, or is it just a matter of power? Thanks everybody!!!
Hey there,

Great deal. A 60 watt Red Stripe Mark III is a fantastic amp. I would take that over a Simul-Class Mark III, but remember, I really dig the Mark IIB sound and I like the punch of Class AB only.

I think you will be very happy!

hey BWK,

thanks for the reply. so, the simulclass and the non-simul class do have different tones then right? How exactly do they differ? Is the 60 watt powerful enough to drive a 4x12 cab?

By the way, your website is awesome.
The 60 watt will drive the cabinet with no problem, just make sure it is wired series paralell so that it is an 8 ohm cabinet.

Yes, the SC and the 60 watt are different. The break up on the Simul-Class occurs earlier. The 60 watt has more punch and head room to me.


A 60 watt Boog will definitely push a 4-12.....
Yes, the tone is somewhat different, but still awesome...
ax. :twisted: