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  1. J

    Using a road king for direct recording?

    thanks to everyone for the good advice. A couple of points were brought up that I didnt even think about. Im glad I asked!!!
  2. J

    Using a road king for direct recording?

    Alright. I know that most would scoff at the idea, but here at my house I dont have any mics. I usually record at a friends place but I like to program my drums and lay down tracks here in my office. I used to use a little pedal to do this but I have a road king. Haha! Anyway, is it possible to...
  3. J

    Spongy Mode

    I love the spongy/tube recto combination. However on my RK and my TR I noticed that I almost have to use diode rectifier for my higher gain riffs since I do a lot of intricate riff work whilst palm muting. If I used the tube rectification I get a lot of unwanted "crackle" in the tone on both...
  4. J

    going back to the Krank discussion...

    The krank Revolution and the Dimebag version, "Krankenstein" are both good amps, but from what I hear theres trouble with them breaking. This is just what I hear. I played both of them and the Krankenstein is made so anyone can get a brutal tone regardless of pickups. So if you have some super...
  5. J

    Difference between RK II V1 and RKII V2 ?

    Its all in the clean channel and the effects loops. The clean circuit is straight from the LoneStar on the RKII which sounds better to 99% of the people. Also it has better effects loops. Channels three and four are the exact same in both versions. The Roadster is an exact replica of the...
  6. J

    Yet another cabinet question....

    Thanks for the help everyone. The line 6 cab is garbage I know, but I was just wondering if I threw it in the mix somewhere just to run three cabs. Ideally the question was for the mesa cabs. I have a mesa rectifier 2x12 that has two jacks in the back. One IN jack at 8 ohm, and one out jack...
  7. J

    Yet another cabinet question....

    Alright... A couple of questions... I have a roadking I, and I also have a mesa recto 2x12 cabinet, an old marshall 4x12 cab and a crummy line 6 4x12 cab. All three are 8 ohms. Can I run all three from my RK at once? Also, On my mesa cab, it has an extension jack on it to run to another cab...
  8. J

    Spongy or Bold power??

    I always do it in standby. You can do all of that stuff in standby actually.
  9. J

    Spongy or Bold power??

    It all depends on what mood im in. I find that with a combination of tube rectifier and spongy settings I can get more sag from the amp which I like. I always loved that saggy chug for heavy riffs. However, sometimes my tastes enjoy the more direct attack of the bold setting. Lately I have been...
  10. J

    New Bands music up (Dual Recto content)

    pretty good stuff. The gutar tone is sick. You mind sharing a bit of your settings there? For the life of me I cant get that pinpoint tone, its always really fuzzy you know?
  11. J

    What a difference 2 months makes!

    no kidding! Im still toying with mine. What settings did you use? Maybe it will give me a bit of an idea on how to tweak mine a bit more. Mine sounds just killer but I know it can do more.
  12. J

    Problem w/ a dual rectifier two channel (help)

    I would say so up front. Get some new rectifier tubes and see what happens. Hopefully nothing else is wrong behind the scenes. If the new rectifier tubes are in and the amp still doesnt work then take it to a tech but what you have described so far is right out of the manual which is referring...
  13. J

    Recto cab Problem. Recto/Roadster/RoadKing uses help!

    In all of my years gigging huge venues at insanely high volume I have NEVER had anything like that happen. That just sounds strange.
  14. J

    Anybody change the knobs on a RK or Recto to more "visi

    If you could figure out a way, you could always get crazy and put little LEDs where the dots are...
  15. J

    Mesa/amp techs

    I kicked the same idea around as well. I actually would love to be able to design and build tube amps. That would be tons of fun.
  16. J

    RKI question...

    should I just call mesa?
  17. J

    RKI question...

    Ok, I was tinkering a bit and I noticed something. When I flip a channel to use all six tubes for the power section, the silicon diode light does come on as if its doing what its supposed to do, however one of the 6l6 lights does not come on. Both 6l6 lights work, but only one 6l6 light and the...
  18. J

    I just had to share this experience...

    Thanks everyone! Yes, this amp is purely amazing. No effects at all, just right into the amp and it works like a charm. Im very satisfied.
  19. J

    Amplifier Versatility Question

    I dont know, I would have to disagree here. I mean, yes. The rectos and roadster/roadking alike can offer up heaps of aggressive distortion, much like an original blockhead modded 5150. The road king actually can go beyond the 5150's distortion cap. However, the road king can mold into...
  20. J

    So who else doesn't use "modern" on a Rectifier?

    On my triple recto I ended up running vintage, but on my road king I find that I can run modern and still have the tone be articulate, so I do that on the road king.