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Well-known member
Nov 16, 2007
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Okay, many here are going to laugh but if you're going to knock the Krank tones, I highly encourage you guys to check out Dethklok's Dethalbum. I know it's a made up band and a cartoon but the music is real and I must say, some of the heavy tones achieved are pretty sick. As far as I know, these guys are strictly Krank amps due to endorsement purposes. Seriously, though, good tone to me and it's not "dimed". That and Metalocolypse is just an awesome show and a ton of fun to watch given its so guitar based hahaha
the tones on metalocalipse are so.. BRUTAL!

I have only heard a krank rev jr before seemed metal enogh maybe krank hate is just ignorance you know maybe you have to spend time with it to get the settings right. You have to do the same with a mesa.

Personaly I would not feel comfortable having a very visible KRANK label on my amp its like, i dunno, kinda stupid looking.

I guess if your going to call your product Krank with a k you should be ready for some people to hate it.
The krank Revolution and the Dimebag version, "Krankenstein" are both good amps, but from what I hear theres trouble with them breaking. This is just what I hear.

I played both of them and the Krankenstein is made so anyone can get a brutal tone regardless of pickups. So if you have some super pickups you can never max the gain on it. Theres gain to spare on this amp. You can tweak it out and make it sound sick as hell but personally I dig the boogie amps better. You can get just as heavy with mesa boogie and they are a bit more versatile in my opinion.

If you want a krank then buy a krank. They are not bad amps at all.
I didn't know they used Kranks until now. Yes Dethklok's Dethalbum is heavy, but I don't find the guitar tone something to look up to :?
+1 this is so true, even alot of times you see pro's with amps on stage, does not mean they are actually using those amps, if they are endorsed by a company all they have to do is have dummies on stage and then use there trusty old amp of choice.

Rocky said:
In a pro studio anything can be made to sound great.
I think the hate has to do with the fact that we're all boogie enthusiasts here. You could probably name a bunch of companies and there would still be some hate (Marshall, H&K, Genz Benz, Peavey). I mean it goes as far as hating on certain Mesas around here, so i guess it's to be expected unless the amp is just really that good.

Personally i think a good player can make just about any amp sound decent to good. It comes down to preference and for a lot of guys how easy it is to arrive at their tone. To me for the money they want for those bad boys I dont find the tone and versatility right for my needs.