Spongy Mode

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Well-known member
Mar 19, 2007
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Middletown, NJ
So the more and more I play my Roadster, the more i think I like the Spongy mode better than the bold mode. I feel like in spongy mode, the recto buzzsaw trait is gone and the highs are a lot less harsh. Not to say bold sounds BAD but i think i definitely dig spongy more. The weird thing (at least to me) is that i used to hate the spongy mode on all my other rectos and would always use bold. Anyone else feel similar?
Yes and it works even better at lower volumes mic'ed up. Once in a while I'll go back to Bold and SS, but the gooey sound has grown on me like fungus.
fishyfishfish said:
Yes and it works even better at lower volumes mic'ed up. Once in a while I'll go back to Bold and SS, but the gooey sound has grown on me like fungus.

gooey might be the best description. it reminds me a little of using the fluid drive on the stilettos... not totally the same but in some ways thats what it reminds me of.
I play my Triple Rec in spongy quite often, especially since with all that headroom, it's a nice way to get some listenable saturation at lower (read: garage level) volumes, especially for solos. It's not a one-way trip though; I still use Bold for things from the rhythm in Dream Theater's Pull Me Under to Journey's Stone In Love. Bold is also a little more accurate in tracking the rhythm work in AC/DC songs.
We're starting to track some leads now, and (on a 2 channel) we're using Channel 1 Vintage in Spongy/Tube Rectifier Mode. But that's a rarity. Probably 99.9% of the time, it's Bold/Silicon Diode/Modern for me.
My Mesa amps are always on spongy in tube rec mode. There is no substitute. :twisted:
It's a matter of preference.

There's time I need a shreddy drive and the way to get it "Bold" and Silcon rectifier settings.

Another time I need a warm drive => "Spongy" and Tube rectifier setting.

And guess what? (that I know of) MESA's amplifier models that do have these two features are the only one on the market that has these two features.

If I'm not mistaken I think Randall Smith had or have a patent on the silicon / tube rectifier switch. So all those boutique amp such as Bad Cat, Matchless are license to have this feature from Randall Smith.

Please correct me if I'm mistaken. I'll admit to be mistaken. :oops:
so what exactlygoes on in the amp on spongy compared to bold. I know there is less voltage (110V~ maybe?) but for all the tube guru's can you explain what the science behind that is?
jdurso said:
so what exactlygoes on in the amp on spongy compared to bold. I know there is less voltage (110V~ maybe?) but for all the tube guru's can you explain what the science behind that is?
Lower plate/internal voltage gives a softer "spongier" feel, more tube sag, saturation and dynamics. "Browns" the sound down and smooths it out, more vintage vibe to it. As a side benefit, output tubes will last a little longer and the amp will run cooler.
Core9 said:
jdurso said:
so what exactlygoes on in the amp on spongy compared to bold. I know there is less voltage (110V~ maybe?) but for all the tube guru's can you explain what the science behind that is?
Lower plate/internal voltage gives a softer "spongier" feel, more tube sag, saturation and dynamics. "Browns" the sound down and smooths it out, more vintage vibe to it. As a side benefit, output tubes will last a little longer and the amp will run cooler.

awesome.. thanks Core
jdurso said:
Core9 said:
jdurso said:
so what exactlygoes on in the amp on spongy compared to bold. I know there is less voltage (110V~ maybe?) but for all the tube guru's can you explain what the science behind that is?
Lower plate/internal voltage gives a softer "spongier" feel, more tube sag, saturation and dynamics. "Browns" the sound down and smooths it out, more vintage vibe to it. As a side benefit, output tubes will last a little longer and the amp will run cooler.

awesome.. thanks Core
No problem :wink:
I pretty much stay in Spongy and Tube Rectification at all times. Well, most of the time. :D
I really dig using the Spongy mode w/ tube rectification on my Stilleto Ace. The gain sounds sweeter and is full of harmonics. I don't use the Bold power setting as often but it's really nice too.
The only reason I ever wanted a recto was for the spongy and tube rectifier modes. I have yet to find a high gain tube amp with these options. I know that by 2003 tons of bands started looking elsewhere and started using other amps, but that recto sound is still its own unique, great thing.
I love the spongy/tube recto combination. However on my RK and my TR I noticed that I almost have to use diode rectifier for my higher gain riffs since I do a lot of intricate riff work whilst palm muting. If I used the tube rectification I get a lot of unwanted "crackle" in the tone on both heads so I opt to use silicon diode, even tho I really enjoy the tube recto sound much better.
I love both the bold and spongy modes on my stiletto.... i think they both have their uses. Usually use the spongy with the crunch modes and bold with the fluid drive mode.