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  1. J

    The ultimate (cheap) living room practice amp

    Can't believe no one has recommended the Fender SCXD or VCXD's. Tube tone at any volume, not to mention you can get over the top distortion that sounds great at very low levels.
  2. J

    Problem with F30

    Just thought I'd post a follow up for those who responded. Talked to Boogie rep on the phone and there's not allot they can do for me. Said he was not going to eat the cost of the cover, etc. because GC lost it. He recommended I talk to the store manager and tell him I want the cover...
  3. J

    Problem with F30

    On another forum they told me not even mess with GC, to call Mesa direct and tell them what's going on. I kind of like the guys at GC so I really didn't want to bust on them, but they've not left me an option so I'm calling Mesa tomorrow. BTW, our GC just informed me they're no longer going to...
  4. J

    Problem with F30

    Never mind. I found the problem. It was the phase inverter tube. When I first got the amp I rolled in some JJ's, but liked the stock tubes better so I put them back in. However, I inadvertently left the JJ in the phase inverter postion and this is the one that went bad. Rolled the original...
  5. J

    F-30 question about footswitch...

    I tried the JJ's in every positon, including an all JJ set-up and didn't care for them. I had them as spares as I have tried them in other amps in the past and didn't care for them in any of them. I much prefer the stock Mesa tube myself. I find the JJ's lacking in bass and spongy sounding...
  6. J

    Problem with F30

    My F30 has started to intermittently lose volume. It doesn't go out completely, but just gets softer and then louder agian. It seems to only happen after it's warmed up and it happens at all volume levels and on both channels. Any idea what's happening here? The amp is less than two months...
  7. J

    epiphone valve jr

    When I first saw these little amps no one at the store was even giving them a second look. When I saw the price I thought to myslef, these must be junk. Curiosity got the best of me so I plugged and and was I surprised. What a great little amp. Not something that you could gig with, well...
  8. J

    The First Amp You Ever Played On A Live Gig?

    A sock hop at our junior high. We were a hit. 8) Seriously though, I'm not sure I even remember the name of the amp. Silvertone I think, or something like that. It was 1969 and that amp was passed down to me from my older brother. It was part of a package deal from Sears that included the...
  9. J

    Inordinate amount of amp hiss with F-30

    I replaced the 12AX7's on both input tubes and PI and still have the same amout of hiss. I'm going to replace the power tubes tomorrow as I also have four spare JJ EL-84's that I can try. The good news is that the JJ's made a marked improvement. Both channels are now more to my liking...
  10. J

    VOX AD30VT - Best modeling amp I've heard!!

    I quit using UPS's some time ago. I've had much better luck with Fedex. Good luck getting your check from UPS in a timely manner. As for the Valvetronix, I agree they're about as good as it gets when it comes to the modelers. I had the AD60VT and sold it when I decided I wasn't going to play...
  11. J

    Inordinate amount of amp hiss with F-30

    I'm a newbe to the Boogie community. Bought a F-30 a little over a week ago and really like it. However, when I turn the volume up past 8:00 I start to get hiss which gets progressively worse as I continue to increase the volume. The hiss is in both channels and the only noise I get. No hum...
  12. J

    Which is the better Grab-N-Go? Express 5:25 vs Fender DRRI

    The DRRI list for $850 at our local stores and the 5/25 is $1050. Only $200 difference. Anyhow, as a grab and go I don't see how you could go wrong with the 5/25. Yes Fender has a really sweet clean and one of the best reverbs I've heard, but it's just not as versatile and is much bigger than...
  13. J

    Tried an Express 5:50 and 5:25... disappointed

    Darren, this is an old post, but I'm a newbe to the forums and recently pruchased a NOS F-30 from GC. When I first started shopping they had the F-50 and the Express 5/25 and 5/50's. I tried them all and liked each of them with the 5/25 being my favorite. But, like you, I'm a rhythm player...
  14. J

    F-30 just came in!

    Mine hisses like crazy when you turn up both the volume and gain. keep one or the other down low and it's not an issue. It's much worse in the clean channel. However, this is using the amp in the house so it wouldn't be an issue under normal cirucmstances. BTW, mine is a new amp with...
  15. J

    Tube replacment question

    Anyone put in some 5751's in place of the pre-amp 12AX7's? I know this is quite common for home audio equipment to get a warmer and smoother tone. The 5750's also break up earlier so this might also be desirable for home use. Thanks.
  16. J

    Best Mesas for low volumes?

    I use a F-30 and couldn't be happier. It's high gain so it has quite a bit of hiss when the volume is turned up barely beyone minimum, but close to minium is all I normally need. I just use the gain control, contour, both channels and my guitar volume to get the sound I want. Very versatile...