Problem with F30

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Jack Dotson

Jan 21, 2008
Reaction score
corpus christi tx.
My F30 has started to intermittently lose volume. It doesn't go out completely, but just gets softer and then louder agian. It seems to only happen after it's warmed up and it happens at all volume levels and on both channels.

Any idea what's happening here? The amp is less than two months old and has the original tubes, but I bought it as a floor model from GC. After two months they still haven't provided me with the warranty card or cover it's supposed to come with either.

Does this sound like a tube or something worse?

Please help. Thanks.
Never mind. I found the problem. It was the phase inverter tube. When I first got the amp I rolled in some JJ's, but liked the stock tubes better so I put them back in. However, I inadvertently left the JJ in the phase inverter postion and this is the one that went bad. Rolled the original tube back in and all is well.
On another forum they told me not even mess with GC, to call Mesa direct and tell them what's going on. I kind of like the guys at GC so I really didn't want to bust on them, but they've not left me an option so I'm calling Mesa tomorrow.

BTW, our GC just informed me they're no longer going to sale Mesa amp's. According to them they weren't selling enough so Mesa pulled the line. I've also noticed on Mesa's website they're not listed as and authorized dealer/distributor. Curious to find out what's going on here. I'll ask tomorrow as well and see is Mesa will give me any insight.
Just thought I'd post a follow up for those who responded. Talked to Boogie rep on the phone and there's not allot they can do for me. Said he was not going to eat the cost of the cover, etc. because GC lost it.

He recommended I talk to the store manager and tell him I want the cover, warranty card, etc. and if they don't help to call him back.

Went to GC a couple of times and told them to have the store manager give me a call, but of course it's never happened. I'm gong to have to catch him in the store to get this problem resolved, if it ever does.