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  1. G

    MK V wish list

    Seems the clean channel needs the most work for most of us. Lonestar cleans would definitely be nice with the lush reverb with independent controls for each channel. Perhaps some different voices for each channel like a vintage/classic/modern switch. EQ should definitely stay. I would say...
  2. G

    differences betwwen Mesa/boogie Roadster and Road King II

    I agree with the EQ comment, but for an amp that costs $2499 I would hope that it can cover both rhythm and leads with ease without the use of any other enhancements.
  3. G

    differences betwwen Mesa/boogie Roadster and Road King II

    As always I'll start by.... IMHO........ Nothing is bothering me, but after owning this amp alongside my Mark IV I just could not justify having a RK because the Mark IV just blows the RK away in terms of lead voicing... The only way I got my RK to sound good for leads was either Ch. 2 Brit...
  4. G

    differences betwwen Mesa/boogie Roadster and Road King II

    Here's one similarity between the two: Both are lousy for leads unless the volume is blistering and you're running a 4x12 cabinet.
  5. G

    Mark IV video

    As if my playing abilities should determine the validity of my opinion? And no, my first name isn't Dick as you maliciously suggest.
  6. G

    Mark IV video

    I'm over it. I suggest you all do the same.
  7. G

    Mark IV video

    Yet another attack.
  8. G

    Mark I and 400+ discontinued

    Maybe make it a hybrid- Mark series + Rectifier series.... Best of both worlds! Of course, I suppose then it wouldn't be a Mark amp.
  9. G

    Mark I and 400+ discontinued

    Please let this be true.... Winter NAMM 2008.. Which means if a Mark V is released then it would be available spring-summer time frame. Of course, new isn't always better, but it would definitely be something to GAS about.
  10. G

    Mark IV video

    This is typical of forum life.. I give my opinion, not an attack, and now I'm the guy getting chastised. Thanks.
  11. G

    Mark IV video

    What is this damage control?? You have a great sense of humor Elpelotero. :lol:
  12. G

    Mark IV video

    Hey guys, I'm not trying to start sh!t here.. I just gave my opinion.. And as everyone knows- Opinions are like a$$holes, everyone's got one! Thanks for getting my back Cudbucket!
  13. G

    Finally..........the Mark IV is mine!

    +1 on the Recto 2x12. I think the Recto cabs are the perfect all around choice for any of Mesa's amps. A tradional Thiele cab is good too, but the Mark IV will really sing through a 2x12 or greater size. I think your Mark IV will open up your eyes and ears after coming from a Rectifier.
  14. G

    Mark IV video

    Even if the sound quality were better, my opinion still stands- LOUSY. I mean, not even remotely good. If anything I hope my comments inspire this kid to practice and think twice about posting a clip of his playing.
  15. G

    Mark IV video

    Hey Platypus... It's called an opinion. Deal with it.
  16. G

    Tuneing my Road King II for more definition on channel 4

    Couldn't agree more... The Road Kings are best for rhythm sections.. NOT Leads.. Mark IVs cut through the mix with tons of clarity, presence, and sustain!
  17. G

    Mark IV video

    IMHO that was horrible.. Audio quality is bad.. Subject matter surrounding the music is horrible.. Praise/Worship music is just bad IMHO.
  18. G

    Roadster reverb surge (??)

    Same thing happened with my RKII when I owned it. It was present when switching between any channel. Basically the reverb is really quiet and it just 'volumes up' almost like a wave, but then sounds normalized. The point is, it's normal.
  19. G

    Roadster wiped the floor with the Roadking!!

    I will rest by saying IMHO unless you want a rectifier sound for distortion and LSC cleans, the Mark IV is the better amp for leads in any gain environment.
  20. G

    Quick Video of my Mark IV slaving...

    Wow.. that sounded sick.. I'm sure the camera's mic didn't even do it half the justice!