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  1. T

    rectifier trouble update. (fixed)

    Do we know if the Single Recs have this issue? If the other Rectos do I would assume so.
  2. T

    Do we know the origination of the current Mesa power tubes?

    Really? That would be surprising to me given their price thru the Boogie website. I mean they are approx $20 cheaper than other places on the net. I would expect Mesa branded ones to be pricier than elsewhere.
  3. T

    Do we know the origination of the current Mesa power tubes?

    I'm looking at retubing my Single V1 (so 6L6 only). I am looking at (current production all) JJ, TAD, Winged C, Tung Sol. I also like the idea of getting the Mesa branded ones since they will definitely fall within the correct bias range. I'm just wondering if anyone knows the origination...
  4. T

    4x12 Cabinet question

    Any tone changes/benefits by running my Single Recto 4ohm outputs into the two 4ohm inputs on the Recto cab versus just simply using the 8ohm mono setup?
  5. T

    Changed my faceplate

    I kind of want to do this to my Single. So the faceplate is glued on? What would I use to put it back on?
  6. T

    Boogieless no more.

    Can't go wrong with a Mesa 2x12. I'm intrigued by Avatar cabs. They get some pretty good reviews around the net and they are very affordable. Maybe not the choice for your #1, but great for a second rig or as a backup I suppose. Also hear great things about Orange, Mills Acoustics, Bogner...
  7. T

    Boogieless no more.

    I rock a V1 Single myself. I prefer Vintage mode and run an OD808 in front. I have some NOS tubes in there now (RFT, JAN Phillips) but may try out some new production stuff soon.
  8. T

    Are Recto's to loud for playing in bedrooms

    I have a Single recto half stack that for the last 7yrs has been bedroom only and it works great. I'm in a house though so I can crank it a little if I want. Apartment? Probably not a good idea. I know one thing, I definitely would not get a 4x12 if I was only going to be playing at home...
  9. T

    IPS Decimator advice: G String pedal or ProRackG?

    I have the regular Decimator and run it in front of my Single Recto after the guitar and an OD-808 pedal. It makes the setup virtually silent. Pretty amazing pedal.
  10. T

    boost + FX switching Should have everything you need.
  11. T

    FJA Modified Rectifier - Review

    I'd love to hear some audio clips comparing your modded amp vs. your 92 recto if possible.
  12. T

    Mesa single rectifier series 1 or 2 what you think?

    Never heard or played the series 2, but I have a series 1 that kicks all kinds of ***. Use a Maxon OD-808 in front and a Sonic Maximizer in the loop. Have it outfitted with some NOS tubes right now. Use it with a Mesa 4x12.
  13. T

    Boss pedals in FX loop or in front?

    I recently got an ISP Decimator and I run it in front of the amp after a Maxon OD808 pedal. Works really well.
  14. T

    Single Recto + Suhr (Video)

    Suhr what?
  15. T

    What setting are you using on your OD808?

    I'm finding myself with a similar setup. Just got an 808 and loving it so far. I did find that the 808 added some additional noise so I've put an ISP Decimator after it.
  16. T

    Best Boost for Recto thread

    Anyone perceive a difference in tone/performance in their 808 when using batteries vs. power supply?
  17. T

    just tried mxr 10 band with my triple rec

    So now are you using the 808 in front and the MXR in the loop? Or just the MXR?
  18. T

    JUST ANNOUNCED! New Dual And Triple Rectifiers For 2010

    I look forward to hearing reviews.
  19. T

    Analogman Maxon OD-9 Silver Mod

    Thanks for the info. The listed price is the same as a new 808, but I would expect to be able to knock a few bucks off it. Maybe I'll just get both - its almost tax return time. :D
  20. T

    Analogman Maxon OD-9 Silver Mod

    Anyone tried an Analogman modded OD-9 with their Rectifier? From the Best Boost thread, it seems like the OD-808 is popular - wondering how this OD-9 would compare. There is one on my local Craig's List that I may snap up.