Best Boost for Recto thread

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the_wallcrawler said:
droptrd said:
I like the OD808 for the rectos. Tightens the lowend and warms up the mids.
For the folks using boosts - are you using these in front of the amp or in the loop? I have a basic Single Recto setup right now. I guess logically, it would make the most sense in the loop since this will modify the post-amp signal.
I dont use it for a volume boost. I use it for a gain boost. The rectos are more than capable of giving enough gain, but an OD boost gives a different feel and character and tightness the amp alone can not get. I run my OD808 in front with the level maxed and the gain at about 11:00. The OD808 doesnt have much lowend. This allows me to roll off some of the deep bottom but still have a powerfull tight lowend punch. It also pushes the preamp into a natural distortion that is much warmer in the mids. This is great for leads.
hey guys im using mesa single rectifier and i want to ask which is better boost pedal "Boss SD-1(Super Over Drive)" or "Digitech Bad Monkey" ??? i want to boost the rythim gain... i played music like four year strong, set your goals, new found glory, and other pop punk band... thx for feedback guys :)
Boosts are overrated, been through a bunch of them and forget it, plug straight into the amp and rock. if the tones not right get another amp.
Dead Moon Rising said:
Boosts are overrated, been through a bunch of them and forget it, plug straight into the amp and rock. if the tones not right get another amp.

Too expensive.

Go for the bad monkey. Ive heard some good things about them. Try to just push it harder and not necessarily stack gains from pedals.
I just grabbed a Boss DS-1 to put in front of my 2 channel Dual Rec. After also retubing the amp (Tungsol in V1, and new Mesa 12ax7 in V2-V5, Tungsol 6L6s, and JJ Rectifier tubes), the amp has tightened up considerably, even without a boost. But the DS-1 pushes it up to a different level.
I picked the DS-1 over all the tubescreamer circuits mainly because its 92% the same circuit, but with an asymmetrical diode clipping section, which i feel gives my palm muting style a bit more organic feel. sounds more like overdriving tubes versus the more digital sounding drive that i think the various tubescreamer circuits produce. just my opinion though.
DS-1 pedal settings: Level about 2-3 o'clock, Drive just a notch above zero, Tone about 11 o'clock to warm the midrange up a bit.

Hope a different opinion helps.

either way, enjoy your amp
I have a MKV and a Recto 50 Lead. The Rec has insane gain. It is not a Mark series amp though and has a different voicing. I can't get a saturated MK1 sound out of the Rec, but it chugs great rifs better than a MK to my ear. Jamming alone, with out a bass player, I always think I need more bass. Your mileage may vary.
MXR CAE works very will into my Single Recto on both clean and o/d settings. Really adds sparkle to the sound. Boosts the vintage and modern channels and thickens up the sound. I use a Bad Monkey on the clean channel for lighter o/d.
I use a keeley modded TS9 drive 0, tone 7~8, lvl at 5. it works great for rythm distortion and metal distortion too, for solos i just use the solo footswitch and get rid of the ts9 while soloing i think it adds unwanted noice, but works great for rythm! :mrgreen:
Im using a digitech rp80. Bypass and its pure amp goodness. Turned on its a slight volume increase, a small eq boosting mids and treble which really tighten things up, but doesnt alter the tone, just enhances, then adds a slight noise gate.

Im very happy with it. I thought about replacing the rp80 with pedals to do each function, and tried that, but it sounded the same, and had me tap dancing to turn off and on what I needed for a certain sound.
MXR CAE MC 402. Before the pre boosts the od beautifully and after gives a great solo boost. I use it and a Bad Monkey if I just want a lead on the clean channel.

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