Which cab(s) for my to-be Lone Star Head?

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Nov 9, 2008
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Hey everybody, about to join the family of short tails... (stupid joke) Ok, I'm about to get the head and been thinking about which cab.... In all honesty guys, does chanel 2 sound better with a closed cab? If so, is it possible to buy 2 cabs, have 1 for the clean chanel and a second closed cab for the OD? And by the cabs I meas the Lone Star cabs 2 x 12. How about the road king cab 2 x 12? Will that not work on the Lone Star? If it does would that be a good solution or does it not sound nice with a semi open back? Thanks for reading, and keep up the playing.
The Lone Star doesn't have assignable speaker outputs like the Road King. You could still do this, you would just have to have a cab switcher, and set up something to switch cabs when you switch channels. I guess you'd have to have some sort of MIDI controller to do it, and I don't know exactly how it would work (maybe someone can jump in here), but I don't see any reason it couldn't be done.

Channel 2 of the LS tends to be a bit bassy, and a closed cabinet would certainly roll off some of those frequencies and tighten things up. A nice compromise might be an open-back 4x10 cabinet. The 10" speakers would roll off some of those same frequencies, but you would still get the clarity of the open back for the clean channel. Something to try, anyway.
My lonestar worked best with an oversized 212. My buddy who's playing a Road King II is getting two Port City cabs for his RK so he can run the cleans through one and the dirt through the other. I'd get either a ported or closed back for the Lonestar.
Thanks for the input. I had a chance to play a LSC head with a Lonestar 4 x 10 cab and a Lonestar 2 x 12. The 4 x 10 was very interesting and generally very musical, but in a way I preferred the 2 x 12 because of the 'openess'. The 4 x 12 sounded more compressed, not in a bad way; just a little 'squashier'. I've been thinking about the Lone Star 4 x 12, but I'm not so sure about it. This is due to the simple fact that it is semi-open, and I don't want any fallbacks on the amazing clean tone it has with the 2 x 12.. So this in mind, would it be a better idea to get 2, 2 x 12 Lonestar speakers (either stacked or played on either sides of the stage [which would be very nice to have since this really brings out the best sound to the audience {more balanced}]) OR, the 4 x 12 which would sound alright? Thanks. (sorry for so many brackets before!)