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I`m looking for a Classic rock amp/not a modern agressive hard rock amp.. I have followed your comments and i know you love your ED. Can you tell me how the ed should fit with classic rock?

Despite the fact it's an 6L6 based amplifier the more you crank it up the more you a get sweet power section like over drive, plus if you switch it to 45 watts you gain even more power section clip. This amp is definitely more open than the Royal Atlantic, it has more emphasis on the top end "shimmer" and "boomy" lows. I will warn you this amp has a TON of lows, so don't feel weird if you have to dial the bass knob to 10 or even 9 to get it about right. Also the amp, for want ever reason, is very loud... I hardly push the volume passed 8 or 9, and in most gigging situations you won't need to. The ED has a ton of harmonic overtones that give it more depth and make it more three dimensional. The midrange is more "buzzy" in a good way, where the RA cuts like a knife. They are honestly on opposite ends of the spectrum in my opinion, with a few shared characteristics. My issue with the ED is i've been trying to manipulate it to do something it's not made to do and that's the only reason I've had any issues. It's an amazing amplifier and supplies some of the best clean sounds and over driven gain tones with the best of them. However I do feel an RA/ED mix would be pretty amazing... So I'm keeping my Dyne and I'll get an RA down the road when I can find them used and cheaper. The ED will get me by until then. :wink:

Definitely check out the AD/DD sound clip on boogie's website, it definitely will show how well the ED can pull off classic rock tones.

Check out the sound clips here:
I`m looking forward to mine. By the way we also played the RA through a 2x12 recto cab , and a 4x12 Mills Acoustic. Of course it sounded better w/Mills but still we found the mids ,mostly upper mids VERY strong and just a little harsh but thought maybe that was from the V30`, in all.....and have you tried EL34`s in the ED? jeffp
jeffp said:
I`m looking forward to mine. By the way we also played the RA through a 2x12 recto cab , and a 4x12 Mills Acoustic. Of course it sounded better w/Mills but still we found the mids ,mostly upper mids VERY strong and just a little harsh but thought maybe that was from the V30`, in all.....and have you tried EL34`s in the ED? jeffp

I just tried out another RA100 today. This time a 2x12 combo. Odd...cause I don't hear those harsh mids you are referring to...and the combo is loaded with 2xV30s. I really hear more prominent lower mids...akin to the Bogner XTC Classic I previously owned fact eerily similar amps in the blue channel. The RA blows it away in the green and red channels.

I was pleasantly surprised with how small and compact the 2x12 is -- it appeared significantly smaller than a 1x12 ED that was sitting right next to it.
jeffp said:
I really hear more prominent lower mids...akin to the Bogner XTC Classic I previously owned fact eerily similar amps in the blue channel. The RA blows it away in the green and red channels.
I own an XTC 101B and think the RA's blue channel sounds like what the XTC's blue channel wished it sounded like. I also played the XTC Classic several times before (which I prefer in every way to the 101B I own) and think RA's blue channel is also significantly better than the XTC Classic's blue channel. I also agree that the the green channel on the RA blows away both XTC's green channel (especially the 101B). However, the RA's red channel definitely doesn't blow away the either XTC's red channels. I greatly prefer the RA's red channel for rhythm, riffing, and chugging, but I prefer both XTC's red channels for playing leads. The lead tones are great on the RA's red channel too, but the lead tone on the XTC is fatter, juicer, more saturated, sings better, and I just love the way it responds to my picking. In fact, when I select the bridge pick up and I pick really hard when shredding it feels as if I'm cutting through all the fat with a machetti. The XTC's and Mark series amps are probably the best amps I've played for leads. So, basically except for the lead tones the RA is better in every other way IMO. If it weren't for its great lead tones I would have sold my XTC a while ago. For rhythm and riffing I find my XTC 101B to be too smooth, compressed, and refined. The RA doesn't have those qualities for rhythm and riffing.
braintheory said:
jeffp said:
I really hear more prominent lower mids...akin to the Bogner XTC Classic I previously owned fact eerily similar amps in the blue channel. The RA blows it away in the green and red channels.
I own an XTC 101B and think the RA's blue channel sounds like what the XTC's blue channel wished it sounded like. I also played the XTC Classic several times before (which I prefer in every way to the 101B I own) and think RA's blue channel is also significantly better than the XTC Classic's blue channel. I also agree that the the green channel on the RA blows away both XTC's green channel (especially the 101B). However, the RA's red channel definitely doesn't blow away the either XTC's red channels. I greatly prefer the RA's red channel for rhythm, riffing, and chugging, but I prefer both XTC's red channels for playing leads. The lead tones are great on the RA's red channel too, but the lead tone on the XTC is fatter, juicer, more saturated, sings better, and I just love the way it responds to my picking. In fact, when I select the bridge pick up and I pick really hard when shredding it feels as if I'm cutting through all the fat with a machetti. The XTC's and Mark series amps are probably the best amps I've played for leads. So, basically except for the lead tones the RA is better in every other way IMO. If it weren't for its great lead tones I would have sold my XTC a while ago. For rhythm and riffing I find my XTC 101B to be too smooth, compressed, and refined. The RA doesn't have those qualities for rhythm and riffing.

I don't disagree that the blue channel on the RA sounds better than the vaunted blue from the XTC.....I'm just saying that it is eerily similar in tone and feel as the blue on my XTC Classic (not the 101B)

...and to think the RA is less than half the price of what I paid (at the time) for my new XTC :twisted: for the red channels...we'll just have to agree to disagree. The red channel on the XTC 101B sucks for my style of play.....waaaay too compressed....and on the Classic, the red channel only came alive at ear splitting levels. At gig levels, that red channel on the classic was grand - albeit a bit toothy. While I haven't gigged an RA (obviously....I was quite impressed with the goods it produced at non ear shattering levels.
To chime in on the harshness, I didn't find that harshness in the RA either even with treble cranked on the Rectifier 2X12 which I find to be usually on the harsher side. But harsh could mean something different to everyone, I find my Dyne can get harsh at times if I'm not careful. I agreed the RA dominated the XTC in almost every way to my ears, again it's a matter of preference.

I did try out Tung Sol EL-34's but they didn't last long, I found them to bring in more of that power section, mid range "buzziness". But that's my opinion, they could be perfect for you.
I like listening to everyone's assessment of the amp. I noticed one of the forum member's wrote that they swapped tubes in the RA too. Wow, that is pretty crazy that you went to those lengths to test out the RA's sonic abilities. I am patiently awaiting the replacement RA combo, that should be getting to me in two weeks. It will be shipping directly from Mesa this time around. Hopefully, UPS doesn't damage this replacement. If that happens, I think I'll end up TOTALLY FREAKING OUT! Seriously!

I just want my custom RA in British Cabernet already! In case some of you have checked out the previous links I posted to the pics of my custom RA, I am pleased to inform all of you that I ordered the replacement with white knobs this time, to better match the white piping of the cab. When I receive it, I will post more clips.
My Royal Atlantic combo is arring on Tuesday! I ordered it based on the sound clips on the Mesa Boogie website and the comments on this forum alone - a leap of faith, you might say. Yes, it has been really interesting reading the early reactions to this new amp from the members on the forum. Can't wait to plug in and experience it first hand. Will post my impressions shortly.
I received my RA-100 head from Sweetwater (thanks Josh!) on June 24th, had a gig that day but don't like to use an amp right out of the box, so used my Lonestar 2X12 for the gig. I ran the RA-100 though several different cabs I own at home, sounded great (more on this below). In rehearsal (I'm in a SF Bay Area classic rock/covers band, Jukebox Heroes) I run it through an old Carvin V212 cab I have and it sounds great. Our keyboard player, who is a pro (he does commercials and soundtracks) said, as soon, as heard it, "I hear some TONE!". He said it is at least as good, if not better, than anything that he and his recording partner, a longtime and well-known SF Bay Area guitarist, have heard or used - and I still haven't tweaked it in! Everyone in the band, even the rhythm guitarist/singer, who generally never says anything, said it sounded killer. I too was blown away with the tone. I'm normally a 6L6 fan but WOW - this amp hit a friggin' home run!

I never cared much for EL34-based amps much before, had Marshalls but didn't care much for 'em, sorta one-trick ponies, can get good dirt but cleans are sucky, always seemed to get a better balance with 6L6s, but this amp seems to do just fine in both camps - sort of a super Marshall sound with a great clean sound to boot, almost as good as the Lonestar (and that is saying something!). When I use a Marshall Silver Jubilee 2X12 cab (has Eminence Wizard and Texas Heat speakers) and an old 90s Carvin 4X10 tweed cab, sound is amazing. Can't wait to use it at a gig this weekend. Thinking maybe pair it with the Lonestar at some point to get the great clean from the Lonestar, a la Mr. Petrucci. We'll see, has pretty danged fine clean on its own. Like I said, Mr. Smith & Co hit a home run with this one!
ucnick said:
I received my RA-100 head from Sweetwater (thanks Josh!) on June 24th, had a gig that day but don't like to use an amp right out of the box, so used my Lonestar 2X12 for the gig. I ran the RA-100 though several different cabs I own at home, sounded great (more on this below). In rehearsal (I'm in a SF Bay Area classic rock/covers band, Jukebox Heroes) I run it through an old Carvin V212 cab I have and it sounds great. Our keyboard player, who is a pro (he does commercials and soundtracks) said, as soon, as heard it, "I hear some TONE!". He said it is at least as good, if not better, than anything that he and his recording partner, a longtime and well-known SF Bay Area guitarist, have heard or used - and I still haven't tweaked it in! Everyone in the band, even the rhythm guitarist/singer, who generally never says anything, said it sounded killer. I too was blown away with the tone. I'm normally a 6L6 fan but WOW - this amp hit a friggin' home run!

I never cared much for EL34-based amps much before, had Marshalls but didn't care much for 'em, sorta one-trick ponies, can get good dirt but cleans are sucky, always seemed to get a better balance with 6L6s, but this amp seems to do just fine in both camps - sort of a super Marshall sound with a great clean sound to boot, almost as good as the Lonestar (and that is saying something!). When I use a Marshall Silver Jubilee 2X12 cab (has Eminence Wizard and Texas Heat speakers) and an old 90s Carvin 4X10 tweed cab, sound is amazing. Can't wait to use it at a gig this weekend. Thinking maybe pair it with the Lonestar at some point to get the great clean from the Lonestar, a la Mr. Petrucci. We'll see, has pretty danged fine clean on its own. Like I said, Mr. Smith & Co hit a home run with this one!

Nice review. Yeah, I think I am really going to like this amp a lot. I knew that UPS roughed up my amp. It was obvious by the hole in the box. I just fear how they will treat the amp when I receive the new one. I'm glad you are stoked on your new amp. So do you think you are going to gig mainly with the RA or the Lonestar from now on? Were you using stomp boxes before with the LSC for your dirt?

Thanks a lot.
I still don't know an exact day, but we are getting close to releasing our RA video demo! Nate is healing up well and has been editing on his laptop!

He even came down on crutches and in casts to film our RA vs ED video on Monday. The dude is a serious trooper.


After really playing these two amps side by side and listening back to the recording my opinion is the ED has more of a boomy bottom end, and a top end that has more bite. The RA is really focused in the mids, in a very pleasing way with a lot of complexity to the sound.

I also think the RA sounds better at a variety of volumes, and that's even before you turn the multi-soak on. The ED has to be turned up quite loud to sound right.

Between the two, the RA is most definitely my favorite and after having a few weeks to play on it, my excitement hasn't diminished. As stated above, it's a flat out home run.
HaggertysMusic said:
I still don't know an exact day, but we are getting close to releasing our RA video demo! Nate is healing up well and has been editing on his laptop!

He even came down on crutches and in casts to film our RA vs ED video on Monday. The dude is a serious trooper.


After really playing these two amps side by side and listening back to the recording my opinion is the ED has more of a boomy bottom end, and a top end that has more bite. The RA is really focused in the mids, in a very pleasing way with a lot of complexity to the sound.

I also think the RA sounds better at a variety of volumes, and that's even before you turn the multi-soak on. The ED has to be turned up quite loud to sound right.

Between the two, the RA is most definitely my favorite and after having a few weeks to play on it, my excitement hasn't diminished. As stated above, it's a flat out home run.

Can't wait to see the video comparisons!
Great for Nate!........I`m very interested in those videos Don! I`ve been watching for the first since the post.In fact the video of the RA, the video of the RA vs ED both. Will there be one on the ED alone as you stated earlier? I sent my RA back for the ED. Far as i can tell i`m the only one that wasn`t crazy about the super strong mids. It was just too much for me.Other than that i really liked the smoothness of the gain. I`m sure the RA will be a BIG WINNER! what about theED?...jeffp
HaggertysMusic said:
I still don't know an exact day, but we are getting close to releasing our RA video demo! Nate is healing up well and has been editing on his laptop!

He even came down on crutches and in casts to film our RA vs ED video on Monday. The dude is a serious trooper.


After really playing these two amps side by side and listening back to the recording my opinion is the ED has more of a boomy bottom end, and a top end that has more bite. The RA is really focused in the mids, in a very pleasing way with a lot of complexity to the sound.

I also think the RA sounds better at a variety of volumes, and that's even before you turn the multi-soak on. The ED has to be turned up quite loud to sound right.

Between the two, the RA is most definitely my favorite and after having a few weeks to play on it, my excitement hasn't diminished. As stated above, it's a flat out home run.

I wonder if 6L6's in the RA would bridge the gap there.
that was my thought before i sent mine back for the ED. I still feel the mids were overwhelming(thats ok if thats what you like) but i have to back up on the comment i made about being a little harsh. I think maybe that was a part of the V30`s character. We used a 2x12 rect and a 4x 12 Mills but all had V30`s.Anyways i think i`ll be happy with the ED. I never intended to use the multisoak anyway. I can`t justify changing tubes every few months. I agree though with the comment made about changing speakers make a more noticeable difference than changing tubes. Don ;when you do the video on the ED could you try a 2x12 cab and specify the speakers? Thanks guys. This site is agreat place to learn and grow. jeffp
Good news! I am going to be receiving my replaced Mesa Royal Atlantic combo on Monday! Mesa was contacted on July 5 about UPS damaging my original custom RA, and surprisingly, pushed my order way up and sent the amp out yesterday! That is crazy good service. I was thinking, despite what the dealer said, that my wait was going to end up being much longer than expected. This is so great!

In case any of you are interested, my amp will look exactly like this one, except with white colored eq knobs:

I will post pictures and clips Monday. So fricken excited!
BostonRedSox said:
Good news! I am going to be receiving my replaced Mesa Royal Atlantic combo on Monday! Mesa was contacted on July 5 about UPS damaging my original custom RA, and surprisingly, pushed my order way up and sent the amp out yesterday! That is crazy good service. I was thinking, despite what the dealer said, that my wait was going to end up being much longer than expected. This is so great!

In case any of you are interested, my amp will look exactly like this one, except with white colored eq knobs:

I will post pictures and clips Monday. So fricken excited!

Haha, I'm happy for you man. It's been a long wait! Those white knobs will really complete the classy look you've got going on with the tolex and grill choices. Here's hoping UPS doesn't screw you over again.
good luck with the new one!`ve waited long enough. i hope there`s no issues and you can enjoy!jeffp
Good luck, BRS. I'll keep all my digits crossed for ya! Hope the brown shirts don't rain on your parade again!

Yep, I do have a small pedalboard, only dirt box is a Fulltone Plimsoul (and a Keeley Katana clean boost for fattening things up when needed without the distortion), interestingly enough the RA seems to be able to match the Plimsoul's sound and go it one better. I used to use the Plimsoul to provide more dirt to the amp's front end, was needed sometimes with the Lonestar, however with the RA-100 I find myself using the amp distortion by itself a lot more then I used to, it just sounds so good, and cuts through the mix very well, not an easy task in my band. Definitely has considerably more gain available over different frequency bands, also somewhat more headroom. And, not to be outdone, the clean channel is AMAZING for an EL-34 amp, I just marvel at it every time I use it. I'm gonna gig with the RA-100 head and the cabs for a few gigs and see how things work out before I think about bringing in the Lonestar. Funny the other fellow mentioned the dude with cast and crutches - I broke my ankle and foot about 3 weeks ago, have a cast and crutches, and am now gigging sitting down, so schlepping the Lonestar 2X12 combo will definitely not be an option for a few weeks yet. The RA-100 head will get a thorough tryout. We're doing a number of outdoor festival type gigs throughout the summer and early fall, as well as a few club and party-type dates, so it will be used in varied environments. More will be forthcoming.