This is absolutely wrong, false and dangerous to the amp. I can't believe anyone at Roland actually told you that!
It says 8 ohms *minimum*. This means exactly what it says: you can use 8 ohms, or you can use 16 ohms (because it's higher than 8 ohms), *but you must NOT use 4 ohms*. 4 ohms is below 8 ohms, therefore it is below the amp's minimum load. Using a 4-ohm load will draw too much current through the power transistors and probably blow them. (This is true of any solid-state amp - respect the *minimum* impedance rating at all times.) A 16-ohm load will simply draw less power - that won't harm anything. Anyone who tells you otherwise does not know much about solid-state amps.
By the way, if you should happen to blow the transistors in an old JC-120, they can be quite difficult to replace; there have been many different versions and some use types that are less than common nowadays.