Road King question........ :(

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Cochise said:
Boogiebabies said:
I had a hint that the part in question was going to make it a better amp.
Waiting may not hurt on this deal.

I wasn't told of that. But thats not to say it is not true. Who told you that the salesman?

I dont deal with salesman. If you do not have the resources to find out what part it is, then you have no business insulting a Boogie owner of 20 years. It is not what you know, it is who. As I said, it is confidential and you will just have to wait until the "part" is in. As for my source, we will call him Deep Bottom and will remain unidentified.
Boogiebabies said:
Cochise said:
Boogiebabies said:
I had a hint that the part in question was going to make it a better amp.
Waiting may not hurt on this deal.

I wasn't told of that. But thats not to say it is not true. Who told you that the salesman?

I dont deal with salesman. If you do not have the resources to find out what part it is, then you have no business insulting a Boogie owner of 20 years. It is not what you know, it is who. As I said, it is confidential and you will just have to wait until the "part" is in. As for my source, we will call him Deep Bottom and will remain unidentified.

Are you serious? Where in my post did I insult you?
FWIW, I've been told by the Mesa Hollywood guys that it's a supplier issue, and that they should ship the first week of January. I've had one on order for 5 months now...
Me too Serious Poo.

Almost 6 months now and although I'm not thrilled about it I will wait.

I just talked with someone at Mesa yesterday too and I was told that the "supplier issue" was pretty much resolved and now it was a matter of waiting on the parts. Once they come in they'll resume production and yeah, you're right, we're looking at January. Although I was told that it would be the second week. At this point it doesn't matter, the first couple of weeks in January I can live with.............. not that I have a choice if I want the Road King.

I also asked the guy if this "supplier issue" was a result of some kind of cost saving strategy. It seemes like the first gen RK's encountered a glitch here and there, much like the first run of a new car, and after that each generation improved. I was interested in hearing if this "supplier issue" was something that Mesa was tying to work out to save some money in producing the RK. Was the resolution to the supplier issue finding less expensive parts to use? The guy I spoke with, I think his name was Michael, said that if Mesa ever encounters a supplier that provides a part that results in a failure of some kind in one of their products they rethink using that supplier altogether. He said that they see no sense in using sub-par materials in there products because it can only cause problems down the road. Recalls, repairs and a questionable reputation, etc etc of course. He said that this issue was quite the opposite. I don't believe that there is to be some definite improvement on the RK but he assured me that there would certainly be no loss in the qualtiy of the product and that once they start making the RK's again they'd easily be as good as before if not better.

I'm really looking forward to getting it. At least, for this particular aspect of my life, the year is freakin' flying by......... Dang man it's almost December.... Anyway, I'm in the 5 month club with you....

I'll wait for my Road King....

I did finally receive my Road King 4 x 12 cabinet...... I ordered a plain old black slant 4 x 12 Road King cabinet.. Got the call that it was in.. Went and got it in the big old box. Opened it up and it was a straight cabinet with custom wine red tolex and a tweed grille........... :roll:

Anyway, thanks for the info Serious. Keep me posted.. I'll let you know what happens with mine.. Last one to get his Road King buys the beer... :lol:

Peace said:
Me too Serious Poo.

Almost 6 months now and although I'm not thrilled about it I will wait.

I just talked with someone at Mesa yesterday too and I was told that the "supplier issue" was pretty much resolved and now it was a matter of waiting on the parts. Once they come in they'll resume production and yeah, you're right, we're looking at January. Although I was told that it would be the second week. At this point it doesn't matter, the first couple of weeks in January I can live with.............. not that I have a choice if I want the Road King.

I also asked the guy if this "supplier issue" was a result of some kind of cost saving strategy. It seemes like the first gen RK's encountered a glitch here and there, much like the first run of a new car, and after that each generation improved. I was interested in hearing if this "supplier issue" was something that Mesa was tying to work out to save some money in producing the RK. Was the resolution to the supplier issue finding less expensive parts to use? The guy I spoke with, I think his name was Michael, said that if Mesa ever encounters a supplier that provides a part that results in a failure of some kind in one of their products they rethink using that supplier altogether. He said that they see no sense in using sub-par materials in there products because it can only cause problems down the road. Recalls, repairs and a questionable reputation, etc etc of course. He said that this issue was quite the opposite. I don't believe that there is to be some definite improvement on the RK but he assured me that there would certainly be no loss in the qualtiy of the product and that once they start making the RK's again they'd easily be as good as before if not better.

I'm really looking forward to getting it. At least, for this particular aspect of my life, the year is freakin' flying by......... Dang man it's almost December.... Anyway, I'm in the 5 month club with you....

I'll wait for my Road King....

I did finally receive my Road King 4 x 12 cabinet...... I ordered a plain old black slant 4 x 12 Road King cabinet.. Got the call that it was in.. Went and got it in the big old box. Opened it up and it was a straight cabinet with custom wine red tolex and a tweed grille........... :roll:

Anyway, thanks for the info Serious. Keep me posted.. I'll let you know what happens with mine.. Last one to get his Road King buys the beer... :lol:


Mesa relys on there reputation of making good strong amps, so i doubt they would get cheaper parts, i agree with the statement above. I had one of the original RK Combo's, my S/N was 350 and i had to bring it in for all kinds of recalls. Then i sold that and got the head, great amp but just a little to much for what i needed to use it for, plus when i play a rec i do it for the pure out metal tone and i much prefer the darker sounding Dual Rec.

I will be looking to purchase a newer 3 channel version soon, out of insanity i sold my original 2001 version that i had for many years. Does anyone know if they are having production hold ups on all the Rec's?
Can I just move up to the top of this page? This straight wine cab sounds awesome, and worth alot more than the standard slant...
I'd certainly keep it if I were you. I sure don't think you'll have any problems hearing it..... And, It'll look cool as hell! 8)
Maybe they did that on purpose to pacify you. Either way, it's an awesome option....
ax. :twisted:
Man! .............

The waiting is almost over............ Not quite but almost......

Some people have had this amp on order since April......... :shock:

I thought I was bad with a wait since July.......

If all goes well though, as it should, my waiting will pay off with a nice juicy Series II...... Bam!!! :D

I can hardly wait.................. even though I have no choice............ :roll:
So, I ordered my Road King July 22, 2005..... At that time there was no "known" info regarding the "supplier" issue so at the time of the order I had no idea about that. All I knew was that in about ten weeks from the time I placed my order I should be getting my amp. Cut ahead to October, I make a couple of phone calls and find out that, due to circumstances beyond MB control, I will not be receiving my amp until the end of 2005, start of 2006.. Well I'm not happy but I'll wait.. I mean, I know this is a great amp... I don't want a honda I want a Harley... I'll wait for the Harley.. Call in early January and they say we're looking at shipping at the start of February/second week of February.. Ok, no biggie, I'm not elated but I wait.... :? So I call my GC guy at the start of February and he says he sees, in their system, an estimated receiving date of February 13th..... :) I'm thinking, OMG!! Finally...! :D I'm in the home stretch.. 8) I mean, I know it's not going to be in on the 13th but man I'm counting down now... My wait is almost over.... So, even though I knew it wouldn't be in I couldn't resist the urge to call on the thirteenth.. But, nah, never came in. Not the 14th, or the 15th or the 16th... My contact says he'll call his rep and try to get some info.... I'm still not jacked about it because I'm thinking it's just right around the corner....

So, last night my better half goes out of town with the halflings and she calls to let me know she made it safely... I'm at work, it's like 7:30pm... So she says, "have you heard anything about your amp?" I say "no but I haven't checked messages." We finish up our convo and I start to dial voice mail and then I say to myself "ah screw it, I'll just call GC." So, I call and ask for the guy I've been dealing with. He gets on the line and we do our phone shake and howdy and he proceeds to tell me that his Boogie rep says RKII's won't be shipping until the middle of March.... :D :) :lol: :eek: :shock: :? :( :cry: :x :evil: :evil:

Man, I've been playing for 25 years, I've heard of Mesa Boogie of course.... But what the **** is up with this fucking outfit man!?!?!
I hope this amp is great and worth the wait because I am absolutely unimpressed with the Mesa Boogie organization at this point. I got enough money in the can that it's too far for me to turn back now.... Not that I would because I want the amp.. But WTF man.... You quote a date then say "OH!!!! our bad, it's the middle of March now... sorry 'bout your luck. don't bother calling we'll be off for four days.." If they tell me in March that it's looking like it won't happen until April I think my head might explode.... Unfortunately, the only thing MB has been consistant with is bumping dates back to accomodate their needs as opposed to the customers.. I hope it has not all been for nothing...

Sorry guys... I just needed to vent a little.... I have seen numerous remarks made on this forum about how spectacular Customer Service is with Mesa Boogie and I'm sure it is. I am simply not having a wonderful time with the situations I have been encountering with my order and my patient waiting.. And I really have been very very patient up to this point... And believe it or not I will remain as patient and cordial as I can. I don't plan on being an ***.. :roll: I know I could possibly be flamed a bit but I'm hoping I'll hear some absolutely reassuring words about the RK and worth the wait blah blah blah.. etc etc... You know...? As opposed to being flamed....... :)

And oh yeah, you bet your sweet *** I'll be calling Tuesday to find out what the hell is going on.... This whole thing just seems like a fiasco... But I will remain dignified and under control...

Anyway, thanks for the shoulder(s)..... I'm just really REALLY bummed out about this.....

****! :(

........hold me................ :cry:


Peace...I can sit for hours and tell you the stories I have regarding Tech support at Mesa...It seems like no one gives a **** about anything there...Sometimes when I call the place the respetionist is MIA, and you get a voice mesage telling you in essence.."tough luck" back...maybe the company grew too fast..Im not sure, but Im not a happy camper either!!..Once a tech guy told me to take the amp back to the store as.."we didnt sell you that thing, they did..we just build em"...only in America!!

I'm just trying to be patient about this whole thing.
I hope that when I finally get my amp there's not a single problem with it because I will undoubtedly hit the fucking roof.

The only consistant thing I have seen out of Mesa throughout this ordeal is deliberately withheld information regarding the Roadking and a month to month push back of when they're moving them out the door.... "They'll be shipping in December... Um, we're shipping them in January now, Oops we're going to Shipping them in February, you'll get your's around the 13th, Ah, our bad March now Sorry.... Um Oh yeah the Roadkings in March um yeah, about that, 45 to 60 more days now Thanks bye...."
Some of the delays are for company side shortcomings like getting components ordered on time and some of the delays are due to rectifying problems they are encountering with the new RK II's..... The latest batch of delays are to correct hum or "chirp" issuses they've noticed in all of the heads they set out for testing. They said they'd rather delay shipment than send out a sub-par product. And I absolutley respect that......
But there better not be a fucking thing wrong with my amp because I've been waiting for a long time for it and it costs me alot of money for this product. I hope they can deliver once the finally fucking deliver....

I am looking forward to finally getting my Roadking.. I don't want to back out of the purchase, I never did and I really couldn't anyway. It'd be more of a hassle to try to get the 1400 plus I have in it back that it would be just to wait it out. I want the amp, I know it's supposed to be a great amp and I've known about Boogie for a long time but I have been appauled at how they've handled the kind of PR aspects of the Roadking issues. They offered no information unless you or made a "what's going on" phone call... Then you find out..... They hade time to upload info on the New for 2006 Roadking's" after the Namm show but the just continued to screw everyone out of any insight on what's been going on with April, May, June and July 2005 placed orders. Mushroom management man, keep 'em in the dark and feed 'em sh!t.... Really very disappointing out of such a respected company. It really does not give a consumer a trustworthy feeling regarding the purchase(s) you are making. I hope they come through for all of us once they get past these obstacles.

I will say that the customer service people have at least been pretty polite. Michael Wolf anyway. I talked with one different guy one time and he was very polite and respectful. Very curteous and patient but I can't remember his name. Mr. Wolf has been too and it's not like he has this overt chip on his shoulder or in the tone of his voice but the info is vague at best and sometimes comes off with a sense of "**** you we're boogie, you'll get it when we say you can have it now shut the **** up and goobye, I'm having lunch." But I've only really felt that "vibe" a couple of times out of the many times I've called... I'm sure they do care about their company and their products....

It just simply boils down to this.............

I just want my Road King Series II :roll:

Time for work.. Catch you later.....
Sorry to hear about your troubles, Peace... hopefully it's a once in a lifetime deal, and perhaps if you call up M/B they'll compensate you for lost money? (you could've easily invested that $3k and made close to $300 in that time, less taxes)

I'm thinking about purchasing a Road King (series II) also, but I'm kind of afraid, considering the trouble you (and a LOT of other people) have had to deal with. Maybe I'll just wait and see what happens :)

Either way, sorry to hear about your trouble, man. I have had some difficulties dealing with M/B as well, including my cursed 2:90 which has been in the shop three times now, for a total of over 5 months all in all. Is it worth it? Sometimes I don't think so, sometimes I do.

I think the funniest thing is that my buddy of mine just purchased a _20_year_old_ Mark III for $350 that works perfectly and sounds absolutely incredible (and in great shape, too). Dirt cheap, beautiful, built like a tank, and no waiting. Perhaps you (we) should consider looking at the used market? (I'd kill for a Mark IV, as well)
Peace, I was going to put an order in for a Series II RK a while ago but found out about this delay. Unfortunately, there's no guarrantee that the amp you get will be perfect. That's just the way it is. I bought a Stiletto Trident to keep my busy in the mean time since it was only $900 and I can easily get that back if I want.

What worries me is that while Mesa is modding the RK and Stiletto's for 2006, they're also launching the Roadster and Stiletto Ace. Anyone feel at least a little leary about being the first in line for either of those? I would.

Instead, I'll wait till I can put my hands on a Series II RK and then decide.
MetalMatt said:
Peace said:
It's almost like I'm not supposed to get this RK.......... Like the bad AMP gremlins are at work on me or something...... :twisted: :lol:

I feel the same way brother!

I think it's time to go gremlin hunting so we can get our road kings :twisted:
Info as of yesterday (3/21);

Late April....... Bumped yet another month...

What a fucking surprise.

The only area where MB has been consistent is fucking us month after month.

... and I could about guarantee that when April hits they screw us for another month...... and so on and so on and so on..... And they won't care as long as we keep our mouths shut.

I would encourage anyone who has been waiting for this albatross of an amp to contact your sales rep and MB and see what kind of information you are getting.

I would also ask that we all (those who've been patiently waiting) find a way to get together, via pm's or another means a little less visible than the main forum, to discuss a few things, bounce some ideas back and forth amongst each other and maybe get a nice, responsible collection of ideas together to drop into a contacts mailbox that is a little more high profile than one of the customer rep guys who seems to only have a blasé attitude about this situation and a pre-printed sheet of bs rhetoric to feed us RK II lemmings.

I don't want a free amp. I want some confidence and satisfaction.
MB's handling of this entire situation has, in my opinion, been disconnected and appalling. At this point I have almost no faith at all that this company cares about the customer. It has all been their information and on their terms and I feel, as a consumer of a costly product, I have a right to question this situation and discover just where they stand as a company in relation to their customers as opposed to quietly swallowing what information they choose to release at their convenience.

Am I the only one that is this upset about this? ( /me steps off soapbox)

If the rest of you "Kings In Waiting" are interested in talking and would consider a march on Mesa :roll: pm me and maybe we can come up with something that would set a responsible tone and get to the right people.
I think we have legitimate concerns and need to know the right people are listening.

Just my thoughts though.

First, I'll share my story:

Bought a RK head in December from GC. As usual, they can't find the footswitch or cover so they have to order it. OK. Great sounding head, by the way.

Well, the cover came in about March 15 and I'm still waiting on the footswitch. Part of my frustration is with GC (I bug the guy at GC every week but my sense is that he's doing all he can). MY experiecnce has been similar to yours- it'll be in, it won't be in, it'll be in, it won't be in, etc.

What have I learned?

a. Never walk out of a GC (or anywhere else) without the whole package. I was close on a CS strat but GC said they's have to re order the COA. I ran for the door.

b. Don't count on MB (or probably anyone else) to perform. That doesn't mean that I won't buy their products, it just means don't count on them. I'd love to buy a LSC head- but I won't order it and I won't buy it new or used from anyone unless everything is included. If I stumble on a good Bogner Shiva ( or comparable) used head in the meantime, I'll buy it.

Regarding your situation ( and I really don't mean to sound like a tough guy) but there's no way I'd put up with what you've gone thru- no matter how much I wanted that amp. There's always other amps and there's always used RK's on e bay. I'd insist on my money back and if that didn't work, I'd contact a lawyer. Based on what you've said, MB (and your dealer's) postion is totally unreasonable. I don't care if I had to pay some lawyer fees. That's the way to send the message to Boogie.

At worst, they should make some type of concession. A price adjustment, a cabinet at cost, two sets of tubes, something.

I believe that Boogie is having trouble delivering the amp and that they are doing everything they can to get the amps out but that they're having legitimate issues. But that doesn't mean that they should treat you the way they have.

As long as we're at it, I'm also very frustrated with Boogie not allowing dealers to advertise their inventory on the net and to ship product outside of their territory. I don't know of any other small amp manufactuer with that policy. When you combine that with your horror story about ordering an amp, its got to be costing them.

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