Road King question........ :(

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I'm looking at other options right now too. I'll probably end up with a Bogner Uberschall or Engl Powerball instead of the Road King.
Hello Peace.
I agree -- searching for an MB is a pain in the butt. I think MB should allow retailers to at least post inventories. This is not the same as selling on the web. I would think that shipping costs would keep selling MBs on the web from becoming very big even if allowed.

I think the Road King is a terrific amp, BUT, it is a very complex piece of equipment, with lots of switches and pots to break, and lots of tubes to replace. I suspect that there are plenty of ways you can mess up with it, for example switching to a speaker cab that is not hooked up. Given the complexity of the amp, I am not surprised that MB is having some trouble delivering them.

My own alternative solution to the RK is a Voodoo Labs Amp selector, two MBs and a third small amp. This gives me similar tonal options to the RK, but with greater simplicity and redundancy in case something breaks.
I should have realized that when the updates were announced at namm, that we were not going to see the amps until about june or july. Almost anytime something is released at winter namm we don't see it until about june. It's happened to me many times with equipment.
The thing that gets me is...... WE the customers have to call/email Boogie and see what the F%&# is UP! No phone calls to the "customers" who keep the business alive. Loyal customers too! We should get something out of this, but I doubt it. I will take a hand written letter by Mr. Smith himself apologizing for the delays when I open the RK box. When ever that day comes.
you guys would of probably gotten it already if john petrucci didn't buy them all lol.

on topic: i bought a triaxis from GC a while ago but they were back ordered and crap for a couple of months. in the mean time, GC did loan me the display triaxis they had. i did get it eventually and it was worth the wait.

and don't forget about the silver shortage. that'll put a strain on some of the parts needed by mesa... i think.

How much do you really have invested? Maybe you said it but I missed it.

In some states there are laws governing what happened:
+ illegal to accept down payment on something the seller doesn' have possession of at another facility
+ illegal to accept down paymet on product where the seller doesn't have control over the manufacturing
+ required to refund downpayment after missing delivery date

Plus, assuming you don't live in CA this could be a federal issue since money crossed state lines.

Bro, you are too nice and forgiving of a person for the way you are being treated. I give you a lot of credit since I'd be blowing up by now.

I'd say get back your money, cut your losses, move on to better. If this amp has a problem, and you've paid the balance you will be screwed.

I'd demand most of my downpayment back.
All good points here. But Mesa could do a better job about informing the public about these things. As I said, I'm looking at a Bogner Uberschall and Diezel Herbert this week.
Well after I sent an email to a guy at Mesa an hour ago asking about Road King progress this is what I got.

He said that they been doing extensive testing. And all the new parts have been approved. All they have to do is schedule a run of Road Kings. Those who don't know, Mesa is in one big where house so they do runs of a product. So one week they will build Cabinets and the next maybe Stilettos but it all depends on the components available. So it seems that April would be a fair guess of Road King delivery's.

BUT! We have been lied to before...

Maybe you should wait sometime in April. If you find out that MB has shipped some of the new RKs and your dealer still does not have yours, demand your downpayment back. I bet your amp will suddenly appear. If not, you will have your money back and you can buy from another store, even if this requires some travel.
Lets face it: I think MESA/Boogies biggest mistake was unveiling the the Road King II at NAMM. All they did was get impatient customers wildup and nagging at them to hurry with their product.

I work for a this company and a customer ordered a few thousand of our products from us. We informed them we will have their order complete by June. They agreed to it.

Its only March and now they're nagging us for our products even though we already informed them we can't complete the order until June. We can't get our suppliers to hurry shipping their parts to make our products.

I suppose this customer could go to our competitor but this customer does not want to knowing our product is superior to our competitor.

Now if you are in MESA/Boogies shoes can you understand this supply and demand concept?

Can't forfill the demand when you don't have the all the supplies (parts).

And MetalMatt, I'm surprise at you. You live in San Rafael, Bay Area, your closest MESA/Boogie Authorized Dealer will likely be one of the first to have the Road King II

Be patient.

I hear you. I really do... and I get the whole supply and demand thing.....

As for your example, which I can equate to mine, if you told me your company couldn't have your product to me until June, undoubtedly I would NOT be calling you in March because you told me June.... I would wait until June.

If once June arrives I hear nothing I would call you and ask about my order. If you told me "the end of June" I would patiently wait... If at the end of June you told me July, I would be agitated a wee bit, mostly in anticipation, but I'd wait realizing these things take time. If in July I heard nothing from you, from your website, your distributors, your customer service department and your company as a whole unless I made the enquiry myself and when I did dig for information you told me August.... and then in August you tell me September, in September you tell me November in November you tell me Hey Man!! It should be arriving December 13th!!!!
Then of course in December it's ah, my bad dude January. Tough luck thanks for calling US. Then January it's nope, no luck dude, not really sure but you're looking at February.... Then it's ...... ummmmm, yeah about that February.... it's gonna be March now.... And then March comes and well by this time you get my cynical picture....... You know if that were the case with your company's product I'd be a little aggravated..... As would many people who purchased your product(s). And I’d get NO info if I didn’t go and get it because your company has been offering nothing to anyone this entire time.

See the whole "can't fulfill the demand if you don't have all of the supplies (parts)" was the original "reason" for the delay.... Consumers were given the blanket colorless explanation of "we are having supplier issues" in the summer/Fall of 2005 and were told.... End of the year on the RK......
Once the end of the year came they just kept screwing everyone month after month with a big **** you, try next month pal....

Mind you, there was no supplier issue. They knew the whole time they were completely redoing the RK to the RKII..... Did they tell anyone about that? No..... Would it have made a difference? Probably.. Had I seen something like, hey RK fans we are discontinuing the RK series one and introducing the RK II. It will be available in the Spring of 2006.."

Had I seen that, yeah man.. I'd have said to myself, self - let's check this RK II out in April.....

You know, your point is that we seem unjustly impatient... Well, I'm not dropping 2 dollars and 50 cents on an ice scraper that should be in stock at the speedway.....

These guys have, for multiple months on end, month after month after month led people to believe that they were near the end and the RK II was just about there... Then THAT month ends and they tell you next month......... Sometimes they tell you as they chew away on their lunch right on the phone with you like they could really give a **** that they're fucking your eyes out on this deal.....

And offer absolutely no responsible consumer concerned remarks regarding the situation. They've probably had hundreds of phone calls with similar points regarding this amp but STILL only offer vague information that does nothing but tout the "New for 2006 RK II". Post NAMM they run right to the site to get new info up but STILL make no mention of their irresponsible floundering with this line...

This company that you work for, the one you noted in your post, where a customer placed an order for a few thousand of your products.

What would your stance and your company's stance be if almost NINE MONTHS after the date you said your product would be ready you STILL hadn't gotten anything to your customer? Including honest information.

I'm guessing that you would be considerate of the customer, their needs, your business and it's reputation and you would offer some kind of solution to assure that old and new customers could feel secure in knowing that your product is worth the wait, your company is reputable and supports it's products and customers and of course is respectful of the situation you might be in as a consumer.

One more note for me on this matter. RR you started off your post with this statement:
Lets face it: I think MESA/Boogies biggest mistake was unveiling the the Road King II at NAMM. All they did was get impatient customers wildup and nagging at them to hurry with their product.

I've been fucked on this deal since July of 2005......... When was NAMM again?

..... so simple, even a caveman could do it.............

Yeah, how 'bout next time doing a little research......?

I didn't get wind of the crap at NAMM and jerk it to the notion of instantly picking up THE FLAGSHIP AMP OF THE MESA LINE like I was driving through to pick up a quick Big Mac at Micky D's....... I'm approaching a year long wait here....... During which I get little or no info as do many others consumers.

There's good business and there's bad business. What do you think this is at this point?

Your company doesn't make amps does it? :roll:

Frustrated in Ohio with a growing long distance bill...... and a long running yearning for my costly Road King Series II.....


......****, the least they could do is give us an 800 number to call with questions.....
MetalMatt said:
All they have to do is schedule a run of Road Kings. ...So it seems that April would be a fair guess of Road King delivery's.

Sorry but if they have yet to schedule a "run" of RKs, there is no way they are going to build a few hundred and ship them by April. If they haven't even built them, you'll be waiting till May or June.
supposedly, it's supposed to ship from March 22 - April 5. A rep from GC talked to Mesa directly (from S.F. to Petaluma) and told me that. I've called mesa few times. They said within the next month around late february. I'm in the Bay Area also so I'll probably receive mine with a quickness, and I do have a loaner RK I from GC. So it's for sure going to be a Series II if I ordered it in August?
Just spoke to one of the sales men at GC here in Jersey, he said he spoke with one of his reps about a week or two ago. At that time the rep said they made about a 1/2 dozen and were just testing the crap out of them. At that time, they said around the beginning of april. But that info is from a week or two ago so we could be looking at a end of april beginning of may ship now.

Let's keep our fingers crossed

I get your drift. Please don't take it out on me. Your point well taken. I'm sorry I did not do the research when MESA unveiled the Road King II and I understand your fustration.

I guess I was trying to defending companies that has deadline and customers wanted them before these deadline. Did not realize MESA is way pass their due date.

Anyway, who knows? Some final tweaking because they weren't satisfied before production?

I like your Avatar and your user name, let's keep it that way.

Sorry, so everything cool with us?
rgr that RR..

Yeah man, of course everything is cool......

I'm frustrated with this thing here and feel it's very unfair..

I got a bit unnerved when I read the part of your post that eluded to the idea that I (or we) were kind of overreacting in such a short span of time..

Dead horse aside, it's not been a short time...

Sorry to vent so directly.

My apologies to you. Of course we're cool. I don't have a problem with anyone.

This situation has got me way down. You just feel really slighted, ignored and disrespected. Like nothing matters but your dollar...

We're cool man..

My bad......

Peace said:
This situation has got me way down. You just feel really slighted, ignored and disrespected. Like nothing matters but your dollar...

Me too, I just had it with MESA/Boogie,

I'm buying a Carvin V3
NOT .....

Everything cool, I just hope Road King II is worth the wait.
Have pity on us waiting across the pond! I'm still waiting for my RKII and will probably have to wait until all of the back orders in the US are delivered before we even get a look in across here!

Let us know what they're like!

**** logistics! :p
As I said before, a GC rep told me 4 weeks ago that they weren't shipping till May.

My money says July.
If any of you gets the bloody RK II in the meantime, please let us know.

I am from South Eastern Europe and I am also after a RK since October last year. Having read all your experiences makes me doubt I will have my RK II during July, as planned. :?

Best regards and... Peace, man, your efforts are amaizing. Good luck from SEE.