Metallica Gag Order? Their new albums gag me for sure

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Who thinks the new Metallica album will suck as much as the black album and everything after it?

  • Yes it will suck

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  • No it will rule

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  • I never liked Metallica

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  • You mean they had records before the Black Album?

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Well-known member
Apr 12, 2008
Reaction score
North of Dayton, OH
So I heard the other day from a friend that Metallica had a bunch of reporters come in to hear them play some of their new stuff.

Then Lars issued a gag order to them all so they would not be able to talk about the music they heard in their respective publications.

First off since when can Supreme Metal Court Justice Lars issue a gag order? I assume he made the reporters have to sign something agreeing to it before they were allowed entry.

Secondly, and more importantly.......they have been talking about how they have a new album coming out and how its supposed to be a return to the past, meaning they are going to supposedly put out an actual metal album in the vein of their era from killem all to puppets.

I think by issuing commands that noone be allowed to talk about what they heard thoroughly proves that their next album will indeed be more of the same, i mean, if it was truly heavy and kick *** I kind of doubt they would NOT want people to hear reviews of it.

[edit] and to think about it, even if the reviews were poor, there is nothing more metal than thumbing your nose at the critics and offering a giant "F*** YOU" to them. That is metal. These guys clearly are not.[end of edit]

Someone should make a zombie movie where some metal band goes lame after their bass player dies, and he returns from the grave to exact vengeance upon their souls.
Secondly, and more importantly.......they have been talking about how they have a new album coming out and how its supposed to be a return to the past, meaning they are going to supposedly put out an actual metal album in the vein of their era from killem all to puppets.

Didn't Metallica say that about St. Anger?
atonal said:
Secondly, and more importantly.......they have been talking about how they have a new album coming out and how its supposed to be a return to the past, meaning they are going to supposedly put out an actual metal album in the vein of their era from killem all to puppets.

Didn't Metallica say that about St. Anger?

my point exactly
Every band has its "peak" and Metallica will probably not be the exception to the rule. There are many great bands that have had their creative and popular peaks occur at different times. ZZ Top, SRV, Van Halen, Ozzy, Iron Maiden .....etc. Give 'em a break, it has to be very hard to keep coming up with fresh ideas. :eek:
Metallica hit their peak with Master of Puppets. Nothing they ever do now and in the future will even come close to the first three albums. Kill 'Em All, Ride The Lightning and Master of Puppets are some of the best metal albums ever. The Black album through current day Metallica is some of the worst metal ever!!
I didn't mind Load and Reload so much. I kinda grew accustomed to it after a few listens. I didn't love it, but I could listen to it, simply because it was Metallica, and I was in denial about how they were sucking.

St. Anger however, just showed me how much they really suck.

I anticipate the new album sucking just as much, if not more than St. Anger.

And Lars is a pansy-*** that needs to take drum lessons. He's about as bad as Meg White on drums.
I heard hammet laid every lead track on the black album over the course of a day or 2, having never heard the songs before.

I heard it so it must be true!!!
does it matter? it could blow everything they've ever done away and people would still cry and moan. Hell, Fred Durst doesn't get ripped on as much at Metallica.
Dead Moon Rising said:
does it matter? it could blow everything they've ever done away and people would still cry and moan. Hell, Fred Durst doesn't get ripped on as much at Metallica.

Well said.. you'd never know tho, Metallica could pull of a decent album.. everyone is expecting an amazing release, which is probably setting the bar too high to begin with. There's always the chance that they could actually release a "good" album.. but I wont hold my breath. :lol:
Dead Moon Rising said:
does it matter? it could blow everything they've ever done away and people would still cry and moan. Hell, Fred Durst doesn't get ripped on as much at Metallica.

you really believe that if Metallica released a quality thrash metal album that people would complain? Which people? Would these be the same idiots who I saw on the justice tour complaining about how they played this "really really long version of One". oh? you mean the one on the ALBUM?

And Fred Durst? Maybe noone rips on him because noone gives a **** for anything he has done? That's like picking on a retarded person.
I thought the last few albums were supposed to be "a return to the past" type stuff? That's what was said about St. Anger, and it proved to be their worst album yet.

As far as Fred Durst being ripped on less than Metallica:

Fred Durst didn't sell out and start doing country songs, then try to go hardcore, all while saying he was going back to his roots. He just put different beats to the same songs. Not nearly as bad. Add in all of Lars' whining and complaining about Napster, Het's rehab rehash, and that's all the more to dislike them. Newstead made the smart move by telling Het to kiss his *** when Jason wanted to do a side project, and Het wouldn't let him.

Metallica has seen the last of my money. Even if this new album is good, I'll burn it from someone who buys it. How do you like that, Lars? :p
I am curious to hear the new album after I heard that Rick Rubin is producing it, instead of Bob Rock. I have alot of respect for Rick Rubin, he's produced a diverse array of artists, from RunDMC to Slayer, to Red Hot Chili Peppers to Johnny Cash. Alot of the albums Rubin has produced I consider among my all time favorites. He has a way getting the best out of the artists he produces, without resorting to excessive overdubs, interfering with the bands creative process, or putting his "signature" sound on it (Unlike Bob Rock, or Mutt Lange!) If anyone could help bring Metallica back from lameland, it would be Rick Rubin!

I've been into Metallica since about '86 when I was a freshman in high school, after hearing the Master of Puppets album for the first time. I still like their older stuff. I consider Ride the Lightning, Master of Puppets, & ...and Justice for All! to be their trifecta. (I have a theory that the best artists have a "trifecta" of albums when they are at their creative peak) ANd I too, was disappointed with the "black album" when it came out, & had written off the band after the 2 "Loads" albums. St Anger was somewhat refreshing, as far as the "heaviness" factor goes, but lacked the song structures & Kirk's guitar solo's that made the early albums so great!

All I gotta say is that I'm keeping an open mind in anticipation of this new album. Although I have admit, I find James Hetfield's post-"Black Album" vocal style to be very annoying...
rabies said:
that's the problem with metal. you can play jazz til the day you die (e.g. Miles) but metal you become a poseur after a few albums...

Not true. The only bands who have become poseurs are bands who have changed their sound, or bands who's sound has become dated (read: hair metal and nu metal). Bands that have not comprimised their sound (Slayer, Motorhead, etc) still recieve critital and popular praise. Metal may be guilty of a lot of things but fickle fandom is NOT one of them.
Sustain said:
So I heard the other day from a friend that Metallica had a bunch of reporters come in to hear them play some of their new stuff.

Then Lars issued a gag order to them all so they would not be able to talk about the music they heard in their respective publications.

First off since when can Supreme Metal Court Justice Lars issue a gag order? I assume he made the reporters have to sign something agreeing to it before they were allowed entry.

Secondly, and more importantly.......they have been talking about how they have a new album coming out and how its supposed to be a return to the past, meaning they are going to supposedly put out an actual metal album in the vein of their era from killem all to puppets.

I think by issuing commands that noone be allowed to talk about what they heard thoroughly proves that their next album will indeed be more of the same, i mean, if it was truly heavy and kick *** I kind of doubt they would NOT want people to hear reviews of it.

[edit] and to think about it, even if the reviews were poor, there is nothing more metal than thumbing your nose at the critics and offering a giant "F*** YOU" to them. That is metal. These guys clearly are not.[end of edit]

Someone should make a zombie movie where some metal band goes lame after their bass player dies, and he returns from the grave to exact vengeance upon their souls.

if you did some better research you would have found it was their management that pulled that move while they were on the road. as soon as they got back they gave their mngt a piece of their minds and got the reveiews back up on the web.

also i cant see how anyone can think they havent written a good song let alone a good album. whether you like that style or not their is killer song writing going on their if you take away kill em all and st anger. i personally think the new album will be good. not great but good solid metallica.

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