Mark IIC-

The Boogie Board

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The schematics are just a concept of the basic design. What you wont see is the traces on the bottom of the board that would assist in making the layout sensible. The IIC and + were designed and sold under the dual mode amplifier patent # 4,211,893 and were cleverly built to conceal the true circuit from piracy. I think it's just a protective position to stay in business. Let's just assume that from February 1984 to April 1985 Mesa sold 2000 IIC+'s, which was basically there only product at the time. If they had a net of $ 1 Million in amp and accessory revenues, you have to account for the overhead of the new Petaluma facility, payroll, fixed and variable expenses, taxes and supplies. I doubt by any means they were rolling in huge profit. They needed to protect the design as a means to survive. It's a business that provides a product to a niche market. Mesa was still a boutique builder in comparison to Marshall and Fender sales volumes. There product was a departure from the fare of the day and it was a solid and remarkable product. What really set them apart was how accessible they were to customers and the options available. The issue today is that consumers have an emotional crutch to call them for even the most minor issues. I think the CS department has better things to do that tell 40 people a day what to clean their diamond plate with. Calling Mike Bendinelli and drudging up an issue on an amp that has not been produced since 1985 is not exactly what he gets paid to do. Phone support on something he got paid for in 1985 does not pay his bills today.
He has to make a living and is the best source for repairing vintage Boogie's bar none. Mike is extremely kind in talking history at the expense of his time and income. If he is testy, you can bet that he has been inundated all week with questions from chucklheads asking if a C upgraded to a + is really and C+ or stirring the pot that some nobody on a chat room can increase the gain and add a second volume 1. Some people just have the illusion that they are entitled to other peoples work, designs and ideas. I doubt Mesa is concerned that you can do something proprietary to a 23 year old amp, or that they even care about it. It's ancient history. If anyone wants to reverse engineer, improve, modify or destroy an old Boogie they can. It would be the only way you may get a true schematic. I'm sure Mesa has the circuit board, faceplate and schematic for all of the old designs, but it's old news. They still hold a copyright on all circuit board artwork, so there goes a mass produced knock off of any MK series. It's just smart business tactics in a world that thrives on infringing designs and selling someone elses product produced in China for half the price. I don't get in a huff over anything anymore. It's not worth it. Some of us have held the Mesa torch only to get ***** slapped by other idiots with the ability to type and rat our every post to Mesa. For me, I have never had an amplifier company that has helped me out as much as Mesa. They have gone above and beyond the call of duty. Mike Bendinelli, George Mueller, Jim Aschow and a few CS reps have been remarkably kind. If you approach them with respect and precise issues, more often than not they will give you more than you asked for. You can be a pain in the *** with them as long as you are calm and it's warranted. God knows I have been, but they stuck with me and I stuck with them. In the end, if they want to be mad at me, or I want to be mad at them we will both get over it. At least there is someone on the other end that gives a rats *** either way. Give them a chance. They might surprise you, even if you have to make a switchable bypass for the GEQ to the signal in on the phase inverter. :D
beaurawls said:
Which troll did you refer to?
Please be more specific and raise your GPA if you want to get into a US school.

I chose to be eloquant in my brevity. However, I do see your point. Several of those terms are applicable, though some are more fitting than others. Physical description aside (as I'm sure you're nothing short of gorgeous) I think the one I was looking for is as follows:

"Troll (Internet), a person who is deliberately inflammatory on the Internet in order to provoke a vehement response from other users."

Although others might also hold true:
"Troll (gay) Amongst gay men a man who cruises in parks etc is known as a troll and the practice as trolling."

That, however, would not be any of my business.

And by the way... my GPA was probably higher than yours, and I AM in a U.S. school. Now off you go, trolly.
Thanks Boogiebabies, another real person and also very knowledgeable on Boogie. I can imagine what a day in Mike's life is like and appreciate what he has to deal with. I'm not saying I wouldn"t go fishing with the man, just when it comes to documentation I'd put him in the wall.

Also I was hoping if I stirred the POT-no pun intended-a C- schematic might show up. It is good showmanship to engage the audience and peak thier attention. You must be able to captivate control and move your audience to be successful.

beaurawls 8)
visual rocker69,
Do I detect a bit of insecurity?
Do you have a C- schematic?

A schematic is a diagram that represents the elements of a system using abstract, graphic symbols rather than realistic pictures. A schematic usually omits all details that are not relevant to the information the schematic is intended to convey, and may add unrealistic elements that aid comprehension. For example, a subway map intended for riders may represent a subway station with a dot; the dot doesn't resemble the actual station at all but gives the viewer the information he needs without unnecessary visual clutter. A schematic diagram of a chemical process uses symbols to represent the vessels, piping, valves, pumps, and other equipment of the system, emphasizing their interconnection paths and suppressing physical details. In an electronic circuit diagram, the layout of the symbols may not resemble the layout in the physical circuit. In the schematic diagram, the symbolic elements are arranged to be more easily interpreted by the viewer.

I am refering to the last, the electronic schematic.
Thanks for your help.

beaurawls 8)
The art of dark humor is lost. I still don't think they will bust out the IIC schematic because they dont care about it, yet they would reserve the right to cash in on any potential reissue. This board has a ton of great people, but like Mesa there are sacred cows. JVK will probably be the best source for IIC info. He's pulled a IIC apart with the RP10A and blue printed it. I just dont have the time. I have the job and two kids who are into the grumpy old troll who lived under the brige phase. Johnny/JVK is awesome (not because I still owe you a few favors). All I know is the circuit board for the C+. I don't bother with the fake schematic.

Good Luck as this thread will self destruct in 10 minutes.
Am I to take that as a negative response to my question?

You take yourself way to serious. Learn to lighten up, roll with the flow and above all; have a good time.

beaurawls 8)
beaurawls said:
Am I to take that as a negative response to my question?

You take yourself way to serious. Learn to lighten up, roll with the flow and above all; have a good time.

beaurawls 8)

"Rolling with the flow" is precisely what I was doing. Perhaps the problem lies with the nature of the "flow" that you initiated. I'm sure others will agree.

And I assure you, I AM having a good time. You need not worry about me. 8)
Thanks gts, you are very insightful and correct. I even believe it is working as you and the other real musicians are now coming to the aid and showing leadership. The others are just backup musicians obtained locally so we could put on a good show and entertain the audience.

beaurawls 8)
Boogiebabies thank you for the kind words. I'll send you an email later with some pics that might interest you.

beaurawls you got a PM.
scottcrud said:
Restless Rocks said:
Does anyone remember the fabulous "Sundown" Japanese Boogie Clone amp made for a very short time around 1984-85? )

Sundown amps are not Japanese built Boogie clones, they were built by Dennis Kager of Ampeg fame, and they were built in New Jersey.

Forgive my ignorance about the "Japanese" part of the description. At that time I was on the road full time and one day our sound man came in all smilley with this little sundown amp he had just bought off the back of a truck for $175.00 brand new. He said that the guy had about 20 of them and "It was a real good amp". Well at that time I was using a Homemade MarkIIA that I built from the schematic and I must say that my MkIIa clone kicked *** allover the sundown,(even though not being accurate to specs of the real McCoy) and when the sound guy allowed me to pull the chassis we thought it must have been a cloned sundown by the looks of what we saw inside. And by the way Mesa does not supply a MkIIC schematic. Only the IIB and IIC+ are listed.
A real musician, as I use the term: person willing and able to take life and events and discern the true meaning and undercurrents involved and elevate them to a higher level leaving the world a better place than they found it.

beaurawls 8)
beaurawls, although I think that you may be the one with the drinking problem, not Mike, I do have to give you credit for shaking things up a bit :lol:
Thanks Tuna, another real musician-I love it. I went to your website, but it did not load, is it down?

I learned from The Killer-Jerry Lee- when he flamed his piano. Another real musician from south of the Manson Nixon line.

beaurawls 8)
By the way, another real musician, although he had a bad heroin problem.
I watched him play in a small community center in Hattiesburg, Mississippi in 1957, he took a live chicken (kinda like vr69) and wrung its neck on stage to start the show. The very beginnings of fowl abuse among musicians.

beaurawls 8)

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