LSC/LSS owners; are you happy with channel2?Want to fix it?

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Looking at the LS schematic, both the gain and masters are 1MA pots. The difference between the two are probably the resistance curve (linear, etc).

In theory then, changing them will not allow you to achieve anything different than the original orientation. I can't handle the voodoo people speak about without referencing schematics.

Also, this mod won't make ch 2 exactly like ch 1 as the ch 2 voicing circuit is always in play.

I laugh when you say that "the mod sounds so much better."
Gregwor said:
In theory then, changing them will not allow you to achieve anything different than the original orientation. I can't handle the voodoo people speak about without referencing schematics.

Also, this mod won't make ch 2 exactly like ch 1 as the ch 2 voicing circuit is always in play.

I laugh when you say that "the mod sounds so much better."

Wow! In your awesome presence all of us here in the Reeder camp must be certifiable morons. Guys get some windex and clean out your inferior ears!
Man is destine to repeat history. In 17 pages of this thread, the same skepticism arises over and over. Lets face it, there are some things in life that have to be experienced. This is one of them. Just do it! And tell us why it does what it shouldn't do? I'd love to understand why it works, cause it shouldn't. I questioned the part numbers of the pots from the beginning. It's all in the early pages in the thread. I'm greatful for the mod Charles shared with us. Does it replicate ch 1? As far as I can tell...yes. Give it a try, and figure it out for us.
Gregwor said:
Looking at the LS schematic, both the gain and masters are 1MA pots. The difference between the two are probably the resistance curve (linear, etc).

In theory then, changing them will not allow you to achieve anything different than the original orientation. I can't handle the voodoo people speak about without referencing schematics.

Also, this mod won't make ch 2 exactly like ch 1 as the ch 2 voicing circuit is always in play.

I laugh when you say that "the mod sounds so much better."

If you read back to the earlier days of this thread you'd see that I called Mesa and talked about the mod with them before I did it and got their confirmation that switching the pots would indeed produce the intended results. I can handle talk about voodoo but not J.O.s who don't reference the thread they are posting to.
Gregwor said:
Looking at the LS schematic, both the gain and masters are 1MA pots. The difference between the two are probably the resistance curve (linear, etc).

In theory then, changing them will not allow you to achieve anything different than the original orientation. I can't handle the voodoo people speak about without referencing schematics.

Also, this mod won't make ch 2 exactly like ch 1 as the ch 2 voicing circuit is always in play.

I laugh when you say that "the mod sounds so much better."

Nice to condescend to the masses as in 17 pages of users who like it based on your presumptive "probably the resistance curve"

Whilst surely my knowledge pales.........I reversed back and like the muddier edge to channel II un-modded..........but alas I digress
plan-x said:
What's a "J.O.s"?

Yeah, I didn't want to banned for calling someone a jack off/ jag off/ jerk off/ etc.

I probably shouldn't post on forums after drinking all night in foreign ports. :wink:
thirstypirate said:
plan-x said:
What's a "J.O.s"?

Yeah, I didn't want to banned for calling someone a jack off/ jag off/ jerk off/ etc.

I probably shouldn't post on forums after drinking all night in foreign ports. :wink:

Hey, that dude actually was a JO :oops: Your point was very true about his lack of researching the thread and then comming off like some electrical engineer guru who laughs at us cause we say our sound is better. More likely he was drinking all night in a foreign port. :roll: Mods are always better. Just about everything I own is modded, Guitars, pedals, amps etc. What an ignoramus!
I'm glad you agree. I just hate to have this great thread running off on a tangent that doesn't have anything to do with Lone Stars or the mod.

BTW, out here JO also stands for Junior Officer which is synonymous with all the other definitions most of the time.
To get back on track...

Lou said:
I reversed back and like the muddier edge to channel II un-modded..........but alas I digress

Do you feel strongly about the original channel 2 being superior or was it a slight edge in favor of.

I haven't considered changing mine back. I never used it much before the mod and now it's my primary.
thirstypirate said:
To get back on track...

Lou said:
I reversed back and like the muddier edge to channel II un-modded..........but alas I digress

Do you feel strongly about the original channel 2 being superior or was it a slight edge in favor of.

I haven't considered changing mine back. I never used it much before the mod and now it's my primary.

Well............since it has become the primary channel for you post mod...speakd for itself yes/no?

And to the point.......far superior or slight edge for myself...........have only played it in the LR and not out yet............but I do think I instantly liked the non mod better. I have always like bassier and muddied tones more though.

There is quite an effect one way or another.
Lou said:
Well............since it has become the primary channel for you post mod...speakd for itself yes/no?

And to the point.......far superior or slight edge for myself...........have only played it in the LR and not out yet............but I do think I instantly liked the non mod better. I have always like bassier and muddied tones more though.

There is quite an effect one way or another.

I really do love using the modded channel just past the break up point with the drive on thick and my guitar volume backed off a bit. As has been noted here many times you really have to get the thing cranking to fully appreciate how BA the tones can be.

I've only got to play it in a few different rooms, one of them being on this ship and surrounded by steel on all sides, so I'm still waiting to hear it cranked really loud in an room with nice acoustics. On the other hand, steel is a pretty good conductor of sound and I can wake people up two decks above where we play.
Thirsty Pirate
Steel ship
Virgina Beach

Are you................

I've only played out in a club once with the amp...pre reverse-mod
Still hardly had a handle on the amp...still don't even. I do get to play at some pretty high levels in the home. Equal to performng for sure at times.
Ahh ha ha ha :lol:

I just found a pic of Johnny Depp in the Captain Jack gear playing acoustic that I would have posted now but I couldn't get the page to load.

I'm just one of the many guitar junkies who had to join the Navy to support the habit, pay for college, escape a futile existence in small town USA, whatever. It's been good to me over the years and I meet a lot of players that I wouldn't have any other way. It just makes it really hard to keep a band or do anything with regularity. I do get to travel my a$$ off.
Ha ha, there you go. The other pic I saw had him wearing the pirate get-up and playing an acoustic.

My Reeder mod was actually done in our shop on the ship.
I just received my LSC head a few days ago. How does this mod affect the amps hi-gain sounds? Will I still be able to play Metallica? I don't want to lose versatility, but the mod sounds interesting.
I don't think that the gain sounds much like Metallica either way, since the generalized Metallica tone is a heavy mid scoop. But, I much prefer the gain after the mod because it takes out the overpowering mids that can't be dialed out of the stock channel 2. The new gain sounds more like a Fender pushed to its limits. There are much better descriptions of what it sounds like both ways in the earlier days of this thread.
Yes, I agree with thirsty. Fenderish. Metallica is more toward the dual rec camp. LSC mod ch 2=classic rock ala Bad co, Nuggent, Stones, aerosmith, AC/DC etc. At least I can pull off this kind of stuff and the lay person will recognize it. The mids don't scoop. You'll need a pedal for that. I had a chance to open her up the other day and crank the gain. It was as good as any old fender with a master. Actually I think it outgains some of those. Think Ted nuggent! He used to play a wall of Twins. It doesn't muddy up like it did pre mod. Much more usable range now.

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