Lonestar Special - preamp tube replacements

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What settings are you using? I'm still tweaking the amp between settings 1 and 2. After I switched the speakers to Golds this has made a difference so I sort of bwegan over. It's not there yet, but I'm getting closer. With the humbuckers it seems to be a less forgiving endeveor, but WOW when I get there ... .
Main difference since I last posted is on the clean channel. I basically just use guitar, amp and nothing else now.

On settings I have gain around noon, treble around 3, mid around 1.5, bass around noon, presence around 1.5, channel volume very low around 9 and then use the solo volume to give me the volume on the clean channel. Works great for humbuckers or single coil, and gets a much more hollow sound if that makes any sense. Reverb is dialled in very low, so mainly what you're getting is naked tone.

And thanks TimbreWolf - couldn't have gotten there without you!
I jsut wanted to bump this thread and thank everyone who posted- I found it extremely helpful. I replaced my stock tubes with this lineup:

V1- Amperex Bugle Boy
v2 - NOS JAN GE 5751 (1980s)
v3 - Tung Sol Reissue 12AX7
V4 - didn't touch
V5- Tung Sol Reissue 12AX7

and put NOS RCA 6BQ5/EL84 (Matched Pair) in with some Groove Tubes golds (all I had left, and wanted to test out the RCA's before putting another 100 in a pair of tubes).

WOW! I like to play with tones of clean headroom, and this lineup is great for that. If anything, I had to back the treble down from where I had it. I also do not find the need for distortion pedals, compreessor or a clean boost anymore! the retube of the loop makes it tolerable for me to use the clean of the f/s instead of toe-tabbing to the RC boost.

I must say, it is so tough taking these things off a board- what a safety blanket. I have a gig tomorow, and I am trying to convince myself not to bring them, but I may pack them in case the soundman won't let me crank (but then I guess I can dial to 15W). but no TS-9 needed anymore, although I may keep the Barber LTD for clean low OD

jrkooshman said:
V1- Amperex Bugle Boy
Curiosity question: what are the etch codes on that tube? They would enable you to i.d. it conclusively.

jrkooshman said:
and put NOS RCA 6BQ5/EL84 (Matched Pair) in
Curiosity again: gray- or black-plate?

I'm glad to hear you're enjoying the re-tube of your amp. It is exciting - like having a whole new amp!

Pedal free - what a concept!

- Thom
Thanks - I will have to check on the Bugle Boy- it wasn't exactly new, but man does it sound good. The GE's are these ones:
The tube codes are found etched into the glass, on the lower side. That photo you've posted shows a very nice tube, but the paint can be (and has been, in rare cases) faked. Plus, it doesn't show which factory that tube was made in. Looks like the tube was made in 1959, probably in Heerlen (with a delta-shaped factory code).


- Thom
jrkooshman said:
Thanks Timbre,
The only number I see is a 48L.
Now we're getting somewhere... What you interpreted as "4" is really the delta-symbol, representing the Heerlen, Holland factory. The tube was manufactured in December of 1958, and was painted with the Bugle Boy in 1959.

If you look carefully, in strong light, and with a magnifying glass, you might be able to make out a "mC" code above the line you've already seen.


- Thom
dodger916 said:
I've read a number of your posts, and now have enough knowledge to get myself into trouble...but not enough to get out of it! :wink:
Once you've opened Pandora's Box, you might as well climb inside and wallow in it. 8)

- T
lol- I went from all stock tubes to all NOS, including Mullards and Amperex pairs for EL84's!
jrkooshman said:
lol- I went from all stock tubes to all NOS, including Mullards and Amperex pairs for EL84's!
You've got some very nice stuff there.

We've got to use these tubes judiciously, and keep the lore alive for the next generation, who otherwise won't know what they're missing.

- t
Here is a bunch of vids from my last cover band gig. Unfortunately for you, it was from my company party and everyone was pretty tipsy (myself included). So, not my shining moments, but the crowd was very energetic and receptive, so it was all good!

Ps- this is without the changes in the EL84- its RCA's and Groove tubes.

Waterford Values is selling 3 different preamp set of cryo-tubes to clean up the LSS. This looks like some food for thought, especially the 7025 in #5.
I just got 2 Tesla 12AX7's. I will continue to put together my NOS replacements for the stock tubes over the next 3 months.
I'm thinking about going back to a 12AX7 for the reverb - any suggestions?
What have you been using? As to reverb the 12AX7 appears to be a good choice, but NOS may be an unnecessary use of money as the difference is minimal in tone enhancement. Others have reported using the new Tung Sol with good results. I plan to use the stock Mesa there and use my limited funds on the other spots. Also lI'm ooking for good power tubes. I'm not able to locate Tungsrum or Telsa EL-84's. I may get Harma or GE's. Any thoughts?
I'm using Mullard CV4024.

Any advice on good NOS 12AX7 for reverb appreciated. Timbrewolf, are you out there?

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