Lonestar Special - preamp tube replacements

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Tube World has a nice selection, but their page is a little difficult to follow. Mike @ SND Tube Sales is a good guy no BS and has a great selection.
yikes! KCANOS has 8 dollar JJ's! I don't even need them and I want them.

Thanks for the tip on those sites :)
You're welcome. The new issue Tung Sol's and Mullard's look interesting as well and not too expensive. I'm waiting to read some reports, but at the cost they may well be worth taking a chance on especially for V-3 and V-4. Good luck. Mike also has Mullard NOS 5y3 rectifier tubes. That's my next purchase.
boogieman90 said:
Seedy is okay as long as the tubes are as advirtised
Totally missed my infantile sexual connotation. Try saying "anos" a bunch of times. This is best attempted out loud in a public place, such as when you are riding the bus.

- T
;ha! Just got it too :)
Boogieman, I read that the Mullard reissue's are dying fast. I have a new Tun-sol as my phase inverter with no issues.

now about those Brimars....anyone try one in an LSS?
Sorry to hear about the reissue Mullards. Oh well better they die than I waste hard earned $ on junk. As to the Brimars, I'm looking at them hard for V-1 and maybe V-3. I've got my Teslas(not JJ) but am holding them back at present until I can do a complete retube.
I haven't heard the Brimars yet, but all of the reports I've read, especially Waterford Values tests of 12AX&'s, declare it an excellent choice, nearly Mullard in quality at less $$$. There's a guy in Canada, kraudio, selling them for about $90 per and will cryo treat them for free if you like.
I got my 5Y3 Mullard on Wednesday. Wow looks great. While waiting I read some interesting comments on using a 5V4 in lieu of the 5Y3. Any thoughts on this? My research looks compelling for this move. Obviously either move terminates my Boogie Warantee, but if either tube improves my amp so be it.
boogieman90 said:
I got my 5Y3 Mullard on Wednesday. Wow looks great.
Can you post a photo? I didn't know Mullard made a 5Y3!

- Thom

p.s.: if you were the one who just posted on the Tubes Asylum, for an i.d. on a Mullard 5Y3G - I think that is a Marconi/Osram U50 (equivalent of 5Y3GT), with "Mullard" branding on it. No etched codes = not Mullard (or other of the Philips conglomerate).
I have always had a NOS 5Y3 in my LSS. Never any issues. Then again, I am always running at 30watts
I'm learning to do this. My first pic is not clear. The tube says Mullard within the Sheild. Underneither this is says 5y3g. Under that is a W oval with BVA in itBritain Mag underneith that. I'll attempt to attach my poor pics.
Sorry about the spelling. Inverted my E's and I's. If you have a direct email I can send the pics that way.
I purchased this from Michael Marx at SND tubes. You can check his site or contact him for info. I was not the one who wrote to the other place. My reference to "Britain MAG" may be inaccurate. I just had eye surgery and I can't read small print well. Sorry if there are any inaccuracies in this. Just looking to improve my rig and share with others as they have shared so freely, especially you Timbre Wolf!
I got the 5V4 today as well. No Mullard name on it. I'll look for an etch code. It is brown base and has a CV 593 and an etch code on the other side too small for me to make out.
I just popped this into my LSS, and it sounds AMAZING.

jrkooshman said:
I just popped this into my LSS, and it sounds AMAZING.

:shock: Nice score! Are you using it as the first input? Could you elaborate on the qualities that add up to amazing?

- Thom
its in V1, with a Raytheon Black plate in V2. Its sounds warmer than the 59 Amperex that was in there before. I hear the notes as more articulate, and the highs are more pronounced. And that's just the clean tone! I have V2 set as a nasty, Stones/Black Crowes (drive 1:00, Gain 3:00, everything else around 10:00, thick switch). I feel that the chord notes are a tad clearer than before.

I'll try to post some clips. Haven't tried my strat- this is with the PRS.

So, if I was to look for more of these, I would have to pay some coin, right? I just wanted to test out a used one to see how it would sound.
jrkooshman said:
So, if I was to look for more of these, I would have to pay some coin, right? I just wanted to test out a used one to see how it would sound.
Uh-oh - now that you're hooked, you're looking into the true market? Zoiks! Yes, you'll pay more than coin - you'll pay some serious paper. They'll cost you about $50-$60 used, and quite a bit more as NOS. Classic pusher tactic... the first one is "free." There ain't no rehab, either.

Thanks for the sonic description. Your impressions parallel my own. I find this to be the 12AX7 with the greatest clarity. I'll bet your amp sounds exquisite now!

- T

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