Just bought a Pre500 Blackface

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Well-known member
Apr 9, 2007
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After searching tirelessly for months, I finally found my self a pre500 Blackface w/ chrome chassis! The headshell is a little beat up (i plan on replacing it with a new/old one) but it sounds AWESOME! I am now a true believer that these amps are the real deal! The tone is noticably better than my 2 channel triple rectifier (which wasn't all that bad to begin with). My advice to any one who is searching for a specific, hard to find amp is to just hang in there and don't settle. There were several times in the past month where I could have bought an amp that was *close* to what I was looking for but not quite it...

Now, my question for the current(or past) Pre 500 (Rev D) owners- What are your favorite settings for your REV D? I think I have found "my tone" but I want to keep experimenting with this amp...
a board member stated that they knew someone who might be selling one...I found out the name of the band that they guy was in, and looked it up. It turned out the band was from a neighboring state. I sent the guy an email, and made him a cash offer. He said he would be interested in selling it, and it turned out that the guy actually lived 5 miles from me, which made it an easy transaction. I got really lucky.
Now, my question for the current(or past) Pre 500 (Rev D) owners- What are your favorite settings for your REV D? I think I have found "my tone" but I want to keep experimenting with this amp...

I have R0109.. Not sure it its "Rev D" but try this...

Dual Rectifier amp settings (in terms of o' clock) are:
Master =High noon Baby!
Presence =basically off
Bass =12:30
Mid =10
Treble =1:30 - 2
Gain =1:30

It's running 6L6's
Channel select is Red
Channel style select is Org to Modern
Orange Channel Gain is on Variable Hi Gain (Normal)
Power set to Bold
Rectifier select is vacuum tubes
Effects loop off
Cab is plugged into 8-16 Ohms.
Surfguitar! said:
Now, my question for the current(or past) Pre 500 (Rev D) owners- What are your favorite settings for your REV D? I think I have found "my tone" but I want to keep experimenting with this amp...

I have R0109.. Not sure it its "Rev D" but try this...

Dual Rectifier amp settings (in terms of o' clock) are:
Master =High noon Baby!
Presence =basically off
Bass =12:30
Mid =10
Treble =1:30 - 2
Gain =1:30

It's running 6L6's
Channel select is Red
Channel style select is Org to Modern
Orange Channel Gain is on Variable Hi Gain (Normal)
Power set to Bold
Rectifier select is vacuum tubes
Effects loop off
Cab is plugged into 8-16 Ohms.

If yours is #109, you have a Revision C, which account for the reason your Presence is off. Rev C's Presence pot is noticeably higher than Rev D. It is so far the only difference I have found between both revisions.

Johnson, Rev D is a little darker than surfguitar's amp, so you won't want to kill your Presence. Unless you like a realllllyyy dark amp.

My favorite settings are Rec. Tubes, Bold, and I like to mostly leave everything flat. It sounds so good flat it's unreal. The highest I'll take the gain is about 230-3. It compresses VERY nicely (no mush), but you have to compensate by bringing up some of the other knobs as well, noticeably mids. Upping the gain will scoop the amp out. I like to turn the efx loop on so I can utilize the Overall volume knob (crank it!) and then adjust the channel master knob to the volume I need. Althoug, if you have the ability to do so, turn loop off and crank the nuts out of the channel master....Either way, THESE AMPS KILL!!!

They should come with a disclaimer or warning sticker: DO NOT PLAY IN FRONT OF SMALL CHILDREN OR PUPPIES!
I like to turn the efx loop on so I can utilize the Overall volume knob (crank it!) and then adjust the channel master knob to the volume I need.

When I first bought the amp thats the way it was set up and I *thought* it sounded better, but I believe I was told it had no bearing on the sound. Does it? In other words, I don't use effects so shouldn't it just be off? Please elaborate! Does it enhance the sound in any fashion?
Hey Guys thanks for your replies! I can't wait to play with these settings more! I will post my settings ASAP, and I will put some pictures up as soon as I get my new headshell. One more question though for you blackface owners...Is your knob for the "LOOP ACTIVE MASTER" Black or chrome? Cause mine is black, and i've seen it chrome (with the other knobs black) on others.
My knob is black, the rest are chrome.

By engaging the efx loop, you are allowe to use the Loop Active Master knob, aka the Overall volume knob. Don't ask me why as I don't know the electronics off the top of my head like Boogiebabies, but this knob allows you to control the saturation of the power tubes. The channel master knobs control the saturation of the preamp tubes.

When you engage the efx loop and crank the Overall volume knob, you are effectively getting more power tube saturation, which is what everyone really wants out of a tube amp. Power tube saturation is what made ACDC famous, Jimi hendrix, etc...If you only crank the Channel Master knob and do not engage the Overall knob, you are only saturating the preamp tubes. This sucks at low volumes because you get no power tube saturation. To get the head to sound good using Channel Master alone, you have to REALLY crank the volume and go deaf as a result.

Think of engaging the efx loop as an attenuator of sorts.....

I hope I didn't confuse everyone too much. I rambled a lot.
So i see you got my old one. By the way i ment to talk to your seller as i Forgot to change back the knobs. I have all chrome on my R0005, If you want to swap them let me know, you are also welcome to come by and try R0005. I am in alexandria, va.

Johnson said:
Hey Guys thanks for your replies! I can't wait to play with these settings more! I will post my settings ASAP, and I will put some pictures up as soon as I get my new headshell. One more question though for you blackface owners...Is your knob for the "LOOP ACTIVE MASTER" Black or chrome? Cause mine is black, and i've seen it chrome (with the other knobs black) on others.
Elpelotero, That's interesteng. I assumed that the Active Loop Master was not needed at all if the loop was not being used.

Here's how I saw things.... The Gain knob controls your preamp tubes, the Master knob is for the power tubes.

Anyway, I tried turning the FX loop to "on org & red" and put the active loop master on about 4 o'clock (or a 9 - basically cranked) and then put the Master at about 2 o clock. There was a noticable difference. This thing sounds better every day! Lock up your Daughters!
Elpelotero - one more question.. What about the loop "send" where should that lie? Mines on 5. Does it matter?
I'm pretty familiar with this one, as well, since the previous owner is my drummer. ;)

It's a good sounding two channel, for sure.
Guitarzan said:
Surfguitar! said:
Elpelotero - one more question.. What about the loop "send" where should that lie? Mines on 5. Does it matter?
Start @ 12:00 and work from there.

Good Call.

I usually leave Vader between 12 and 1 depending on the sitchamagation.

Hey !!! I'v got a chrome knob too. It's only on the Chrome chassis that you get the black knobs and the chrome Master.



The Force is strong with this one
Boogiebabies, Vader is a fine piece indeed! I feel the need to name mine now! Anyone else have a name for their blackface? :lol:

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