I'm maybe considering buying a Road King.

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Scary Guy IRL

Well-known member
May 17, 2005
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Hey, i'm from ireland and have always been attracted to boogies. I was maybe thinking of buying one, but they are "very" expensive over here. But i was thinking of maybe saving for a few years and buy a road king head and cab either here, or in america as an "investment"... I can use it to practice...nock it down to 50watt, and if i need..... put it to 100 or 120 watts..... what are your opinions on this amp as in tone... etc? and what are your opinions on getting it as an "investment"....

Buying a road king for tone: Good move. The Road King does the Recto thing flawlessly and has better cleans than any other recto model (better than many other amps period). Add in the use of EL34s on any channel you want and the possibilities open WAAAY up. Blending EL34s and 6L6s on channel 4 is absolute monster high-gain orgasm territory.

I don't really have any opinion of buying gear as an investment.
Scary Guy IRL said:
Hey, i'm from ireland and have always been attracted to boogies. I was maybe thinking of buying one, but they are "very" expensive over here. But i was thinking of maybe saving for a few years and buy a road king head and cab either here, or in america as an "investment"... I can use it to practice...nock it down to 50watt, and if i need..... put it to 100 or 120 watts..... what are your opinions on this amp as in tone... etc? and what are your opinions on getting it as an "investment"....

If you want a RK as an investment. Buy used.
I've owned a RoadKing since mid Feb. I've yet to find a tone that I couldn't dial in with a little bit of EQ'ing from a Rocktron xpression.

Had a fellow over today that had never played on a Mesa, and had "always" played on Marshall and Fender since the early 70's. He stated that the RoadKing was the best sounding amp he'd ever played bar none.. If that gives you any ideas.

As far as the investment part goes i'll have to pass since i've always bought amps on what I saw as good tone with no thought to resale value.
The Road King is by far the best amp I have ever played or heard for that matter. I play everything from Steely Dan to Rush to Beatles to STP...well...hell, everything just about. (a cover band will do that to ya).

I can get ANY tone I hear in my head with that amp and a few basic effects. Unlike many of the guys here, I don't use a multi effects unit any more. I used to use Boss, and then later a Rocktron Taboo...now I just use a few judiciously placed stomp boxes. All overdrive/dist. comes right from the Road King.

My signal path is: Guitar to Morley Little Alligator Volume to Morley Bad Horsie II wah to TC Electronics stereo chorus/flanger to a modded phase 90 into front of Road King Combo. Guayatone Micro Delay in Loop 1. I use a 91 Les Paul Standard, a 91 Am standard Strat with Fralin Blues specials, a 71 SG, and an 05 Yamaha sa2200 semi-hollow.

The controls on the RK are so good and so interactive, that with a little time spent, you can dial in just about anyting. Add and outboard eq like tavman talks about, and I don't think you would ever need more. Also, the RK's assignable speaker outs allow you to use different cabinets for different sounds....man...I could go on forever.

Get the RK....forget the part about a financial investment...this amp is a pure and simple investment in TONE. You won't be sorry.

:wink: Amen to that......

Owned a RK & RK cab since Dec. 04. Don't think this thing is just a kickass Rectifier, I can dial in any **** thing I want. I hear people talk smack about the RK, but you'll never know how she really is until you've taken her home and made passionate love to her. I have lost count of all the sweet spots in this thing. Every tone I dial in is a sweet spot. No desire to ever buy another amp, ever.
no soul said:
HappyStrat said:
:wink: Amen to that......

Owned a RK & RK cab since Dec. 04. Don't think this thing is just a kickass Rectifier

I really dont see how it isnt.

To my ears, the RK has much more vibrant cleans, and the "tweed" mode on Ch.2 is a very different voice for Mesa (outside of the Stiletto line).

Add to that the immeanse versatility and it seems a bit different to me.
Grandor said:
If you want a RK as an investment. Buy used.

I've been watching eBay for the last two months to see what the RK head has been going for. I've decided that you might as well buy a new one for what the used ones are going for. The regular head (non-tread plate face) with footswitch etc., is going for around $2K (U.S dollars). Guitar Center's price is currently $2199 which is a drop from the previous price of $2499. I doubt if the drop will be reflected in used prices any time soon, if ever, and the RK head has been--at least for me--hard to find used except for the occasional eBay listing.
The heads that are $2199 at GC are their new old stock. They have had then for atleast 2 years. A brand new head still goes for $2499.
Cochise said:
The heads that are $2199 at GC are their new old stock. They have had then for atleast 2 years. A brand new head still goes for $2499.

Well, I know that depending on who you talk to at a store, you might get a different story, but I called the Canton, MI and Southfield, MI GC’s and asked them how old their heads where. One was about 2 MONTHS old and the oldest has been in the store about a year—but hasn’t been on the floor that long. The guy at the Southfield store told me the reason for reducing the prices to $2199 didn’t have anything to do with how old they were---he said it’s because GC isn’t going to carry the RK anymore--seems odd, but thats' what he said. In any case, whatever the reason is and whether or not their RK’s could be considered new old stock or not, they are still new—never owned and come with a warranty. So anyway, if I were looking for a RK right now (which I am), I sure wouldn’t buy a used one. I’ve been looking for two months for a used one to look at locally—or even somewhere within my state. The only ones I’ve seen have been on eBay. I'd much rather spend $2199 and get the 15 months same as cash deal for a new one then pay around $2000 (plus shipping) for one off eBay that I won’t be able to actually check out until after I pay for it. With anything used, there is no way to really know the history of the thing or whether or not it was abused or not. So if you're looking for a RK, right now is the time to get one—a NEW one from Guitar Center—it’s pretty much a “no-brainer”.
MisterSG said:
Cochise said:
The heads that are $2199 at GC are their new old stock. They have had then for atleast 2 years. A brand new head still goes for $2499.

Well, I know that depending on who you talk to at a store, you might get a different story, but I called the Canton, MI and Southfield, MI GC’s and asked them how old their heads where. One was about 2 MONTHS old and the oldest has been in the store about a year—but hasn’t been on the floor that long. The guy at the Southfield store told me the reason for reducing the prices to $2199 didn’t have anything to do with how old they were---he said it’s because GC isn’t going to carry the RK anymore--seems odd, but thats' what he said. In any case, whatever the reason is and whether or not their RK’s could be considered new old stock or not, they are still new—never owned and come with a warranty. So anyway, if I were looking for a RK right now (which I am), I sure wouldn’t buy a used one. I’ve been looking for two months for a used one to look at locally—or even somewhere within my state. The only ones I’ve seen have been on eBay. I'd much rather spend $2199 and get the 15 months same as cash deal for a new one then pay around $2000 (plus shipping) for one off eBay that I won’t be able to actually check out until after I pay for it. With anything used, there is no way to really know the history of the thing or whether or not it was abused or not. So if you're looking for a RK, right now is the time to get one—a NEW one from Guitar Center—it’s pretty much a “no-brainer”.

I have been looking for a Road King head and if they have one that is only 2 months old(which may be a lie) where did they get it? From what I was told Mesa has not made them recently. I will call them(GC) tomorrow. If they have one that is ony 2 months old and not a floor model I will get it. I even called Mesa to see where they suggest me going to get one. A place in Grand Rapids(which is where I had planned on getting it and where they mentioned) has had an order for one head now for a while. I was told that they are on back order. Mesa will start producing them within the next month or so. And(from what I was told) Mesa will not allow price reduction unless the item was in stock for at least 2 years. But again that is just what I was told. It may not all be true but it is all I know. I have been to the Canton GC. It has been the only store in which they actually had the RK in stock and I could check it out. They told me the same thing. That they were no longer having the Road King in stock. They just don't sell is what the salesman said to me.
Cochise said:
I will call them(GC) tomorrow. If they have one that is ony 2 months old and not a floor model I will get it.

I have been to the Canton GC. It has been the only store in which they actually had the RK in stock and I could check it out.

Oh know! That's were I was going to go! I should have kept my big mouth shut! Or else I'm going to have to get my a** out of bed early and get there before you do! (LOL)

Actually, I'm not playing out right now and am still having a hard time justifying to myself spending that much on an amp--although they sure are amazing--the utlimate if you ask me. I'm going to go check out a mint tremoverb tomorrow and I might get that instead--and save some $$$ --but I'm still torn between the two. I like the trems better then the regular duals... But the RK is the bomb.
Cochise said:
So are you in Michigan? I am in Lansing.

Yes, just a bit north of Midland. It sure is a small word... the tremoverb that I'm going to look at is posted for sale on this site but is located like 15 miles away from me...

As for the person who started this thread (Scary Guy IRL), he might be better off buying used since he's from Ireland. Not sure what a new one cost there or what it costs to ship a used one (eBay) from the States though...

I was looking on the web to find RK prices in Europe and the only thing I could find was a PDF file on a site in Switzerland--Heer music--which has the RK listed, apparently, for 6990.00--not sure if that's Swiss Francs or Euros, but considering the U.S. regular price is $2499.00, that's pretty darn expensive. I just did an online currency conversion: 6990 Swiss Francs = 5682.93 U.S dollars; 6990 Euros = 8757.75 U.S. dollars. If that number (6990) is correct and it's either Euros or Swiss Francs, and I was living in Europe and wanted a RK, I would be going on eBay and trying to get a used one from the U.S. Wow! If I got my numbers right, the RK costs more than double of what it does in the States...
It would be cheaper for someone from Europe to actually fly over to America buy a Mesa amp from a dealer. Then have it shipped back home with them. Even the airline they are travelling with can transport it back home with them. And even with the customs duty added, it's a real good deal based upon that Swiss currency conversion.
I had asked a Gtr Ctr salesman and he said that they will no longer carry the Road King as a regular item. It can still be special ordered by them through Mesa Boogie. The amps are marked down by Gtr Center as clearance items to move them out of the store. Mesa Boogie is usually never discounted except at times like this when they become clerance items. Sometimes you can get lucky and pick up the amp you were looking for on clearance.
Perhaps Scary Guy IRL should call Guitar Centers in the U.S. and find one of the discounted RKs and have it shipped to him back in Ireland... That would probably put the total price, with shipping and duties closer to what we would normally pay, with state sales tax, here in the States (In Michigan, it's 6%). So a regular priced RK would be $2648.94 for a MI resident. I'm still thinking about getting one while they are on sale and before they're all gone...
I was just at Guitar Center today to check out the Memorial Day deals and the 15 month financing. I was close to getting something, but I had decided to wait a bit longer. I was thinking of getting a Road King amp over the Lonestar. The Lonestar just cam out and will be around for a while. How many times a year do they have a sale like that with special deals? What about the 15 month financing? I thought it was at least 2 or 3 times a year. Anybody out there please let me know.
i worked all day and let me tell you im EXHAUSTED!!!!!!!!
we had a 4 hour prep after close last night, i got 4 hours of sleep, then
11 hours straight today. GC is rough sometimes. anyways...

15 month financing is only around once every other year or so.
12 month comes around about ever 4 months or so.
my advice to you is this: if you saw a discounted boogie and its the one you want, BUY IT NOW. it will be gone tomarrow. you have one more day my friend. take advantage of it :)